Claudio Bravo


Senior Member
Lucho needs to prove his worth as a coach right now. If he's a great coach, or a good coach. We need to go on a winning streak until the clasico. If we don't, La Liga is in danger.

6 Ballons for Messi

but what if he wins 7??
Did no one of bravo's fanbois watch the horrible mistake he made?
Someone put through our defence a very sweet high ball, bravo came forward but didn't commit, their attacker could have easily lobbed him there, but instead he controlled the ball and went to the sides.
9 times out of 10 bravo would have been chipped there.


Wild Man of Borneo
I wonder if the mythical defense organizing skill narrative will die now?!?

I mean, Bravo is obviously a better communicator with his defense than MAtS (we see Marc often going for balls at the same time as his defenders and generally being out of sync with them) but I don't think that alone is the key difference maker that has led ter Stegen to the form he's in right now nor the quality that makes Bravo so good.

@6 Balllons that wasn't an error at all, he put pressure under Gameiro and forced the struggle.


Did no one of bravo's fanbois watch the horrible mistake he made?
Someone put through our defence a very sweet high ball, bravo came forward but didn't commit, their attacker could have easily lobbed him there, but instead he controlled the ball and went to the sides.
9 times out of 10 bravo would have been chipped there.

Now we are pointing hypothetical mistakes lël


I mean, Bravo is obviously a better communicator with his defense than MAtS (we see Marc often going for balls at the same time as his defenders and generally being out of sync with them) but I don't think that alone is the key difference maker that has led ter Stegen to the form he's in right now nor the quality that makes Bravo so good.

I think the issue is that certain players are not giving enough respect to MATS to listen to him (*cough* Mathieu *cough*). MATS's Spanish speaking skills are quite good now, but some of his defense still doesn't listen to his instructions. Case in point, the Leverkusen goal. Whereas Bravo commands more respect from his defenders and they actually listen to him.


Senior Member
We shouldn't be arguing about the goalkeepers anyhow. It's the defense that is a mess. What the hell happened to Lucho and Unzue's work last season!? Is it the fact that Mathieu keeps not giving a fuck?
It's really bad man. Alves,Pique,Mathieu and Masche have been Subpar so far, our most constant Defenders have been Roberto,Verm (Before Injured) and Alba even Bartra played well this season Despite having a mare of a pre season.

Mathieu needs to be either sold or Benched Permanently, Alves shouldn't be starting most of the games anymore and Masche needs the bench treatment as well.


Senior Member
Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble but "pas di tout mon ami" & whoever is intimidated by an invisible man on an online forum needs to revise his priorities at life

Not sure why yourself (and few others on BF) always come across so vexed. Looks like the smiley was lost on you. The gen. principle of a debate is to address the interlocutor, if there are more than one, so there remains no ambiguity. But I shall honour your words, and look to revise my priorities at life. :wub:

"pas di tout mon ami" - Quelle langue? Je ne l'ai pas compris. :(

And for future reference, not a man, but a Woman. :wave:

So your general dislikeness comes from an off-pitch instance that totally escapes the GK analysis.

Yep it does. But I don't have to like a player to give him his dues, which I have. People like/dislike footballers for diff reasons, as long as it doesn't impede their judgement when evaluating their performances, not sure what the prob is.

I invest emotionally in matches at a teams perspective. When it comes to objective analysis of a player, emotion should be left out of the variables as it doesn't make any sense. For some ppl its tougher and some others its easier. My professional background helps.

Well, good for you, babe. :thumbsup:


San Claudio Bravo
I mean, Bravo is obviously a better communicator with his defense than MAtS (we see Marc often going for balls at the same time as his defenders and generally being out of sync with them) but I don't think that alone is the key difference maker that has led ter Stegen to the form he's in right now nor the quality that makes Bravo so good.

@6 Balllons that wasn't an error at all, he put pressure under Gameiro and forced the struggle.

The key difference is Bravo has a decade of keeper experience over MAtS. That's the difference, not some mythical organizational skill that makes Bravo a puppet master moving defenders into positions and MAtS some mumbling fool who has the defense committing mistakes and playing badly.

I hope this narrative dies already.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
On the bright side, at least this ends the Mats bashing that's been going on here.

That ends nothing, because Mats has made some major errors this season, some have been exaggerated and some have been unfounded, but overall one can't deny Mats has been in poor form...

Regarding Bravo, he had nothing to do in the goals, but I agree the play against Gameiro was poor judgement... However, had he stayed in his line things could have been worse as Gameiro would have been unchallenged... Either way, it's his first match in a while, so I expect him to improve in the coming weeks...

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