Claudio Bravo

Pepe Silvia

Active member
And I don't think we should keep up with this one GK for the league and another one for the cups for much longer either. Everyone else have one Starting GK that plays the two biggest competitions and so should we starting from 2017 IMO.
Glad we do things a little differently tbh

I'm starting to enjoy having both Bravo and tS... took a while for tS to grow on me but I love the guy now, warts and all.


I want to go to bed but this argument is actually keeping me from sleeping. It seems you're genuinely not trolling, either. Roughly fifteen different sentences have been typed into this space right here but I realized one by one that every single one of them would probably have the mods in my messages.

The Champions League is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COMPETITION to La Liga. One drop in form is enough to make you wipe out and lose. If Bravo conceded 3 goals without a single save in the CL like he did in La Liga we'd have been eliminated. La Liga is a hundred times more forgiving to lackluster performances, which is why we were able to win La Liga even in spite of our keeper shitting the bed in January and never washing his sheets. During the period where we lost to Atleti in the CL the entire team lost focus and lacked the drive to pull out a win. During that same period we dropped numerous points in La Liga as well, but the difference is La Liga isn't a knockout tournament. Like honestly this argument is so absurd that it's hard to comprehend how you wouldn't be trolling.

The "Same exact players" argument was used towards Mats when he had to step in the *first* time Bravo got injured and the defense was in a shambles, with people arguing that those same players won the league with Bravo in goal, and yet the very moment Bravo returned from injury he proceeded to concede goals at the exact same rate. This may also hurt for you to acknowledge, but during Bravo's *second* injury at the end of the season, Mats stepped in and did a much better job than he had done in all of 2016. A job that needed to be done, as without those final few wins we would not have won the league. With Bravo missing so much action due to injury, the notion that he single handedly won La Liga for us between the sticks just isn't true. In fact, I would argue that we'd have possibly been in a better position if Mats had been starting for most of 2016.

The fact that you need to go back to 2015 or earlier to say that Bravo is the better keeper is proof that he's not. Somehow the "33 is young for a keeper, he can perform like this until he's 37+" argument has vanished into thin air and has been replaced with "Mats just needs to be patient!". No. You don't take what is arguably your best keeper who can be here for another decade and tell him to be "patient", especially after performing at a world class level for 2 years while doing exactly that, for the sake of keeping a 33 year old keeper who has failed to perform for the entire second half of a season.

I could go on but you probably don't see my point, and chances are you never will. I honestly think people like you don't give a crap about the club, you just care about Bravo. That's the only logical way to explain someone using ass-backward logic like "Bravo won La Liga and Mats didn't win the CL, so now Bravo should play CL and La Liga" to try and prefer a keeper who will perform for 2 years maximum over a keeper who can perform for the next decade.



God Serena

New member
He can just reply to me, it's alright.

I honestly struggled so hard to collect my thoughts and reply to it that I understand why nobody else did.


Active member
Bravo is 33 already.



Vice President of FC Barcelona
[MENTION=20420]God Serena[/MENTION] i don't know if that might answer your question .. foot ball is not 1v1 sport .. only issue here is this .. the squad who plays the champions league is the exact one playing la liga minus the goalkeeping position .. so in this case we do have 1 " variable " which is the goalkeeper .. version 1 of the squad won its' competition version 2 no . that's how i see things you don't have to agree with it

So by that logic we can safety assume that the drop in form in the 2nd half of the season which saw us almost lose out on La Liga, dropping a 12 point lead mind you, can be solely attributed to Bravo. Good Lord guys, sell!! He cost us a fucking 12 point lead.



Bad example. Buffon is the God of GKs. The Greatest GK of all time in my book. No GK, no matter how good could challenge him for the #1 spot as long as he was there. The fact that Buffon is heading into his 40s and is still on top level is no surprise at all. This is nothing like the Bravo's case, where he has a pretty much equaly good GK as his competition in the team who is also many years younger. What people trying to say here is that, MatS is now mature enough to take the #1 spot from now. There is no more need to keep benching him for Bravo and risk the chance that he might look for another club to play more regularly, if he keeps being considered as the second GK behind Bravo.


Buffon is the GOAT of gk's. And he missed 0 games from injury last season. Terrible comparison to make.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Bad example. Buffon is the God of GKs. The Greatest GK of all time in my book. No GK, no matter how good could challenge him for the #1 spot as long as he was there. The fact that Buffon is heading into his 40s and is still on top level is no surprise at all. This is nothing like the Bravo's case, where he has a pretty much equaly good GK as his competition in the team who is also many years younger. What people trying to say here is that, MatS is now mature enough to take the #1 spot from now. There is no more need to keep benching him for Bravo and risk the chance that he might look for another club to play more regularly, if he keeps being considered as the second GK behind Bravo.

I agree, to me Buffon is the greatest GK of all time. Any comparison made to him is stupid.


New member
No surprises here. Same people who questioned Bravos signing 2 years ago, who questioned him starting over MATS, who questioned him even when he was breaking records, start questioning him again. They've even started using his bad performances for Chile in the group stage of the Copa to say he's playing badly, but incredibly don't consider his beastly performance in the knock out stages. I've asked for bloopers and the details of the matches he supposedly played so badly for Barca during 2016, but havent been provided with any.

Give them both a run for their money during the next year. Keep their roles to start off, and if one is playing consistingly better than the other during the next 6 months, bench the one who's not performing. And if its Mats, so be it.

God Serena

New member
No surprises here. Same people who questioned Bravos signing 2 years ago, who questioned him starting over MATS, who questioned him even when he was breaking records, start questioning him again. They've even started using his bad performances for Chile in the group stage of the Copa to say he's playing badly, but incredibly don't consider his beastly performance in the knock out stages. I've asked for bloopers and the details of the matches he supposedly played so badly for Barca during 2016, but havent been provided with any.

Give them both a run for their money during the next year. Keep their roles to start off, and if one is playing consistingly better than the other during the next 6 months, bench the one who's not performing. And if its Mats, so be it.

0 saves against Real Madrid. Beaten at his near post constantly. He didn't play badly but he for damn sure wasn't playing well.

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