Claudio Bravo


Agreed. I don't want Bravo to leave. I want Bravo and TS to switch the roles they currently have. But I don't think Bravo would be content with that and if he won't be happy with it, it's best to let him leave and not Ter Stegen.


Staff member
Mats could win the fucking double every single season and you Bravo fanboys would still say this same nonsense. You are seriously acting like the league is sooo much harder than the CL and Copa, but Bravo's 2016 performances were nowhere near the level we'd require in our knockout rounds.

You Stegen fanboy should refrain from calling others fanboys.

And yes, league was harder than CL. And btw. players and Lucho repeat each year that league is most important competition.


Active member
Agreed. I don't want Bravo to leave. I want Bravo and TS to switch the roles they currently have. But I don't think Bravo would be content with that and if he won't be happy with it, it's best to let him leave and not Ter Stegen.

Ter Stegen should then play on loan for a year somewhere. Best solution is of course keeping them, but i would hold on to Bravo because i believe at this stage he is more valuable for the club and what happens to this club in next 2 years to get maximum from the amazing set of ageing players we have, is so much important and i firmly believe if we want to do something extraordinary for that period we need an experienced goalkeeper.


High Definition Member
Did you watch copa America? Bravo is still top class

Stegen and bravo are both top class but bravo doesn't do shit like this


At the end of the day you want your keeper to stay solid and keep clean sheets which is what bravo does and keeps doing. When Stegen stops trying to be a hero then he can get number one spot
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New member
For a reason

Why on earth do you think i am someones fanboy? I care about the success of the club and individual stories do not matter to me at all and to get rid of a goalkeeper who has played an important part of our back to back titles because he is 33 years old is just fcking idiotic. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Bravos performances in 2016 and as shown in Copa America final he is on top shape.
I am very sure that our coaching staff are by far smarter than anyone on this forum and if they trust Bravo in goal, there must be a reason for it. So if you want to call someone a fanboy, call yourself.

Calling others blind if they don't have the same opinion as you but then saying there was nothing wrong with his performances in 2016 can only suggest you haven't been paying attention in 2016. It is literally the opposite of a conclusion that someone who hasn't stopped watching us play after the winter break could come away with.


President of FC Barcelona
Did you watch copa America? Bravo is still top class

Stegen and bravo are both top class but bravo doesn't do shit like this


At the end of the day you want your keeper to stay solid and keep clean sheets which is what bravo does and keeps doing. When Stegen stops trying to be a hero then he can get number one spot

Did you forget Bravo's mistakes in the Copa America? He doesn't do stupid shit like that yes. He just lets easy shots go past him at his near post.


President of FC Barcelona
I see everyone in this thread trying to act like they're discussing the GK situation, but all I see are people throwing shit at each other(and the GKs) like mental midgets.

I'm out.


Did you watch copa America? Bravo is still top class

Stegen and bravo are both top class but bravo doesn't do shit like this


At the end of the day you want your keeper to stay solid and keep clean sheets which is what bravo does and keeps doing. When Stegen stops trying to be a hero then he can get number one spot

Bravo made plenty of silly mistakes as well, when he was younger, or not that much younger. Like these:




Every gk makes mistakes, using one pontual to try to assess quality...

God Serena

New member
Why on earth do you think i am someones fanboy? I care about the success of the club and individual stories do not matter to me at all and to get rid of a goalkeeper who has played an important part of our back to back titles because he is 33 years old is just fcking idiotic. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Bravos performances in 2016 and as shown in Copa America final he is on top shape.
I am very sure that our coaching staff are by far smarter than anyone on this forum and if they trust Bravo in goal, there must be a reason for it. So if you want to call someone a fanboy, call yourself.

If you cared about the success of the club you'd go for the obvious option of favoring the keeper who could be in goal for the next 10 years over a keeper who could be in goal for the next 2. That is, unless you're too much of a fanboy to recognize that Bravo's 2016 form wasn't anywhere near his level beforehand. Using the Copa America final as an argument doesn't change the fact that he did not play on a level that makes benching Mats justifiable since January. If anything the coaching staff are more leaning towards my side than yours, as Bravo is the one they're willing to let go for the right price, and Bravo is the one reportedly set to get the diminished role next season.

You Stegen fanboy should refrain from calling others fanboys.

And yes, league was harder than CL. And btw. players and Lucho repeat each year that league is most important competition.

How is the league harder? Bravo is given cushion to have bad games or make mistakes every week that we win, often while having little to do. As I've said before, if he conceded 3 goals in one game without a single save in the CL, we'd be knocked out and he'd be absolutely crucified. Unless we get the Real Madrid path to the final the CL will always be a harder competition just by it's very nature. The importance of a title also doesn't determine it's difficulty.


New member
End of the day they are both going to stay. Bravo would have realised when he joined that there would be a time where he only played CL and Copa. Keepers make mistakes all the time, some are just less obvious than others. Even if they wanted to leave, we wont sell them because there simply isnt enough time or money to buy a replacement right now. The fact that we are unsure who will start this season , shows how good they both are.


Senior Member
I suggest a simpler approach. Flip a coin before the game to decide. Heads - Bravo. Tails - Stegen. Problem solved. :coffee:


I suggest a simpler approach. Flip a coin before the game to decide. Heads - Bravo. Tails - Stegen. Problem solved. :coffee:


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