Claudio Bravo


if u say something god serena disagrees with .. you either a fanboy , dilusional etc .. i have never seen someone full of his own opinion .. to disagree with people's opinions is one thing , to call them names just because they disagree with you means you lack the abcs of dialogue .

Agreed, totally agree, it's disgusting


If either Bravo or Stegen isn't happy with his role for next season, he can get a team that pays his clause or he can fuck off ! really we've got enough shit from players that don't want to set on the bench ! get your buyout clause and get the fuck out


If either Bravo or Stegen isn't happy with his role for next season, he can get a team that pays his clause or he can fuck off ! really we've got enough shit from players that don't want to set on the bench ! get your buyout clause and get the fuck out

Them's fighting words.


New member
Mats is more likely to develop into a great keeper than Bravo is to turn into the next Buffon.

Performance wise you can't say Bravo is significantly better without being a total fanboy. Especially after the 2016 he had for us.

You've been saying his 2016 has been terrible and its just not true. He had a bad match against Real Madrid. In the match against Real Madrid in the second half of 2015 he had arguably his best performance with Barca. We won La Liga both years he started, first time with record. He's made few mistakes, unlike MATS, whose kind of been very brain fart prone. His last official match was a beastly performance against Argentina where he was chosen best GK of the Copa. We can check games played/goles scored against Barça ratio and he'll come out on top. He's outperformed Ter Stegen or else he wouldnt be starting.

God Serena

New member
You've been saying his 2016 has been terrible and its just not true. He had a bad match against Real Madrid. In the match against Real Madrid in the second half of 2015 he had arguably his best performance with Barca. We won La Liga both years he started, first time with record. He's made few mistakes, unlike MATS, whose kind of been very brain fart prone. His last official match was a beastly performance against Argentina where he was chosen best GK of the Copa. We can check games played/goles scored against Barça ratio and he'll come out on top. He's outperformed Ter Stegen or else he wouldnt be starting.

Name one beastly performance he's put on for Barca since the no-save Clasico. Maybe you're totally right and he's been unstoppable in all but that game, but for some reason I doubt it.


I just think that one of them for La Liga and Champions and Masip/Ortola for Copa is more than enough, Similar to what it used to be with Valdes and Pinto

God Serena

New member
I just think that one of them for La Liga and Champions and Masip/Ortola for Copa is more than enough, Similar to what it used to be with Valdes and Pinto

Masip may or may not be a good enough 3rd option. I'd personally prefer Jose Suarez as 2nd keeper over Masip.


Senior Member
Mats wasn't bad for an entire half a season, he was bad for a small handfull of games and made the scapegoat for all of our defensive failings for months after that. In all those games you can only find one or two goals conceded that were the result of poor keeping from Mats.

And then you accuse others of being Bravo fanboys,smh

You're right, but dare I say that Bravo at the age of 33 has started to show signs of weakness whereas van der Sar just got better and better. It's still not comparable to Buffon as I said. You said so yourself. Bravo is a late bloomer and that can go both ways.

Buffon is an ATG and has had years of World Class brilliance and consistency. This is pure conjecture, but I think GKs with a bigger reach has an advantage over the ones who rely more on their agility like Claudio to make up for it.

Lehmann, Buffon and van der Saar all over 1,90m.

Zoff wasn't a late bloomer. He was the Italian National GK at the age of 24/25 and played for a rising team in Serie A at Napoli until his move to Juventus

_I actually put Zoff as one who started gr8 with Buffon.

_And don't you think it is way too early to talk about "started to show signs of weakness"? Bravo showed most of what people think signs of weakness (and I retain my opinion it isn't nearly as bad as MATS,but that is another boring argument) after March when his daughter was born and according to many reports it has serious health issue that his participation in Copa America was in doubt.
And can't we use same context to say that at the age of 24 many GK's who are error prone by the time they are 24 actually retain that? May be the coach prefers safer options?

Again the conversation could go both ways.And it isn't back or white as many people acts.And I would take coach and assistant opinion very seriously at the matter too.those are the ones who watch both train everyday and know more about their character and what is going on with them.
If Lucho decides to go for MATS as no 1 or even sell Bravo then he clearly sees him as future world class GK and that probably Bravo doesn't have much in tank to worth compromising it. I really respect Bravo but I would understand the decision.
But if it is the opposite then I would respect it too because it means he sees Bravo as the kind of GK who can retain his level to the age of 37+ and that MATS might not reach that level in time.
btw,I believe it will be the 1st situation and Bravo will be relegated to CL & CDR

And sure,coaches makes serious mistakes. But in majority of times they are way better judging situations than us. And so far I do think Lucho & Unzue handled the situation very well

God Serena

New member
And then you accuse others of being Bravo fanboys,smh

What an incredible argument. I am truly in awe. But so you know, I've been asked not to call people fanboys, and would appreciate the same not be thrown at me as if it has any of the basis I've used.

You've never watched Barca B

Another incredible argument. I've watched nearly every game they've played up until relegation and even then I've watched many, but according to you, I never have, so it must be true. So impressive.


President of FC Barcelona
Anyway; I think we perhaps can come to one conclusion if the reports are correct.

Lucho need to make a decision and the club need to let one of them go. Having one GK who'll be annoyed all season is not worth keeping and can cause issues in the dressing room. It's easy to say they should honor their contract, but is it worth keeping an unhappy player all season? I'm not so sure about that.

Both GKs have said they want to play it all(LL + CL) and if that doesn't happen, they want to leave. If it's true then it's time for Robert and Lucho to sit down and make a decision and stick with it. This situation was never sustainable long-term. No team have successfully retained two WC/Very good GKs for long. We might actually be the first one, at least in the last decade.

Both players are ambitious and are willing to take a step down in their career for playing time.
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Senior Member
Bravo will just have to accept it or leave, Lucho should make it clear to him.

I appreciate all that Bravo has done for us but if it comes down to choosing, MAtS would clearly be the initiative for the club.


How would someone be watching Barca B and thinking that Suarez is a better back up for the first team than Masip !

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