Claudio Bravo


This thread is getting out of hand. It's like a paycheck that comes with the start of the month, this thread and MAtS thread go full baloney.


Senior Member
Selling Bravo and signing no one? Some are even considering this? And if Stegen gets injured like Valdes did, we use 1.78m Masip?

God Serena

New member
Selling Bravo and signing no one? Some are even considering this? And if Stegen gets injured like Valdes did, we use 1.78m Masip?

All the reports I've seen indicate we fully intend on replacing Bravo if he leaves. Diego Alves is the favorite to replace him.

Apparently Bravo is the more stern one with wanting to leave if he doesn't get to be the starting keeper. It seems he might not even be happy with just La Liga, either, which may be the case for Mats as well. I think Mats and Diego Alves would be a good keeper lineup.

God Serena

New member
NO. I'm just saying that this guy likes to judge players from 3 matches, Even PEP couldn't do that :D

Masip has good reflexes but he's as tall as a dresser drawer. No amount of matches played will help that.

Douglas isn't being judged on 3 games, he's being judged on his past history as a terrible player and his failure to even come close to overturning that.

God Serena

New member
Bravo mostly gets hate because he beat Messi & Argentina twice in back to back Cup finals. Kinda pathetic.

Bravo has been "getting hate" from the moment it was rumored he'd be signed, but that's because he's not Mats. It doesn't have anything to do with Argentina. If you want that, go look at Higuain's thread title.


Well he was getting hate at the start because we thought we were buying a scrub for a huge sum goalkeeping-wise. Most people remembered the stupid goals he regularly let in at Sociedad.


New member
Well he was getting hate at the start because we thought we were buying a scrub for a huge sum goalkeeping-wise. Most people remembered the stupid goals he regularly let in at Sociedad.

Good thing most people dont know enough about judging a players quality, as Bravo has shown for 2 seasons playing for Barça


New member
Yes; what's your point?

That the Bravo hate is from the start because of his price/age and even though he's been amazing for Barça many here just want to see MATS play. His performance is irrelevant for the haters, instead of being thankful for having a player like him on the team.

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