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It’s pretty ironic he’s getting praised for his teamplay now when before his selfishness a.k.a. “eager to score” was supposed to be his strengths according to same people.

But like how he played these euro games


Well-known member
It’s pretty ironic he’s getting praised for his teamplay now when before his selfishness a.k.a. “eager to score” was supposed to be his strengths according to same people.

But like how he played these euro games
It's like his fans and the media change opinions and criteria based on what makes him look best :)


Well-known member
Platini scored 9 in 5 games in one tournament, and you're crowing about his Euros 'records', which are all the result of him playing far more games than everyone else. He's quantity over quality. Portugal were also abysmal in 2016 and the flukiest winner of this tournament in decades. Three draws in group stage, gentle route to the final, won one game in 90 mins. My brother even said to me this morning than England have been awful and he's worried they'll 'do a Portugal' ie be absolute garbage and spawn their way to the trophy.

Far more instructive is how bad he was against Greece in 2004, against Germany in 2008, against Spain in 2012, Portugal winning without him on the pitch in 2016, and him being anonymous again against Belgium in 2021. And his World Cup record is even worse.

He and his fans are the masters of spin, should be in the Conservative Party.


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Except his playmaking and dribbling are light years worse than many players. What kind of wanky Venn diagram tries to claim Ronaldo crosses over with Messi and Maradona in dribbling and Zidane in playmaking (and Messi and Maradona should be in the other two too, or playmaking for Maradona if not goalscoring. not Ronaldo).

And who equates Benzema with Pele in goalscoring? It should at least say Gerd Muller or something.

You're a nice lad, but ffs stop the trolling.

In fact, I am out. This thread is clearly used for trolling by you and that other guy who's so clueless that he also thinks Lewandowski is the best striker of all time :lol:.

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