

Senior Member
So, you already watched this match. You already watched how he made 200 step overs only to pass the ball into throw in. How to dived inside the penalty box without anyone touching him and then screaming like he has been denied a clear goal in Wc Final. And you still have the audacity to say he is much more than a goal scorer. :hooray:

Yeah he was shit.

Trouble is for you that friendly is not what defines him as a player.

Desperate stuff from you.

Fuck all the facts and types of goals lets focus on a poor performance in a friendly... great stuff.

Muller never had a bad game. Ever, ever.


Wild Man of Borneo
Ronaldo at his was best wasnt a barely above dribbler and terrible crosser, wtf?
His crossing is and has been very good.

The stats disagree, quite heavily in fact. Shows he was one of the least efficient high volume crossers in years back in his early days at RM. Later years he didn't ever cross/pass in the box unless it's an open square ball anyway.

Stats also showed he was a terrible high volume dribbler. Way more unsuccessful attempts than successful and the eye test shows how much wasted motion, time, and opportunities he had while dribbling in his dumbass stepover-spamming style.

Any efficiency based metric disfavors Ronaldo by a lot and having watched several of his career years anyone would know his style of play was a lot of repetitive, hopeful actions with a low probability of succcess, just doing whatever until something worked.


Wild Man of Borneo
Nah your own ignorance that you seem chuffed to bits found an assist for.

Muller and Ronaldo are nothing alike as players and Ronaldo is not the same penalty box poacher Muller was.

I can find assists and videos of any box poacher type dropping deep for simple link up play ffs.

No you can't find shit and have never been able to find shit. All arguments you've come up with you pulled straight out of thin air. Try again. Nothing to refute the evidence, other than saying "don't need to watch" or "don't need to research" to support these facts you so magically conjured up.


Senior Member
The stats disagree, quite heavily in fact. Shows he was one of the least efficient high volume crossers in years back in his early days at RM. Later years he didn't ever cross/pass in the box unless it's an open square ball anyway.

Stats also showed he was a terrible high volume dribbler. Way more unsuccessful attempts than successful and the eye test shows how much wasted motion, time, and opportunities he had while dribbling in his dumbass stepover-spamming style.

Any efficiency based metric disfavors Ronaldo by a lot and having watched several of his career years anyone would know his style of play was a lot of repetitive, hopeful actions with a low probability of succcess, just doing whatever until something worked.

Jeezo your judging of players gets worse.
Yeah he was shit.

Trouble is for you that friendly is not what defines him as a player.

Desperate stuff from you.

Fuck all the facts and types of goals lets focus on a poor performance in a friendly... great stuff.

Muller never had a bad game. Ever, ever.

No, this is his most recent match for portugal where he had to face a team that is not played with part time accountants and against countries such as Faroe Islands and Andorra where we couldn't even locate in a map and without Kroos, Modric and Marceloa putting the cross on platter for him to poke it into the goal so that he can celebrate like he has single handedly scored the goal against Brazil by dribbling the entire team from his own half.


Senior Member
No you can't find shit and have never been able to find shit. All arguments you've come up with you pulled straight out of thin air. Try again. Nothing to refute the evidence, other than saying "don't need to watch" or "don't need to research" to support these facts you so magically conjured up.

Lies again. Only thing I said I dont need to watch is Ronaldo in that friendly as seen it and he was shite.

My arguments are all based on fact..... your is built on two youtube videos of Muller that just happen to be two of those that come up when firts look.

Again lies claiming I said 'I dont need to research'.... you pretty much make up shit every post.


Senior Member
No, this is his most recent match for portugal where he had to face a team that is not played with part time accountants and against countries such as Faroe Islands and Andorra where we couldn't even locate in a map and without Kroos, Modric and Marceloa putting the cross on platter for him to poke it into the goal so that he can celebrate like he has single handedly scored the goal against Brazil by dribbling the entire team from his own half.

Yeah and he was shit in that friendly.

You just sound desperate now and Ronaldo is the best player and all time great in that Real side you seem so desperate to make out he gets it served on a platter.

Bitter as fuck it seems.


Senior Member
Luka Modric might disagree with you.

Haha anyone with any football opinion worth noting knows who is best player at Real.

The most bitter claim it is likes of Modric now just as it used to be Ozil or Di Maria as 'real reason Real won CL'.

You fit the bill for that claim perfectly. So keep hailing Modric. Suits you.


Wild Man of Borneo
Lies again. Only thing I said I dont need to watch is Ronaldo in that friendly as seen it and he was shite.

My arguments are all based on fact..... your is built on two youtube videos of Muller that just happen to be two of those that come up when firts look.

Again lies claiming I said 'I dont need to research'.... you pretty much make up shit every post.

Do you even hear yourself? Lmfao :lol: "My arguments are all based on fact" What facts exactly? Let's hear it. You have yet to cite even a single one.

I've cited a significant Gerd Muller performance, several statistics showing him to be more than a poacher in important competitions, context on his style of play, etc.

You're the one who pulls imaginative shit out of your ass without doing even a single ounce of research or knowing anything to back it up. Every word you say is of such insignificant value because all you do is make endless tautologies. "Ronaldo is more than a poacher because he is, Muller is just a poacher because he's just a poacher", crap like that. Worth nothing.


Senior Member
The stats disagree, quite heavily in fact. Shows he was one of the least efficient high volume crossers in years back in his early days at RM. Later years he didn't ever cross/pass in the box unless it's an open square ball anyway.

Stats also showed he was a terrible high volume dribbler. Way more unsuccessful attempts than successful and the eye test shows how much wasted motion, time, and opportunities he had while dribbling in his dumbass stepover-spamming style.

Any efficiency based metric disfavors Ronaldo by a lot and having watched several of his career years anyone would know his style of play was a lot of repetitive, hopeful actions with a low probability of succcess, just doing whatever until something worked.

Ronaldo crossing has been very good, thats just how it is.
And btw, take a look at Benzemas missed sitters over the years, and maybe you will understand a thing or two.

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