Cristian Tello


Mike the Knife
In fairness to Tito, he's a rookie coach for the first team...As rookie coaches go, he's made mistakes but he also can boast successes that few others can...I still think it's hard to judge what sort of coach he is or can be but he's not nearly the coach I thought he'd be, honestly


Senior Member
I agree, Tello has shown that he has tremendous potential and his speed and physicality is an asset that can be built upon. If Alexis with what he did this year could stay then so should Tello. if any one of Tello, Thiago or deulofeu leaves this summer it means we've failed as a club for not rewarding the inhouse talents that play their socks off for this club.

#titoout #yestoklopp!


@barcastuff 53 s
Barcelona want to renew the contract of Cristian Tello after U21 Euro. Renewal would include a higher buyout clause than current 10M. [rac1]

Please do.


I'm a fan of Tello too! Young lad with a bright future :thumbup:

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


Barçapocalypse NOW!
That's very good news... At this point any canterano that shows promise and the management is willing to keep is a reason to celebrate!

By the way, hasn't the "Thierry" thing gone for too long?


New member
Tello is definitely good enough to remain with the club and it seems he still has a lot of potential !


Mike the Knife
Wanting and doing are two different things...Plus, should Tello, or Thiago for that matter, have good Euros then the picture changes

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