Cristian Tello


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He should have buried that counter attack in the first half, he took so long to take his shot... Anyway, got better in the second half, so that's a plus...


Senior Member
Tw Tello: "I dedicate this win to my girlfriend Lorena and to the baby we're expecting, hahaha. #happy #greatnews




New member
Kid is growing up quickly. I really like his maturity for his age. Doesn't show any signs of being a big baby like Deulofeu and accepts his role. Oh yeah and bagged 2 assists last game and a sweet cross bar!


New member
If he can improve his decision making when he's close to the goal. i.e faster decision and trusting his left foot, then he'd be in a better place for the team. That miss last game, he did everything right, but for like the 100th time. His move of taking a certain angle to do that Henryesque type of shot is too obvious and defenders can read it easily.


New member
If he can improve his decision making when he's close to the goal. i.e faster decision and trusting his left foot, then he'd be in a better place for the team. That miss last game, he did everything right, but for like the 100th time. His move of taking a certain angle to do that Henryesque type of shot is too obvious and defenders can read it easily.

But that shot is what makes defenders fear him and he gets space on the left. He is working hard on perfecting the tricks.


New member
And I'm not saying he should change it. I said he must take his shot decision faster in order to prevent defenders from blocking it.

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