Cristian Tello


Mike the Knife
Cantera players are great, but not preferable to better purchased players. Villa is the second best finisher on this club, that is extremely valuable. Without Alves, there would be fewer trophies in the case. No cantera player comes close to the versatility of Adriano. Where would this team be without Masch stepping in to fill the hole in the back line?

Most graduates of la Masia will always have to make their first division careers elsewhere, regardless of their dedication. I hope Tello scores about 200 for Barca.

I never diminished the role of foreign buys, merely pointed out the patently obvious - they are the foundation of this club...And it is beyond question that cantera players are the ones that fight for the shirt more...It's even the case at other clubs

70% of this squad, cantera...It's not an accident, it's by design


World Champion
Interesting prediction, could happen. One forward who is not yet ready to play big minutes, like Deulofeu, would help the mix, the team tends to have at least one very young forward. I don't know that Cuenca is more likely to stay than Villa or Tello. Alexis will need to do better the rest of this year, I still think he can be a near-ideal Barca side forward if he can just score a bit more.

Villa be axed because of his age and wages. Personally I'd keep him until retirement but he's one of the highest earners and his awesomeness will just block the development of the younger players. He'll make a good Juventus legend though.

Alexis might turn it around or he might not. 50 % of the time he's injured. 50 % of the other 50 % of the time he's not delivering. According to our barcaforum MOTM votings Alexis got less votes than Thiago. And Thiago has only played 1 1/2 matches this season. :facepalm:

Tello will be axed because his playing style is similar to Neymar's and Deulofeu's (except that the latter 2 have more to their games) whereas Cuenca is more of a creator / almost midfield-esque player. He offers something different. Whereas Tello becomes surplus once we get Neymar (which is inevitable with Rosell) and Deulofeu gets promoted.

That's how I see it.


Improvin' Perfection!!
I never diminished the role of foreign buys, merely pointed out the patently obvious - they are the foundation of this club...And it is beyond question that cantera players are the ones that fight for the shirt more...It's even the case at other clubs

70% of this squad, cantera...It's not an accident, it's by design
They are the foundation of our club, true... but it hasn't always been the case!!

You know what!? If we didn't buy foreign players at all, and just asked the cantera products to win us the silverware I would bet any thing on the players not showing enough desire to get us past the final hurdle!!
The cantera products tend to fight for the shirt more than the outsiders because since they have always been here they feel like home here. Now when an outsider comes and threatens his position the resident ones would strive to up his level. In fact the logic works for players who weren't grown at the club too. There are many examples where a player suddenly improves leaps and bounds when the club buys a new player to play in his position!!
It's all about the attitude IMO

70% of our squad is cantera... It is by design, yeah! But it is also so because the cantera has produced it's best generation ever and it definitely takes much more than just human effort for all the things to fall into place!!
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World Champion
Who said anything about final conclusion?...I've only pointed out that many in this forum have rubbished the player only for him to constantly disprove the haters, including yourself, who attempt to manufacture a basis for his being lucky/mediocre

Mate, that's not fair. I've never hated on the player. In fact you can go back a couple of pages. This is what I wrote about Tello before the season started in August:

A 20 year old player improving. Shocker. It's not his fault when Pep takes him straight out of the second league and puts him in the starting XI against Real fucking Madrid in a title deciding Clasico. Other than that miss in a game he should have never played at that stage of his development he was actually very promising everytime he played. Remember 2 goals against Leverkusen in the Champions League or contributing with 1 goal in a tight 2-1 victory over Sociedad or the impact he made coming on against Osasuna and scoring a golazo. People were raving about his Henry-esque finishes.

Some of you people seem to have never watched youth players developing. A 20 year old player who played only a handful of games in the first division deserves "all the shit"? GTFO.

You are confusing hating with making pragmatic / realistic predictions. Tello is a solid prospect and squad player who can still develop and he offers something other players don't in this squad but that's really it. Neymar WILL come (you can also go to the Neymar thread and see for yourself that I'm personally not his fan but I'm realistic and everyone knows Rosell will bring him here) and Deulofeu IS a much bigger talent (and according to your logic, as a Catalan cantanero, he should automatically have the proper workrate, so no worries there, eh? ;)). So I'm just doing the math without being overly attached to any player emotionally.
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World Champion
Yet mediocre & lucky, make up your mind

Mediocre in comparison to proper world class talents. You wouldn't place Tello in the same tier as Reus, Götze, Neymar, Oscar or Thiago, would you? You can be a mediocre talent and still a solid player. I don't see a contradiction there. I just don't see him becoming a world beater.

And the luck part is true as well. If Villa doesn't break his leg and Sanchez and Pedro stay healthy and deliver, there is no way Tello gets promoted to the first team last season. Deulofeu is showing much more than Tello did at Barca B. With only 18! I mean, come on. It's obvious that Deulofeu is different class in terms of talent:

He's producing proper "WTF" moments. His close control is amazing. He's constantly delivering in all youth ranks above his age level. Doesn't mean that he'll make the next step. Not at all. His mentality might fail him and whatnot but that still applies for Tello, too. He hasn't really made it yet.


New member
You can't have it both ways...You can't value a player who clearly values the club but simultaneously hold them to a high transfer fee but lower salary

No one works harder than the cantera players, particularly those who were once deemed surplus to needs yet come back to the B team rather than accept first team football elsewhere...It's apples & oranges

let's not pretend that he came at a club like RM or City where a player doesn't get a chance to prove his worth and they need to go elsewhere(see Carvajal's case who by the way had the decency to renew his contract before leaving) or that he was at a good club(what's happening at Espanyol right now it's pure comedy and they lost almost all their talents).
Also let's not forget how grateful he should be, especially after last season's El Clasico when Pep and Tito defended him and continued to give him minutes although everyone was against it.

It's highly unlikely that Tello would be on a salary comparable to Alexis or Mascherano, you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise
But it's highly likely that he would be on a salary comparable to those of Cuenca, Montoya or Bartra. Which is more than enough for someone who will always be just a squad player for us.
Things like that make me apreciate Pedro more.
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New member
Euroscout listed their top 10 young players in Europe

1. Eden Hazard
2. Mario Götze
3. Isco
4. El Shaarawy
5. Iker Muniain
6. Lamela
7. Alaba
8. Tello
9. Pogba
10. James Rodriguez

That list became a joke when they decided to include Tello before Reus, Thiago, Veratti or Varane.


Mike the Knife
Mediocre in comparison to proper world class talents. You wouldn't place Tello in the same tier as Reus, Götze, Neymar, Oscar or Thiago, would you? You can be a mediocre talent and still a solid player. I don't see a contradiction there. I just don't see him becoming a world beater.

Thiago & Götze do not play in the same position, Neymar has yet to play in Europe and while Reus is a terrific talent he remains a non cantera player that would require €25-30 million minimum...even then, he'd have to prove he can slot into play at Barcelona...Many have come and tried and only few have survived...Meanwhile, Tello costs nothing...Apples & oranges, still

And the luck part is true as well. If Villa doesn't break his leg and Sanchez and Pedro stay healthy and deliver, there is no way Tello gets promoted to the first team last season.

He's still with the first team isn't he?...And he's scored and helped in a crucial win against Celtic where Villa did not, so who's lucky?

As I continue to point out, you keep changing tack...First he's mediocre & lucky, then you're saying he's not poor but then again back to lucky & mediocre...I'd say your scouting skills are mediocre if that's any consolation

Deulofeu is showing much more than Tello did at Barca B. With only 18! I mean, come on. It's obvious that Deulofeu is different class in terms of talent:

Tello had one season with B and made the jump to the first team...Deulofeu is in his 2nd season with the B team and has yet to impress in the first team....A lot of players do well up until the B team within La Masia, but the big talents make the jump...When/if Deulofeu does, then an argument can be made for whether or not Tello is or isn't on par with Deulofeu...Moreover, you know nothing of Gerard's temperament let alone his workrate - that too remains inferior, for now, to Tello...Proof, as they say, is in the pudding...You call it luck, I say evidence

He's producing proper "WTF" moments. His close control is amazing. He's constantly delivering in all youth ranks above his age level. Doesn't mean that he'll make the next step. Not at all. His mentality might fail him and whatnot but that still applies for Tello, too.

Someone like a youtube kid, posting youtube clips...I've been watching Deulofeu for several years now, I don't need to see highlight vids to see what he is capable of let alone what sort of attitude & temperament issues he is prone to

He hasn't really made it yet.

Considering one is and has been scoring for the first team and the other hasn't, the one who hasn't made it yet is Gerard...Logic, try and stick to some


ursegor you have to bear in mind that deulo actually can produce two kind of 'WTF' moments if you know what i mean. one of the is the video you posted. the other one might be his attitude, inconcistency, temper, whatever. it takes a lot more than a huge talent to break into this barca team. thats why tello did it with one year. he has that 'i'm the fucking boss' imago like thiago or deulo but he clearly can handle it. i think he deserves this recognition, whatever its top 10 or not or being ahead of some other kids or not. @ maria. all those lists are jokes anyway, there will be never a list which everybody would like.


Senior Member
Tello is on the first team for one reason: pace on the wings, especially late in games. Barça prefers technical players, and if any B Team winger can get results playing technically on the first team, then Tello is going to take a back seat.

Tello's passing and discipline and shooting are adequate. If he develops other technique besides pace, he may prove himself valuable enough to keep around. But most people go with what's working for them, and don't work much on rounding their skills, as long as their bread and butter is successful. I don't see any hints that Tello has any natural talent for trickery, vision, or tight slalom dribbling.

I'm curious: does anyone know how much time Tello and Alba have spent on the pitch together on the left wing? They are essentially redundant. Alba is a good example of what kind of player from the cantera might replace Tello. Alba might very well play left winger right now over Tello, except that he is too valuable as a defender.


Mike the Knife
let's not pretend that he came at a club like RM or City where a player doesn't get a chance to prove his worth and they need to go elsewhere(see Carvajal's case who by the way had the decency to renew his contract before leaving) or that he was at a good club(what's happening at Espanyol right now it's pure comedy and they lost almost all their talents).
Also let's not forget how grateful he should be, especially after last season's El Clasico when Pep and Tito defended him and continued to give him minutes although everyone was against it.

Did I imply or suggest he came from one of the biggest clubs in the world?...No, so that's irrelevant...Jumping from first team football where a coach and club are ready to build around you but instead opt to go back to the club that deemed you not good enough, only to go to their lower division team?...I'm sorry if you can't see the difference here, Maria, but it's clear

Moreover, where is the apparent lack of gratefulness you allude to?...Has he said anything other than it's his dream to continue for years here?...You're inventing something without any basis in fact

it's highly likely that he would be on a salary comparable to those of Cuenca, Montoya or Bartra. Which is more than enough for someone who will always be just a squad player for us.
Things like that make me apreciate Pedro more.

Cuenca is unlikely to be on a similar salary to Bartra or Montoya...Pedro is wonderful to appreciate but I wonder if he would've come back to the club had Pep not given him a chance when he was pondering a move elsewhere ahead of the promotion...Tello did come back, that too should be applauded

And at the end of the day, nothing is certain in terms of what the possible holdup in his extension apart from rumours


New member
Did I imply or suggest he came from one of the biggest clubs in the world?...No, so that's irrelevant...Jumping from first team football where a coach and club are ready to build around you but instead opt to go back to the club that deemed you not good enough, only to go to their lower division team?...I'm sorry if you can't see the difference here, Maria, but it's clear

What diff? I told you that in the last 2 years the thing have gotten worse at Espanyol..their best players are leaving after one year, many of them without having been payed(you should look up and see how many reclamations they have) and they are being replaced with players that are not even in Espanyol's propriety. And if I know these things then I suspect that Tello knows them too. So I'm not going to be grateful to him because he did the sensible thing by coming to us. And by the way our club spends 25 mil/year with our youth teams(more then most of Primera teams), so it's not like they are playing for peanuts.

Moreover, where is the apparent lack of gratefulness you allude to?...Has he said anything other than it's his dream to continue for years here?...You're inventing something without any basis in fact
I may be guilty of many things, but I know for sure that I didn't invented his agent's words who said that the club should lower the clause or increase his salary. That sounds like blackmail to me.

Cuenca is unlikely to be on a similar salary to Bartra or Montoya...Pedro is wonderful to appreciate but I wonder if he would've come back to the club had Pep not given him a chance when he was pondering a move elsewhere ahead of the promotion...Tello did come back, that too should be applauded

And at the end of the day, nothing is certain in terms of what the possible holdup in his extension apart from rumours

There a lot of things that are certain: Tello doesn't want a clause equal to that of Cuenca and his agent behaves like he's Raiola; Samper, Grimaldo and Deulofeu have refused much bigger clubs and salaries than Tello(and many cules still want to see Deulo fail at Barca); Pedro was the first player from our club to score in 6 diff competitions in one year, but I still don't know his agent; no other top 10 club takes care of its canteranos like Barca, but also no other top 10 club offers bigger salaries to their first team players like Fc Barcelona.
So yeah, I don't feel sorry for Tello. He probably has a big offer from Liverpool and Barca will get for him less than 1/10 of what RM got for Joselu. And Rosell will make it look like it's Laporta's fault and bring another Araujo or Kiko Femenia.
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Mike the Knife
What diff? I told you that in the last 2 years the thing have gotten worse at Espanyol

The difference is, regardless of what club he declined he left first team football and that's precisely what I remarked...You commenting on the quality of the club is immaterial to the point, it's merely an opinion on the quality of the club...I'd also add that when he left, Asspanyol wasn't in the dire situation they are in now

So I'm not going to be grateful to him because he did the sensible thing by coming to us. And by the way our club spends 25 mil/year with our youth teams(more then most of Primera teams), so it's not like they are playing for peanuts.

You don't need to be grateful to him or any player, the club recognized this and has commented on it in the past...It's a quality that only a cantera bred kid can produce, one that lives & breathes the club

Whether it was sensible is debatable because first team football in a European first division is guaranteed money and exposure over playing in the Segunda...Moreover, Pochettino commented on this and was exasperated by how unsensible it was to turn 1st team footy down...Asspanyol would've surely sold the player as they are not a big club as we all know but it does not change the choice he made was effectively a gamble to return to Barcelona's B team with no guarantee of first team football...He believed in his abilities as did the club which is why the deal was done to bring him back after deeming him surplus before...That rarely happens in European football much less for a club like Barcelona

I may be guilty of many things, but I know for sure that I didn't invented his agent's words who said that the club should lower the clause or increase his salary. That sounds like blackmail to me.

I said the player has said nothing but that it is his dream to be here for years, you're speculating on the rest...let's see the quote from the agent where he's 'blackmailing' the club...Again, you're drawing conclusions based on innuendo and only part of a story

There a lot of things that are certain: Tello doesn't want a clause equal to that of Cuenca and his agent behaves like he's Raiola;

Suddenly he's pizza boy?...Maria, I don't recall you being prone to hyperbole but you just jumped the shark there

Samper, Grimaldo and Deulofeu have refused much bigger clubs and salaries than Tello(and many cules still want to see Deulo fail at Barca);

Were any of these aforementioned players ever deemed surplus to needs at the club and sent packing?...So, apples & oranges

Pedro was the first player from our club to score in 6 diff competitions in one year, but I still don't know his agent; no other top 10 club takes care of its canteranos like Barca, but also no other top 10 club offers bigger salaries to their first team players like Fc Barcelona.

Great player and great story, again irrelevant and not analogous to Tello's situation

So yeah, I don't feel sorry for Tello. He probably has a big offer from Liverpool and Barca will get for him less than 1/10 of what RM got for Joselu. And Rosell will make it look like it's Laporta's fault and bring another Araujo or Kiko Femenia.

I have noticed that of late there's a real propensity to jump on the rumour mill and ride it, you're not alone...I go by evidence not gossip


New member
So I dreamed his agent last night and his interview with the spanish Tv just like I dreamed Cuenca's clause.
Lets leave it at that then.

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