Cristian Tello


New member
I don't know exactly what's going on with his contract, But if there is one thing i'm sure of is that it's not a problem caused by our club, I don't remember this happening with any other player, No other club in the world spends more on salaries than us, It's obvious that tello and his agent are not making it easy, What a shame.


World Champion
2 instances where you could see that he won't develop into more than a utility player at best for Barcelona. Basic things. 1. The way he overkicked the ball like 7 yards infront of him (once again) and over the byline, out of play (which is his usual way to take on defenders, kick the ball infront of you and try to reach it faster than the opponent). 2. His touch. Which let him down on a couple of occasions. Even his assist to Villa was due to a miscontrolled ball. Ball bounced from his foot to his shin while he tried to bring the pass from Thiago down. With 21 he won't improve those basic technical aspects of his game anymore (you have it or you don't have it). At least not from his current average level to elite standards which are required at Barcelona (even centrebacks at Barcelona need to have proper technique, which is why we often play midfielders there, forwards miscontrolling passes is a no go).


I think he's too nervous and tense when playing, reminds me of Ibi. There is potential in him imo.


Mike the Knife
You sit for games at a time, you end up lacking continuity in your play...I wasn't impressed with his performance last night but it surprised me the last time he was finally brought on and actually scored after having sit for several matches...Players need to play and he certainly has earned that playing time

Not happy with the way he's been used/misused of late, especially with contract issues unresolved


Cardenal de Catalunya
It was quite evident that Tello was somewhat nervous throughout the game and lacked composure.

Don't know if he's worrying about impressing the management too much for additional minutes, but something seemed out of place with him.

Nice assist to Villa, though.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
And to be fair to the kid, he has been playing well the whole season so a not so good match once in a while is no reason to panic, especially for a player who is still maturing...


New member
2 instances where you could see that he won't develop into more than a utility player at best for Barcelona. Basic things. 1. The way he overkicked the ball like 7 yards infront of him (once again) and over the byline, out of play (which is his usual way to take on defenders, kick the ball infront of you and try to reach it faster than the opponent). 2. His touch. Which let him down on a couple of occasions. Even his assist to Villa was due to a miscontrolled ball. Ball bounced from his foot to his shin while he tried to bring the pass from Thiago down. With 21 he won't improve those basic technical aspects of his game anymore (you have it or you don't have it). At least not from his current average level to elite standards which are required at Barcelona (even centrebacks at Barcelona need to have proper technique, which is why we often play midfielders there, forwards miscontrolling passes is a no go).

Almost sounds like you're writing him off at the age of 21. Ridiculous. I think he has done well and has everything needed to improve. The only problem will be whether he can play regularly enough.


World Champion
Almost sounds like you're writing him off at the age of 21. Ridiculous. I think he has done well and has everything needed to improve. The only problem will be whether he can play regularly enough.

I'm just pointing out his obvious flaws.

Game time can't be an excuse for a touch like this (not a rarity with him). Thiago played 2 games in the last 6 months and the MOTM votings were between him and Villa.

It's not like I'm slating his decision making, passing, awareness, work rate, composure infront of goal or attitude (things that come with age or can be worked on, which is why I didn't criticise his moon shots against Real Madrid for example). Just pay attention to the basics and you can already tell how high the ceiling of a young player is going to be.


Senior Member



New member
Not a good game from Tello against Alaves, but a nice unselfish assist to Villa for the tap in! Still a raw product.


New member
He'll always be a utility player, Tito and the club know that, So his contract issues don't sound surprising, He and his agent are trying to get him a salary above of what he can realistically provide for the team.


New member
He is a good player and has good penetration. But he has to fight with Villa, Sanchez and Cuenca for the same position. So either he will be a reserve player or be sold out unless Sanchez is sold out.

It's surprising that la masia hasn't produced any great right winger after Messi and Pedro. I hope Affelay comes back. :)

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