Cristian Tello

I remember when he played a clasico year ago (and he was "sheet"), but maybe he wasn't ready then... Now he's older, more experienced and surely more confident.

Also hope for Deulofeu to get some minutes.

I don't see Deulofeu playing in the away leg. Maybe the home leg if we're up by 3+ goals...


New member
I'm sure he would do better than Alexis for example, but I know, I know, he's too young... The staff are blind. I mean what's the risk to put him for about 10 minutes and see what he can do.


Deulofeu probably won't even make the squad. You guys are asking him to get minutes in a Champions League quarter final when he has barely played in La Liga?


New member
I remember when he played a clasico year ago (and he was "sheet"), but maybe he wasn't ready then... Now he's older, more experienced and surely more confident.

Also hope for Deulofeu to get some minutes.

He was shit indeed, but he learned something from that. I really didn't think he was any good last season but he's improved a lot over the summer. Playing those kinds of important games gives young players invaluable experience.

Deulofeu probably won't even make the squad. You guys are asking him to get minutes in a Champions League quarter final when he has barely played in La Liga?

Certainly won't happen. They barely played those who are 3 years older than him (Montoya, Tello, Bartra) this season and giving Deulofeu minutes will seem as if they went crazy. Not saying he wouldn't play well, but Tito is not known for doing this kind of stuff.
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Staff member
I thought more people would be happy to see a young home product and someone able to beat his marker for a change (besides Messi). Not to mention his eye for assists and good shot. Just look at his conversion.

But hey, we all have our favorites.


I'm happy for Tello. I just thinking comparing him to Henry is a bit much...


New member
Glad to see more people jumping on the Tello bandwagon. I've had high hopes for him since last season. I know he's fairly one dimensional but his pace constantly is a nightmare for opposing defenders and he actually likes to shoot.


New member
I don't think anybody is seriously comparing him to Henry in terms of quality or potential. They're just pointing out that his style is similar, especially that finish against Celta.


New member
Tello has an amazing potential and he shows that he progress quickly ...
But, he still does some mistakes like failing when Messi gives him beautiful balls and he absolutely needs to be more effictive in front of the goal if he wants to continue his progression.

Honestly, I think that he should be titular tomorrow against Paris because their right defender is a real bullshit (Christophe Jallet) and Tello is the kind of player who can unblock a situation by making a call in deepness and by trying to dribble the player who's in front of him and the giving a beautiful ball to Messi or Villa.

Unlike him, Alexis isn't actually confident because you guys know his situation and I just feel that he can't be the solution,rather thanTello.


New member
His conversion rate is excellent, so being more effective in front of goal is not really an issue with him right now. Perhaps the rate would decrease if he was playing more (as would Villa's), but so far he's been very good at that particular part. This is not to say that he doesn't make a bad call every now and then, but he makes up for it with making the most out of the chances he gets in general.

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