Cristian Tello


The Culest
Neymar prefers playing on left wing and i can see the mngt ceding to his tantrums which will make Villa/Tello leave. Besides Pedro prefers playing on the left too IIRC


Would Neymar play on the left wing? I would think that Neymars arrival will coincide with Sanchez returning to Italy so then Neymar would become number 1 on the right wing. I can see the left wing piston shared evenly between Villa and Tello next season with a gradual transition towards Tello becoming number 1 on the left wing and Villa been used as a super sub or in situations where he is played in front of Messi as a traditional striker to occupy the centre backs.

Neymar's best position is lw, though he can play rw.


I am afraid Neymar transfer will end this golden era. Compared to the legends in the team, the management is the opposite in the last two years.


New member
Would Neymar play on the left wing? I would think that Neymars arrival will coincide with Sanchez returning to Italy so then Neymar would become number 1 on the right wing. I can see the left wing piston shared evenly between Villa and Tello next season with a gradual transition towards Tello becoming number 1 on the left wing and Villa been used as a super sub or in situations where he is played in front of Messi as a traditional striker to occupy the centre backs.

I think Villa will leave in the summer. I know he is starting the big games now but I don't think this is guaranteed to be the case next season, especially if Neymar comes. What Villa wants at this stage of his career is regular playing time and considering the world cup is next year, I can't see him signing a new contract with us in the summer. If we got about 20 million for him it would be a decent bit of business for all concerned. I love Villa but his best days are behind him. Still though, he will be a success wherever he goes, I am sure of that.


New member
Ok, maybe not necessarely Neymar but a pure forward clearley needs to be brought in as Asexis is so useless, Villa is old and still not the player we all know he was before.


No more faces at night
As good as Neymar is, releasing Tello is a bad idea. We need more future stars and Christian Tello is one them.


New member
Tello still needs to confirm he can be consistent and has to improve his decision making and finishing !

He is one of the best talents of the new age though !


New member
That's a question similar to "how can I become wealthy and happy when born in a very poor family ?"

In those circumstances, it is definitely extremely hard but not entirely impossible. He may have quite enough chances to play in the first team from now on and hopefully he'll confirm he is a great and hard working talent !

He already started to shine a bit !


The Culest
That's a question similar to "how can I become wealthy and happy when born in a very poor family ?"

Next you wil start saying "How can i become a football player without training, hardwork and without moving to a big club" Cant argue with a logic like that


New member
When you play very little but you manage to be brilliant, the very little chance you've got is your only salvation and thus the only way you can get great even though that's very close to impossible !


It's clear that I need to keep it very simple for you next time !


The Culest
When you play very little but you manage to be brilliant, the very little chance you've got is your only salvation and thus the only way you can get great even though that's very close to impossible !!

Why should a good player like Tello get to play very little. Messi at 17 was given a lot of play time as he showed promise. Tello may not be Messi but deserves more playtime due to his performances certainly over consistent under performers like Pedro, Sanchez etc. The fact is players need playing time to develop and realize their potential however much they may train


New member
Firstly, Messi at 17 showed clearely more potential than Tello shows even today. Secondly, in life there are many different things that happen for a reason good or not they just happen. It is obvious that players at Barca aren't equally treated. Just look at the comparison Asexis vs. Tello in terms of performance / playing time or money spent.
Ofcourse they need playing time in order to get better and fulfill their full potential but that is the ideal part of the things, in reality look what happens, Asexis is playing, Tello is benched and Villa unhappy he isn't used like before...
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