Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


New member
Definitely not. Just have Suarez and Neymar get all this service from the whole team, add to that some dives and penaldos and you have an overrated statpading machine.
agreed right now I have a hard time deciding whose the second best player in the world. Ronaldo hasn't really done much past December, Neymar, Suarez.. Take your pick


Previously known as Mehssi
Cry7 was the only RM player that left the pitch straight away while the others stayed to shake hands with Juve and applause their fans, just saw this in many comments and the street-itw of some RM fans leaving the Bernabeu.

He has really outdone himself this year, opponents, oppenents fans, his own team mates, his own fans.. there's really only the blind, and Roncero left to love the guy.


New member
Oh absolutely Fibonacci (nice name). I always give him credit. If people just said 'phenomenal goal machine, hard worker, ridiculous asset to have, one of the all time great goal-scorers, respect', i'd be right there with them.

But no, he's talked about as an all time great all round player, as if his technique, dribbling, passing and control is incredible... its insulting to other players to be honest.

In my 52 years only Pele has had the overrated treatment even close as CRs, and I'm Brazillian born.

Finally someone openly admitting that Pele was overrated. And a Brazilian one!!!



Calma, calma
He should have sealed the game in the first half in that sequence where he crossed the ball for some reason instead of shooting. IMO it was the pivotal point in the game. Couple that with his penalty miss against Valencia and he's one of the major contributors to Madrid's terrible season-killing week.


New member
Cry7 was the only RM player that left the pitch straight away while the others stayed to shake hands with Juve and applause their fans, just saw this in many comments and the street-itw of some RM fans leaving the Bernabeu.

He has really outdone himself this year, opponents, oppenents fans, his own team mates, his own fans.. there's really only the blind, and Roncero left to love the guy.

I am so happy that his absurd and undeserved Balon d'Or run is ending right here and right now. As great as he is, he is not remotely close to Messi and the debate should never ever have taken place at all.

He is also extremely annoying and narcissistic. Will probably go into decline this coming season, or next.

agreed right now I have a hard time deciding whose the second best player in the world. Ronaldo hasn't really done much past December, Neymar, Suarez.. Take your pick

The 2 best players after Messi also happen to play with him. If only we still had prime Xavi and Iniesta! Every single game of ours would have been pornographic!

I know the EPL is often mocked here, but IMO Suarez was comfortably better than him during last season.

In terms of league football, absolutely. But CR7 had the benefit of also playing well in the CL and winning it.
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Sunny Mir

He should have sealed the game in the first half in that sequence where he crossed the ball for some reason instead of shooting. IMO it was the pivotal point in the game. Couple that with his penalty miss against Valencia and he's one of the major contributors to Madrid's terrible season-killing week.

This Exactly. It was weird seeing him choose not to shoot and pass when there was only buffon to beat. It was as if he had seen someone :)neymar:) do the same the night before.:mou:


New member
I hate his attitude and selfishness. But when i think about him without these qualities, he wont be half the player he is. He knows he is not messi and to be better than messi and to become best footballer, he thinks he needs to score more goals than messi, so he concentrate on scoring goals and become obsessed about goals.

During man utd days he was good at taking on players and his crossing were good but when he moves to madrid especially the last two years, he moved to central role and scoring only tap-ins and he is afraid to take on players which is strange bcos he didnt lost his pace.

He is a very clever guy, he knows people r stupid and they compare only goals and they dont understand messi's creative role and they just look up on goals and assists. To be fair to him you cant expect him to be messi.


Devil May Cry
He anklebreaked a guy and was 1 on 1 with the GK. He should have shot there,that could have been game ending. Sometimes he's stupidly selfless imo.

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