Daniel Alves


barça amor d mi alma
It will be insane if we leave him this summer . But many thing suggests that . If Club is willing to leave him that means we have very very good offers on him . Plus , I would like to add another point . The thing is , Dani was on the verge of leaving the Club last year . If you remember correctly there was a huge tension between the club and his agent on the matter of a hike in the salary . And it went on for about 5 weeks. But at the end Club managed to convince him . Last year I posted it on numerous occasions when Dani's agent repeatedly indicated if Club fails to come into terms then he might leave . And the fact is Dani did not get the salary he was asking for . That was too much . But the Board arranged the additional amount which he was asking for through sponsorship and endorsements . And it wasn't a good experience either for both sides. His contract expires on 2015 though.
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It will be insane if we leave him this summer . But many thing suggests that . If Club is willing to leave him that means we have very very good offers on him . Plus , I would like to add another point . The thing is , Dani was on the verge of leaving the Club last year . If you remember correctly there was a huge tension between the club and his agent on the matter of a hike in the salary . And it went on for about 5 weeks. But at the end Club managed to convince him . Last year I posted it on numerous occasions when Dani's agent repeatedly indicated if Club fails to come into terms then he might leave . And it wasn't a good experience either. His contract expires on 2015 though.

I thought Dani stayed with us cuz he loved the club, not cuz he got a pay raise.


barça amor d mi alma
He did not get a pay raise directly but via endorsements which the Club had to arrange then Dani signed the contract. I forgot to mention that . Read again the previous post. And as far as Love is concerned , he is certainly not Xavi and the fact that he was ready to leave last summer and it was categorically stated by his agent . But Board managed to pull it through with the help of endorsements and other deals.
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New member
I remember when Valdes signed a new contract..his agent was just as nice as Dani's, but nobody cared because he is a canterano. :(


New member
An agent's job is to get his client the most money he can. I'm sure if tomorrow a player like Pedro or Busquests was offered 3 times what he is earning at Barcelona they would seriously consider the move. Beyond his love for the club he has to think about his family and his financial future; players have an average career of 15 years after which most of them don't stay involved in football.
I'm not citing the older players because those have at this point a considerable fortune.


Active member
Alves is part of the furniture. Not going anywhere. And I disagree, players like Busi wouldn't leave for all the oil in Saudi Arabia.


An agent's job is to get his client the most money he can. I'm sure if tomorrow a player like Pedro or Busquests was offered 3 times what he is earning at Barcelona they would seriously consider the move. Beyond his love for the club he has to think about his family and his financial future; players have an average career of 15 years after which most of them don't stay involved in football.
I'm not citing the older players because those have at this point a considerable fortune.

Pedro is debatable but Busquets? No way.


New member
why are people even thinking that he's going to leave??? never understood that...

An agent's job is to get his client the most money he can. I'm sure if tomorrow a player like Pedro or Busquests was offered 3 times what he is earning at Barcelona they would seriously consider the move. Beyond his love for the club he has to think about his family and his financial future; players have an average career of 15 years after which most of them don't stay involved in football.
I'm not citing the older players because those have at this point a considerable fortune.

lol, are you kidding? (almost) every barca player has enough money to support his family for the rest of their lives. it doesnt matter if you have 15M on your bank account or 20M...that's why I dont understand players like eto' or raul, they are just plain greedy...I would never trade some millions against the joy of playing good football in a good and competitive league.
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I never understood why players want so much cash, If I was a world class pro I wouldnt want 150-200k i'll want like 10k max. I have no use for so much cash, even if im saving after retirement.


i'm sure they wouldn't die if they have 5 houses instead of 10 and 10 sports cars, not 20.

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