Daniel Alves


New member
The thing is ,the market isn't offering good RBs anymore ,it is one of the worst positions in the terms of quality right now IMHO
Also I don't trust our management

Plus if Tito would've just rotated him this year we would know what kind of player he is, although I'm pretty certain he's the future.


Wild Man of Borneo
Dani should just drop being a RB and switch full time to a right winger

He had that one patch of form from february to march where he had 7 assists in a series of games and was actually great going forward. He was lucky enough to get his crosses on target to result in a goal. At that time it would've been better to play him as a winger. Now his worst form is showing and he can't do anything but send his crosses into the sky and lose possession. He doesn't add anything to our team right now other than a filled spot in the lineup.


New member
Alves created style new of 'no look' crosses. Why look up when you can just hit them really hard and hope for the best? I remember at the start of the season Montoya was putting in some nice measured crosses. Alves link up is great but his final ball has always been inconsistent. I watched a video of Lahm the other day.Much less flashy but all of his cut backs cause havoc in the box.


New member
Ideally I would like to see an entire new back-line in the near future( and yes that means a LB over the alleged 'beast' that is Alba)
Alba IS a beast, our best signing in ages. He didn't have a single bad game up until a few weeks ago. He has beenphenomenal all season.


New member
It's the first time Alves has been playing with an attacking Left-back like Alba. In the summer the management need to examine the tactics and figure out a plan for improvement next season. The team's won the league easily, and got to the semis of the two cup competitions(with Messi effectively missing the Champions League semi). Just need that extra shot in the arm next season.


New member
Can someone provide some pics as prime examples of Alves' positioning errors this season?



Cruijff's Heir
Although I believe Dani Alves is the best right-back I have seen so far in my last 15 years of watching football, it is still time to move on. Don't know who to get if Montoya isn't up to the task, though. Piszcek is very good...


Although I believe Dani Alves is the best right-back I have seen so far in my last 15 years of watching football, it is still time to move on. Don't know who to get if Montoya isn't up to the task, though. Piszcek is very good...

That whole right side of Dortmund's very good. I like the way Piszcek and Błaszczykowski play and cover for each other. What's Ricardo van Rhijn like, any good?


Senior Member
Although I believe Dani Alves is the best right-back I have seen so far in my last 15 years of watching football, it is still time to move on. Don't know who to get if Montoya isn't up to the task, though. Piszcek is very good...

I think Montoya is fine, the more conservative "Abidal" to balance Jodi Alba. Truthfully, right now Alba is both the better attacker and defender. Alves really came to the fore working triangles with Messi on the right wing. He is still excellent at the short game, but, with Messi mostly out of range, he can't do anything with the countless opportunities he gets each game playing "right winger." Terrible crosses, and either unable or unwilling to shoot. Montoya is already better at both at 22.


New member
We've got a new, brilliant left-back in Alba, and Montoya is his perfect counterpart. They're like Alves and Abidal reversed. It's time to let go of the Alves+Abidal idea and use the squad in the best way possible. We can still get decent money for Alves, and I believe many clubs would be interested in him, so we should take the opportunity. If Alves leaves (and Adriano stays), we'll have Alba, Montoya and Adriano for fullback spots, which means we could get away with either buying a cheap right-back (a RB/CB type of player would be perfect) or, the more risky option, sticking with just Adriano as the backup for this season.
We've got a new, brilliant left-back in Alba, and Montoya is his perfect counterpart. They're like Alves and Abidal reversed. It's time to let go of the Alves+Abidal idea and use the squad in the best way possible. We can still get decent money for Alves, and I believe many clubs would be interested in him, so we should take the opportunity. If Alves leaves (and Adriano stays), we'll have Alba, Montoya and Adriano for fullback spots, which means we could get away with either buying a cheap right-back (a RB/CB type of player would be perfect) or, the more risky option, sticking with just Adriano as the backup for this season.

If we wanna make Montoya the starter, Alves should be benched, not sold, IMO. Not sure if he'd accept being on the bench though.

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