Daniel Alves


Professor Balthazar
I don't even read all the comments in this thread because they are usually negative. But please believe me, you will all miss him when he is gone and maybe than you will start to appreciate what he has done for us and what he still brings almost every time he plays.
I don't even read all the comments in this thread because they are usually negative. But please believe me, you will all miss him when he is gone and maybe than you will start to appreciate what he has done for us and what he still brings almost every time he plays.

He did a lot for us in the past and was the best RB in the world. Key terms: past and was.

He's no longer what he used to be, and him being paired with another attacking FB (who's played better than him since he joined) makes him even more of a liability. I admit that he's done better so far than last season and shouldn't be benched yet though.


Senior Member
I don't even read all the comments in this thread because they are usually negative. But please believe me, you will all miss him when he is gone and maybe than you will start to appreciate what he has done for us and what he still brings almost every time he plays.

I agree.


Professor Balthazar
Still, he is very skilled, technical, good passer, gets out of situations calmly without loosing the ball, great in attack (maybe not his crosses) and still manages to defend alright and sometimes he even defends very good.


New member
Yes, it's difficult to cross to midgets. I always thought of Alves as a good crosser but maybe I'm wrong (?).
Thing is, he has so strike it with power and sort of curl it around the defenders. It's a difficult technique to master. He could just lift it into the the penalty area which is common way to cross but that wouldn't be very effective would it.

At least that's the way I see it.
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New member
Do you think they care? They made up their minds, nothing you say will make them change their opinions.
This discussion is becoming ridiculous. There's too much exaggerating going on. It's not even criticism, it's just bashing.

In fact it's common that the fans of any team need some scapegoat to blame. I remember during Guardiola era the team was so successful that fans couldn't find scapegoat other than Seidou Keita, who was on the bench most of the time: Keita is useless, we should sell him, he's blocking our La Masia prospects and etc.


Senior Member
I always thought of Alves as a good crosser but maybe I'm wrong (?)

You're not wrong. In more than 70% of the goals we scored from crosses the ball came from Alves. It's just the new trend, blaming Alves for just one bad season. He was exponential for us in pretty much every great season we had so far, but people forget that easily.


New member
You're not wrong. In more than 70% of the goals we scored from crosses the ball came from Alves. It's just the new trend, blaming Alves for just one bad season. He was exponential for us in pretty much every great season we had so far, but people forget that easily.


im sorry but im starting to wonder if u were even watching our last season, and the current one.
our game plan was new and surprising few years ago
however today its getting well known and teams know how to stop it, not to mention counter it

12 games played, 10 wins, 2 draws and 0 losses, 34-7 in goals, yea we are definitely getting figured out:pep:

in my opinion, our defenders must be defenders first of all,
we dont have the privilege of having an awful defender as Dani anymore , only because he MAY help on attack. (or just throw cross balls to the corner flag. as he usually does)
not to mention his horrible horrible free kicks.. that for some reason he kept taking last season until someone finally realised he is HORRIBLE at that.

we cant continue playing the same way for 3 damn years
if we do, i believe we'll be able to reach a semi-final, sure, and lose to some lowgrade Chelsea again for the good old bunker&counter.

You know, FC Barceloans has played with some variation the same way since the late 1980s. Robson came and tried a different aproach (later copied by Mourinho) and was ridiculed. FC Barcelona is not going to change, we will still play the same way in 10 and 15 years time, with variations but still the same way.

bunker&counter you mention has been used against us on many occations, sometime it work, othertimes it don't, in the Champions league knockout phase it is very much a roll of the dice in closed matches, it doesn't matter if you play one or the other way, it has much more to do with referee calls going for or agains you, it has always been like this. We should have lost the 2009 semi, we should have won the 2010 semi and we should have won the 2012 semi, the referee helped us once and let us down on the other two occations.
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Senior Member
You're not wrong. In more than 70% of the goals we scored from crosses the ball came from Alves.

That's a useless statistic for a team that doesn't cross. You'd expect the fullbacks to have the most crosses on a team. Abidal and Maxwell rarely crossed, Alba rarely crosses. Pedro and Alexis, the wide forwards, rarely cross, Villa rarely crossed. Alves is the only one who regularly puts up crosses, so you'd expect him to have the highest percentage of the limited goals Barça scores from crosses.

What would be more revealing statistics are 1) his success rates at finding a target, 2) how many of his crosses result in loss of possession, 3) how many of his crosses results in shots, 4) how many results in shots on goal, and 5) how many crosses per goal. My guess would be that 4 out of 5 crosses aren't even near a Barça player, 4 out of 5 result in loss of possession, 1 out of 20 crosses result in a shot on goal, and perhaps 1 goal per 40 crosses.


Professor Balthazar
That's a useless statistic for a team that doesn't cross. You'd expect the fullbacks to have the most crosses on a team. Abidal and Maxwell rarely crossed, Alba rarely crosses. Pedro and Alexis, the wide forwards, rarely cross, Villa rarely crossed. Alves is the only one who regularly puts up crosses, so you'd expect him to have the highest percentage of the limited goals Barça scores from crosses.

What would be more revealing statistics are 1) his success rates at finding a target, 2) how many of his crosses result in loss of possession, 3) how many of his crosses results in shots, 4) how many results in shots on goal, and 5) how many crosses per goal. My guess would be that 4 out of 5 crosses aren't even near a Barça player, 4 out of 5 result in loss of possession, 1 out of 20 crosses result in a shot on goal, and perhaps 1 goal per 40 crosses.

Totally agree. His crosses suck. What is worse, very often he crosses and NOBODY is there? Messi is in midfield and our wide forwards are licking the lines and still he puts in crosses? Anyway, if he stops with the useless crosses and puts in a couple of extra % in defense than there is no other RB that could replace him for our system - the guy is a freaking legend but people still complain. But hey, this is barcaforum - people whine about how Madrid will thrash us, how we have no chance to win CL etc - come on you spoiled brats! Bayern is dangerous, there is no denying that - but other than that we are #1 or #2 in the world since Reijkards last season with us.


The entourage of Dani Alves (30) is waiting for the club to make a move regarding a renewal. His current contract expires in 2015. [md]


I think Barca should offer him contract renewal otherwise it will not send a good message of how barca treats non academy players. Apparently Thiago silva did not come because of how barca treated Abidal case. I don't want another case like that, if it is mutual feeling of not renewing then no problem. If it is not then dani alves will speak about how barca did not offer him new contract and all that BS after leaving.

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