Daniel Alves


New member
today was introduced at left back position. Just for a thought why cant a right dominant player play at left back and vice versa. We can use alvez and alba on different flank.
so that way we can have in cutting fullbacks instead of overlapping ones.
This might be specially useful when playing widemen. i.e (incase we start with tello, messi, alexis ) and ask tello & alexis to stay wide. Alvez and abla can shift inside occasionally moving on their strong foots to take long shots. Wide man will keep the fullbacks busy, alvez and alba can shake the central allignment and messi, iniesta, fabregas can do the jinga lala jinga lala


I hope he renews. The board is rumored to be contemplating selling him, as he's still worth a good money. But Cuadrado or Zuniga as replacements would be a downgrade.


Senior Member
I hope he renews. The board is rumored to be contemplating selling him, as he's still worth a good money. But Cuadrado or Zuniga as replacements would be a downgrade.

Alves is consistently declining he is paid big wages
I am all for selling him now tbh if there is good offer ,one of our best RBs ever no doubt who will be missed for short term but I don't think he still has a lot to offer for the team
Won't mind shifting Afriano to the right and get a defensive LB or getting a good new RB right away


Alves is consistently declining he is paid big wages
I am all for selling him now tbh if there is good offer ,one of our best RBs ever no doubt who will be missed for short term but I don't think he still has a lot to offer for the team
Won't mind shifting Afriano to the right and get a defensive LB or getting a good new RB right away

Who would be the new rb? Alves is still very good, and still has a lot to offer. Easier to keep him than go for someone else. And Montoya might still leave.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
I hope he renews. The board is rumored to be contemplating selling him, as he's still worth a good money. But Cuadrado or Zuniga as replacements would be a downgrade.

Especially since Cuadrado is not a RB... And if we complain about Alves' defending capabilities, we are in for a treat if we get Zuñiga...


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He said that whoever doesn't trust the team should jump ship...

I don't know what to make of it... He's right saying the fans should be there through good and bad, but his timing is awful once again... Not to mention that, yes, the fans should trust the team, but the team should also give reasons to trust them...


New member
The fans have every right to speak up and make themselves heard. Not the best of comments from Alves. Fans are being critical because they hate to see their team in such situation. Those comments from Alves almost make every Barca fan look like a glory hunter. Not good comments at all.


Senior Member
His comments are incredibly counterintuitive.

He tells fans who don't believe in the team to stop supporting them, yet it is so obvious that the entire team have no belief in themselves either.


Wild Man of Borneo
He said that whoever doesn't trust the team should jump ship...

I don't know what to make of it... He's right saying the fans should be there through good and bad, but his timing is awful once again... Not to mention that, yes, the fans should trust the team, but the team should also give reasons to trust them...

Oh cmon this again? It's a child's defense mechanism to try and point accusations at the fans to cover up deficiencies. I've heard a lot of "now every game is a final" or "we'll fight until the very end" but none of that is translated onto the pitch, soon after which we hear "we didn't play with enough intensity".

It's a lot of talk about "fight" when in reality the team is lazy as fuck, and then projecting frustration onto others too? Alves should really shut up in front of the media for a while and work to do what he proclaims is being done.


San Claudio Bravo
Yeah he really needs to shut his trap. It'd be a different thing if the team was playing well and fans were not showing or criticizing then. As it is, the fans have every right to criticize the team for the less than inspiring way they are playing. If they don't like what they are seeing, then they can very well call it out.

Players forget that fans pay for them. Like it or not, players and sports teams are really a product. Fans/consumers pay for a product they like, and when the product is subpar and/or not to their liking, they've got all the right in the world to complain about it.

This attitude of players like they're doing fans a favor and should be supported no matter what is beyond annoying. Play well, get love. Play like shit, get crap. It is that simple.


New member
I shall admit that there are plenty of Barcelona cheerers that came along after 2009 but he should shut it up and concentrate on improving.

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