Daniel Alves


New member
Today, Le_Parisien announced that they have been told PSG dropped to recruit Dani Alves for good. Both Alves recent performances on the field, and problems to recruit him lead PSG to definitelly drop this target.

PSG source also told them that they will now focus on getting Abate for cheap.


My guess, Barcelona asked too much for what PSG can spend, or just denied any talks following how PSG treated them when Barcelona wanted to negociate Marquinhos.

Lately, Le_Parisien has been right on what they published, so if we follow the trend, either you will keep Alves, or you will have to find someone else to sell him to.


New member
Dunno what derailled this train really.

They kind of confirmed too that it's dead on the football show i watched during italy match at halftime.

They also confirmed the relationship between PSG and barcelona is as heated as ever. they said it did get better then it went downward again when Barcelona approached Marquinhos.


New member
Believe me, he will not play a single game with the kind of performances he's been showing this season. Lucho is the kind of guy who would rather play Godswill than a player with a bad attitude.


New member
Believe me, he will not play a single game with the kind of performances he's been showing this season. Lucho is the kind of guy who would rather play Godswill than a player with a bad attitude.

I certainly hope so. But again, I hoped so for the past three seasons. And all I've seen is him declining more and more, and his number of minutes staying the same.


New member
sell alves for 10m and add money from Adriano likely sale that should be around 8m.The total should be around 18m and should be enough to get a good Rb and if Adriano stay he will rotate with Montoya for rb and Mathieu for 2nd choice lb and 4th choice cb and valves should be sold


Senior Member
sell alves for 10m and add money from Adriano likely sale that should be around 8m.The total should be around 18m and should be enough to get a good Rb and if Adriano stay he will rotate with Montoya for rb and Mathieu for 2nd choice lb and 4th choice cb and valves should be sold

Doesnt look as if they want to let Adriano go.

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