Daniel Alves


New member
This dude isn't worth even 10M anymore. Glad to see Maicon starting tho.
That's what i think too.

Sure the fact that Barcelona and PSG are in bad terms - especially now because of marquinhos - broke the deal with PSG, but it didn't help that Alves had a poor WC while Blanc and our board were there watching him in the stadium during the groups stage.
Not worth 10m? :jason2:

And who is,Arbeloa?Azpilicueta?Jones?

What is this?He's still among the best in the game-in top class!Ok,he's not what he was in 2009,but who is?Messi?Pique?Xavi?Anyone?

Stop this talking down on Alves,he was and still is among best on his position-which we could not say for others in our team!


President of FC Barcelona
Not worth 10m? :jason2:

And who is,Arbeloa?Azpilicueta?Jones?

What is this?He's still among the best in the game-in top class!Ok,he's not what he was in 2009,but who is?Messi?Pique?Xavi?Anyone?

Stop this talking down on Alves,he was and still is among best on his position-which we could not say for others in our team!


Have you been without tv and internet the last 2-6 years?


Wild Man of Borneo
Not worth 10m? :jason2:

And who is,Arbeloa?Azpilicueta?Jones?

What is this?He's still among the best in the game-in top class!Ok,he's not what he was in 2009,but who is?Messi?Pique?Xavi?Anyone?

Stop this talking down on Alves,he was and still is among best on his position-which we could not say for others in our team!

You sir, belong in the hall of fame alongside other legends such as: dalitis, Gareth Bale, Ketoth, etc.


San Claudio Bravo
Not worth 10m? :jason2:

And who is,Arbeloa?Azpilicueta?Jones?

What is this?He's still among the best in the game-in top class!Ok,he's not what he was in 2009,but who is?Messi?Pique?Xavi?Anyone?

Stop this talking down on Alves,he was and still is among best on his position-which we could not say for others in our team!

You're entertaining, at least you've got that.
Have you been without tv and internet the last 2-6 years?

Would you believe me if I say "no"?

Alves sends beautifuly accurate high balls(of course,if we had old-fashioned CF it would be peace of cake to score,but we don't so who is there to jump?Neymar scored few headers on Alves's high balls),passes brilliantly,has the most powerfull kick in our team(the only man that can try from over-25m-distances),runns fast...

10m?Ridiculous players from serbian "crop field" league are valued more...stop this shamefull talking!


Would you believe me if I say "no"?

Alves sends beautifuly accurate high balls(of course,if we had old-fashioned CF it would be peace of cake to score,but we don't so who is there to jump?Neymar scored few headers on Alves's high balls),passes brilliantly,has the most powerfull kick in our team(the only man that can try from over-25m-distances),runns fast...

10m?Ridiculous players from serbian "crop field" league are valued more...stop this shamefull talking!

Alves sends beautifuly accurate high balls

Alves sends beautifuly accurate high balls

accurate high balls

There are just no words dude. There are no words...
There are just no words dude. There are no words...

What?You don't say it like that in English?Well,exuse me for not speaking English perfectly...it's not my first language,and I'm not best english speaker in the world...

Teach me:how do you call sending ball on your CF's head?


Active member
Maicon is so much better. apart from his touch(which could be due to nerves) he is doing everything else better. Got the right side on lockdown

Home of Barca Fans
