Daniel Alves


Active member
Oh god.Can montoya or douglas please magically transform to world class right backs because my eyes bleed while watching dani.Its literally painful.If he stays for another season I am going to close my eyes when he gets the ball


Senior Member
His crossing is comedy, but i bet he will make an assist against us with a cross, even if they are completely useless 90% of the time.


World Champion
Can't blame the player. Lucho has been specifically asked about his crossing. This was the answer.

“[Alves] does not exasperate me, he is a useful player, the best in his position,” the blaugrana coach countered. “He crossed many times, he helps us, and he never stops. I am more than happy with him. He is a vital player for us.”

Lucho is completely aware (obviously he is, he isn't blind lol). So if he's aware and Alves keeps crossing it means Lucho wants that to happen. Period. Otherwise he'd tell Alves to stop instead of even praising it.

Too bad Sunny is hiding right now from this thread. :lol:


The big problem with Alves is that he is past his prime physically but he hasn't matured as a player. He should focus on defense first and then try to attack. Any way I can't remember where but I've read that Allegri is looking to offload Lichtsteiner. If there is any chance this is true then we should move for him in January asap.


New member
The big problem with Alves is that he is past his prime physically but he hasn't matured as a player. He should focus on defense first and then try to attack. Any way I can't remember where but I've read that Allegri is looking to offload Lichtsteiner. If there is any chance this is true then we should move for him in January asap.

Did you heard about the "transfer ban" ?


New member
He's an asset to the opposition. He gives possession back to them in the final third nearly every time with them ridiculous crosses.


High Definition Member
I remember in Pep days when he got the ball there he would do a square pass. Sounds useless but if he keeps getting the ball tger the opponents go out to him and when he quickly passes back they lose shape and energy, which is great for bus breaking.


Professor Balthazar
Beside the crosses I think he did great in the first half and OK in the second. Alves jobb is not to defend so much anymore, he's more of a RM-playmaker - Iniesta and Raki are dropping a little deeper and Messi slots into Iniesta's position - Bartra and Pique stretched a little - Masch slotted into the middle playing a mix of CB/DM. Sometimes Alves is under par for sure, but he still is a brilliant technical player with many tricks up his sleeve - great dribbler, passer etc. For the system right now he's doing great, don't understand the hate he's getting.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Beside the crosses I think he did great in the first half and OK in the second. Alves jobb is not to defend so much anymore, he's more of a RM-playmaker - Iniesta and Raki are dropping a little deeper and Messi slots into Iniesta's position - Bartra and Pique stretched a little - Masch slotted into the middle playing a mix of CB/DM. Sometimes Alves is under par for sure, but he still is a brilliant technical player with many tricks up his sleeve - great dribbler, passer etc. For the system right now he's doing great, don't understand the hate he's getting.

That's a poor excuse... Defending is always part of his job, we have seen our defense exposed so many times in the last three seasons just because Alves is being a RM-playmaker as you call it... I'm not saying he should be focused only on defense and become a wall, but his current self seems to be the total opposite, he has completely disregarded his denfensive duties...

And he used to have many tricks, but right now his dribbling and passing are quite bad... He might get one right every once in a while or go past a player on occassion, but the truth is that it's not happening often enough...


New member
The big problem with Alves is that he is past his prime physically but he hasn't matured as a player. He should focus on defense first and then try to attack. Any way I can't remember where but I've read that Allegri is looking to offload Lichtsteiner. If there is any chance this is true then we should move for him in January asap.

Nah Lichtsteiner is not that good

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