Daniel Alves


Senior Member
He'll get two games, I'm fairly certain of that. The same way everyone knew Ronaldo was going to get two games.

I am not sure what is the standard suspension for a straight red in Liga and whether it is a game or 2.but he will get it
It isn't a bad behaviour so no 3 games .it won't be decreased either .the RFEF usually goes the safest decision in such situation


I don't know ,it looked like he go the legs of the opponent first
unnecessary stupid tackle IMO ,it was game over for god sake

He irregularly stopped an attack that would have likely ended up in a goal. That's a red card.

Silly challenge there.

stupid challenge really doesnt even matter if hits the ball

putting in a challenge like that when you are 5-0 up

just stupid

Looks like I'm not the only fool here, JamDav.


Senior Member
Looks like I'm not the only fool here, JamDav.

It's hardly any news many people here dislike Alves.

People blame Alves because "he's not giving 100% and he doesn't track back". When he does just that and plays with ambition, the same people say he should have let the guy score. :lol: That's kind of ironic.


Senior Member
I love Alves.
But his decision was very poor in that action.

He harmed the whole team with a 1-2 matches suspension.

No, it wasn't. If you're a true professional and you are in a position to stop a goal from happening, you try to do that.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
I bet if he didn't make the tackle everyone would be like, "oh my god this just proves Alves isn't committed, he should have tried to win the ball, etc."

I didn't think it was a foul at all, by the way


Alves had a decent game. That challenge looked dirty but don't think it was 100% penal


President of FC Barcelona
The suggestions that Alves should have let him shoot is ridiculous :lol:

He did the right thing, maybe he could have executed it better though, but he did well enough and it shouldn't have been a penalty IMO.


New member
RFEF Regulations, someone translate this:

Artículo 114 Expulsión directa
1. La expulsión directa durante el transcurso de un partido acarreará la imposición de
la sanción de suspensión durante, al menos, un partido, salvo que el hecho fuere
constitutivo de infracción de mayor gravedad, con la accesoria pecuniaria
En aquellos casos en que la expulsión del terreno de juego se deba a situaciones en
que el futbolista no hubiera tenido posibilidad de disputar el balón, la suspensión será
de al menos, dos partidos.​

What's important is this part. It basically says when the player gets a direct red card, he will be suspended for at least 1 game, except if it was a grave infraction. In cases where the player had no chance of playing the ball (i.e. the ball was far away), it's at least a 2 game suspension.

So, if Florentino doesn't bribe his friends at RFEF, Alves should be fine and only get 1 game.

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