Daniel Alves



I don't understand what you're saying. I said it is disrespectful from him to take advantage of that kind of a club to negotiate better wages, considering how much he brags about loving the club. The reality is, if Barca didn't have a transfer ban, he'd have no leverage to negotiate in the first place, let alone negotiate over such extreme wages. In fact, if Barca didn't have a transfer ban, they probably wouldn't extend his contract, and he wouldn't have the opportunity to play at such a huge club again.

Douglas did nothing to be chosen, you know that very well. Besides, that has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to get across (which is just above).
I'm not sure what is your point, besides showing an enourmous lack of respect for Alves history with Barça. Alves contract wasn't extended either, btw. His last contract was done at least 3 years ago.

I really don't see how Alves is taking advantage of anything, the club's situation is not his fault. He's trying to get one last fat paycheck, and there's nothing wrong with it. Barça don't want to pay, he leaves. The reason why he waited for an offer from Barça is LE wanting him to stay. And him too, he does love the club. He doesn't want higher wages, he wants the same he is on now.


New member
Again, you're missing the point and replying to things that I've never said. Alves didn't cause the transfer ban, but he is using it as leverage.

And there's nothing wrong with that, besides in your head.

Everey players take advantage of things. Even Messi surely takes advantages of things to get always better and better contracts.


Every players take advantage of things. Even Messi surely takes advantages of things to get always better and better contracts.

Yes. This is a football agents' bread and butter. Using circumstances to get better contracts for their clients.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Just give him the 3-year contract he wants or get a better RB. If not, just pay the guy. We can't have Montoya and Douglas be our one and two starting RBs.


New member
Yes. This is a football agents' bread and butter. Using circumstances to get better contracts for their clients.

I don't know what Strict does think.

Does he think all barca players are Angels with no agents behind them? Does he think they are all ready to jump from the window if the club asks them to do it? Players are employees at the end of the day.

I don't even understand his point to begin with.

Alves gave everything to the club for years. He is now in a situation in which he can do whatever he wants. How is it bad?

If Barca didn't want that to happen, why not renewing him last year? Barca knew the transfer's ban was over their head already IIRC.
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I don't know what Strict does think.

Does he think all barca players are Angels with no agents behind them?

I don't even understand his point to begin with.

Alves gave everything to the club for years. He is now in a situation in which he can do whatever he wants. How is it bad?

If Barca didn't want that to happen, why not renewing him last year? Barca knew the transfer's ban was over their head already IIRC.
Worse, why didn't they sign a real rb, instead of douglas. As far as the story goes, the board thought Alves' cycle had ended.


Worse, why didn't they sign a real rb, instead of douglas. As far as the story goes, the board thought Alves' cycle had ended.

Because they wanted Cuadrado and couldn't be bothered to pay the 50M (lol) Fiorentina asked for him. And our pursuit of Marquinhos (who LE wanted because he could also play rightback) also ended badly.


New member
Demanding the same wages (let alone for more than 1 year) in a contract extension, at age 32 and with less-than-satisfying performances in recent seasons is unreasonable, he and his agent should be aware of that. Not accepting anything less than that shows that he loves money more than he loves the club that he's allegedly so passionate about. And fuck if I care, he doesn't have to love the club, nor does anyone else, just don't bother giving me the heartfelt speech, that's all I'm saying. Be honest and say, I want as much money as I can get, if I don't get it here, I'll get it elsewhere. John Terry is a Chelsea legend, the captain, and also a massive douchebag, but he took a paycut to continue playing for the club. That's what loyalty is. Of course, you don't have to be that way, but if you're not, stop pretending.


New member
Worse, why didn't they sign a real rb, instead of douglas. As far as the story goes, the board thought Alves' cycle had ended.
That too.

Blaming Alves feels unbelievably stupid to me.

He's taking advantage of a situation in which the club should not be to begin with.

Let's summarize:

- Ignoring that the transfer ban would happen.
- Signing Douglas.
- Saying that Alves cycle was done, then making him wait god knows till when.
- Still ignoring the transfer ban to this day.


Demanding the same wages (let alone for more than 1 year) in a contract extension, at age 32 and with less-than-satisfying performances in recent seasons is unreasonable, he and his agent should be aware of that. Not accepting anything less than that shows that he loves money more than he loves the club that he's allegedly so passionate about. And fuck if I care, he doesn't have to love the club, nor does anyone else, just don't bother giving me the heartfelt speech, that's all I'm saying. Be honest and say, I want as much money as I can get, if I don't get it here, I'll get it elsewhere. John Terry is a Chelsea legend, the captain, and also a massive douchebag, but he took a paycut to continue playing for the club. That's what loyalty is. Of course, you don't have to be that way, but if you're not, stop pretending.
Alves has been great this season, bar his usual brainfarts. And who would want terry, really? Alves still has market. It's his right to not want to settle for less, specially after how the board treated him.

Because they wanted Cuadrado and couldn't be bothered to pay the 50M (lol) Fiorentina asked for him. And our pursuit of Marquinhos (who LE wanted because he could also play rightback) also ended badly.
That's not a good excuse. Douglas as an option to cuadrado is what made this mess. They were not the only rb's available in the world.


New member
Alves has been great this season, bar his usual brainfarts. And who would want terry, really? Alves still has market. It's his right to not want to settle for less, specially after how the board treated him.

If that your argument, then I guess I shouldn't bother continuing the discussion any further. Terry has also been great this season. Who would want Terry? Who would want a 33-year-old CB willing to take a pay cut (possibly among PL's finest, even though I hate his guts) VS. who would want a declined 32-year-old RB demanding extreme wages? It was also Terry's right to not want to settle for less, but he did, because he cared about playing for Chelsea more than he cared about having the same wages as before. Alves doesn't have to do that, and I don't expect him to, but if he does leave because he won't accept lower wages and a shorter extension, which would be perfectly reasonable, any talk of his respect or love for the club goes out the window.


If that your argument, then I guess I shouldn't bother continuing the discussion any further. Terry has also been great this season. Who would want Terry? Who would want a 33-year-old CB willing to take a pay cut (possibly among PL's finest, even though I hate his guts) VS. who would want a declined 32-year-old RB demanding extreme wages? It was also Terry's right to not want to settle for less, but he did, because he cared about playing for Chelsea more than he cared about having the same wages as before. Alves doesn't have to do that, and I don't expect him to, but if he does leave because he won't accept lower wages and a shorter extension, which would be perfectly reasonable, any talk of his respect or love for the club goes out the window.

Their cases are not the same in any level, and you are ignoring this. Did chelsea disrespect terry in any moment, like our board did with Alves? You think Alves should just bend over and accept anything, and that's what would show he is loyal? If all he wanted was money, he'd have signed for the highest bidder back in january, when he was able to. Alves is not demanding extreme wages either. Somehow your dislike for Alves is clouding your judgment.

Considering Alves should get just a 1 year extension, and then be forced to leave, as the ban would have ended, is not a reasonable thing to ask from anyone. Alves by then won't be able to get another good contract, nor is Barcelona going to keep him. That doesn't matter to you, as I see.


New member
Just give him the 3-year contract he wants or get a better RB. If not, just pay the guy. We can't have Montoya and Douglas be our one and two starting RBs.

I would rather Play Montoya or Bartra there till we can make Transfers again.I hope we don´t give Alves a 3 year contract.


Senior Member
Since stric has been harping on John Terry's supposed loyalty towards Chelsea, I decided to do a l'il research, and I came up with this:

John Terry makes £150,000/wk + appearance related bonuses
Dani Alves makes £120,000/wk

John Terry has been given a new pay-as-you-play Chelsea contract to stay at Stamford Bridge for another year. The captain will still earn close to the £150,000-a-week his last deal was worth, even if he does not kick a ball next season.
But Terry will take home more than his previous salary and become the Premier League’s highest-paid central defender if he keeps his place in the team. After making 47 appearances this season and performing superbly, his prospects of maximising his deal are excellent.
The 33-year-old had been desperate to negotiate a two-year extension, but Chelsea refused to budge from their policy of only offering one-year deals to players aged over 30.
Terry and Chelsea eventually agreed on a compromise with the former England man agreeing to sign a one-year extension on the proviso that he would remain among the club’s top earners.
Talks between Terry and Chelsea had stalled for four weeks before manager Jose Mourinho submitted his end-of-season report and recommendations to owner Roman Abramovich. Terry was called back for discussions last week and a deal was quickly struck that suits both the player and the club.

Source:Here See nothing about a pay-cut.

A footballers career's short, and priortising finances is logical and understandable. As an employee, Alves has completed his contractual obligations, and is free to tend to his interests. A corporation like Barca can withstand a loss in manpower, or finances, but an individual is a vulnerable entity, and must make smart monetary decisions. As for loyalty, it goes both ways.

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