Daniel Alves


Danger Ahead
I think press conference is Alves' last ditch effort to pressure the club to get serious and offer him what he wants, it is sort of an ultimatum. From everything I have read, he wants to stay.

Isn't Bartomeu supposed to meet with him this week to convince him to stay? The club needs to get serious, either sign a good replacement (nothing like Douglas) or just pay the guy.

This is getting so worrisome.

Yeah it could be an ultimatum, I refuse to believe it's over until he actually signs with other club.


2+1 is not that bad. The club could still let him go next summer. Even manage to sell him, even if for peanuts. Right now he'll go for free.

He loves the club so much that he'll instantly reject any offer we make if we can't match offers he's receiving from other clubs.

I'm sure that's exactly what Puyol, Iniesta, Xavi, Samper, Messi, Pique, etc would all do if they were negotiating their contracts.

Seems you missed Xavi's agent speech yesterday. Xavi might leave because the offer from qatar is irresistible, and Barça cannot match it.


San Claudio Bravo
I don't see a problem either way. The club understands Alves is in the last stage of his career and rightfully does not want to invest in him with both a lengthy and expensive contract. They understand Alves would be a stop-gap until they can sign a younger alternative and gave him a contract accordingly.

Alves in turn, wants contract security and wants to squeeze his likely last big payday before his time is up.

Both sides are looking for their own interest and I don't see anything wrong here.

For my part, even though the situation is less than ideal, I think not signing Alves for multiple years with his big wage scale is the right move. So you have to improvise for 4-5 months until 2016 winter market, but you save €20M plus taxes in wages from a potential 2 year deal for a player who is declining and inconsistent. Keep the money and reinvest it in the replacement.


New member
And what I don't know won't hurt me.

Alves has been clear as day all season that he's out of here if we don't give him the offer he wants. This presser from his agent is basically a spit in the club's face. I'd take back the offer we gave him, even.
I don't think he cares about what you think tbh.

He was left in an unclear situation by the club for a long time now. And they basically ask him to bend over them because they need him because of their failure and wrong doings (transfer ban etc.)

I don't feel bad at all about him. And he gave enough to the club all this year to now choose what's best for him. He has well earned this right.


New member
United is the only "big" club in England that really need a right back so it quite obvious.
I think that the club made the best offer possible. But the club also screwed up and is banned from transfer so we can't replace him if he leaves.

I would love to see Bartra playing as a right-back though.


New member
United is the only "big" club in England that really need a right back so it quite obvious.
I think that the club made the best offer possible. But the club also screwed up and is banned from transfer so we can't replace him if he leaves.

I would love to see Bartra playing as a right-back though.
I too see MU being one of those 2 clubs.


You're probably right but what if the coach (whoever it'll be) won't count on Alves next season? Remember that we'll maybe sign a replacement in January/next summer. He is on huge wages and from the club's POV it'd be only logical to offload him when his replacement arrives. This 1+1+1 contract offer is basically proof that they just offer him a new contract because of the transfer ban. Considering his age, wages and recent performances, he'll be gone next summer and as I've said, he probably won't get an offer from a club like ManU anymore (because he'll be one year older and all interested clubs would have solved their right back problems by then)

If the coach is Lucho next season, he will count on Alves.

And there's no need to prove we're only trying to offer because of the transfer ban. That's clear as day, or at least, it used to be. The loss of Danilo is the real reason they're trying to re-sign him, as before that they had no intention whatsoever of Dani being here next season, and planned on just surviving until January when we could sign Danilo. The problem is there is a severe lack of quality RBs out there and the 1+1+1 is more insurance to make sure he keeps "performing" (In quotes because, honestly, he has been awful far too often lately), and if January comes around and he's been dreadful he's going to have to take a hike.

And I highly doubt he has an offer from any big time clubs. We'll see him playing in Qatar or Russia next season most likely.


San Claudio Bravo
I bet they're both English clubs. Alves is still a good pickup for many teams. Heck, he is a good player still for Barca, just inconsistent and slipping.

Ideally, the club should keep him, but always thinking of the future and a 1+1+1 deal is thinking this way. A 2+1 would work if he accepted a significant pay cut, but I suspect that's off the table for him.


New member
I bet they're both English clubs. Alves is still a good pickup for many teams. Heck, he is a good player still for Barca, just inconsistent and slipping.

Ideally, the club should keep him, but always thinking of the future and a 1+1+1 deal is thinking this way. A 2+1 would work if he accepted a significant pay cut, but I suspect that's off the table for him.
Also since the english clubs will get more money to spend, it totally makes sense.


San Claudio Bravo
Also since the english clubs will get more money to spend, it totally makes sense.

Yup. ManU as you suggested would make huge sense. He'd upgrade the position for them and they could eat his large wage for the short term, specially since he'd cost no transfer fee.


Sounds like he's done here from what his agent says... Has better offers from two other clubs, wonder who's that stupid




Pretty much this.

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