Daniel Alves


Previously known as Mehssi
I hope he doesn't sign with any other club until after the CL final, since his recent performances if this is true were obviously for him to get better contracts/offers.. we need to sign a good RB either he stays or leaves, doesn't matter, he could go back to his worst self just after signing an extension too.


New member
I'm pretty sure that PSG/Utd offer him a LOT of money and he just can't refuse it.
Well, we won't have any other choice than Montoya/Bartra/Adriano/Douglas next season.


New member
madrid s one. and i looked at their official site and nothing about Dani. ?! maybe i am blind, if any of you see anything?!

[tw][url<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Alves no ha acceptat la última oferta del Barça.El club diu q ja no la pot pujar més.El jugador té 4 ofertes millors.Setmana vinent parlarà</p>— Sique RodríguezGairí (@SiqueRodriguez) <a href="https://twitter.com/SiqueRodriguez/status/601458360794238977">May 21, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/url][/tw]


New member
I'm holding off my reaction until it's official, this could easily be false rumors made simply to disturb the club, especially if they originate from Madrid. The timing of this coming out the same day as Xavi announcing his departure is just a bit too "perfect". It wouldn't be the first time rumors were fabricated to create a storm in Barca at a critical time...
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Sport is reporting that Alves will hold a press conference on Tuesday. He'll most probably leave.


Cadena ser and sport reporting the same. It's done

He'd leave soon either way and he chose to do so now to do it on a high


New member
If it's true, then thanks Dani for some absolute horrendous timing here. This couldn't wait three weeks, but just had to happen on the same day as Xavi announces he's leaving?



Danger Ahead
Nah I still refuse to believe it until it's official, many thought that it's over after Dinohar's press conference, but it wasn't.

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