Man, if you think that being honest and transparent is the worst thing to do, our conversation has nowhere to go, because we clearly have different values.
And, of course, a talented businessman can pass that message in a much softer way than you put it, and still leave hope for him without hurting his pride.
I myself was able to do it, not with professional footballer, of course.
People generally don't like to be put in a second place, just WAITING for your valuable time and attention. They rather a direct and honest conversation, even if not with the expected results.
And, finally, Dani is not only a professional but also a Barça legend. Do you REALLY think he would put all his history on the basura and play with no effort because of that?
He is not doing that while PISSED with the board. Imagine if he was treated the way he deserved, the correct way!¡!¡!¡!¡!