Daniel Alves


Senior Member
As usual you're diverting from the main point. I don't really care about Alves' feelings, have said that here more than once. That's not what's important, and not what I'm saying.

Douglas transfer was a joke. It's either pure incompetence, or corruption. Pick one.

Thats fine, I thought you had stated a few times that Alves rightly felt direspected by club.

If thats not the issue then fine as I agree on this situation of not having a RB for a few months not being ideal.


New member
How have the club been disrespectful to Dani then?

Dani is a club legend and he deserved to know, in a honest and direct talk, that we were not interested in a renewal.

Not just put him on hold, inside the freezer, until we get fucked and changed our minds.

Can you guys please understand that we do not think the board has any obligation to renew with anyone?


New member
No but you wont explain how the club have been 'unethical' and point to what Flavia says. One option of which was to offer Alves a new contract.

I will ask you and you will avoid it but - what would have been the 'ethical' way to treat Alves?

I think you just lost my answer. I did, with my own words.


New member
It is just once again a proof of idiocy in the football business. I don't like Alves' press conference two games before a potential treble, yet I understand why he bluffs/signals that way. Apparently, he needn't do that anyway, as any sane board would know that there's nobody on the market that could replace him and be benched for 6 months just because of the fucking transfer ban. But than again, most managers are good in not deciding, because decision is change, it is responsibility, it needs balls and leadership.


San Claudio Bravo
How have the club been disrespectful to Dani then?

If Alves feels disrespected because he thought he had an optional extension for his contract, that's his agent's fault for conveying false information to him.

It doesn't matter if the club was or was not disrespectful to Alves, it only matters if Alves himself feels that way, and he surely does, because guess what, Alves is in the strong leverage position here thanks to all the fuck ups by the board.

The club needed to do one of two things:

Either a year or more ego, realize that Alves was getting older, and was having inconsistent performances, and they needed to plan to let him go in 2015 when his contract ended by going out and getting quality replacements. And no, all this talk about what LE wanted and couldn't get is not excuse for failing this. The plan needed to be in place and Montoya and Douglas should not have been it.

Or, they needed to secure themselves against transfer failures and other problems, by extending Alves THEN, while still with a year or two under contract, for another couple of years.

They did neither. They rolled into this season with Alves not renewed and having never been offered a renewal while playing his last year of contract, and having terrible talent to back him up and eventually replace him afterwards. Oh, and transfer banned to boot.

If Alves feels disrespected and slighted at being now, at the last hour, being low-balled (to his estimations) and treated as a fall-back plan, then he surely has reason.

We also don't know the intimate details of negotiations, treatments, etc, like Alves does. If, again, he feels disrespected, he has his reasons. Not the first time this board has handled players poorly and made them upset.
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New member
They should not let him waiting. With no kind of communication. That was disrespectful for a normal player, just imagine for a club legend.

They should have talked frankly and honestly about how he was respected as a club legend, but it was time to renovate our squad (something he could easily understand because it was just the truth, not a bullshit and disrespecting "on hold" situation).

After the ban, the board could easily step back and say that although the squad renovation was still desired, Barça at that moment needed more than ever his legendary loyalty.

But no... We just kept a legend on a disrespectful hold and suddenly changed our minds without a single "I'm sorry", like he was just plain dumb.

Here Jamdav.

And you actually have quoted me.

Stop running in circles.


Senior Member
Dani is a club legend and he deserved to know, in a honest and direct talk, that we were not interested in a renewal.

Not just put him on hold, inside the freezer, until we get fucked and changed our minds.

Can you guys please understand that we do not think the board has any obligation to renew with anyone?

You are assuming the club were 100% against the idea of Alves being offered a contract at any time though.

If they had done that I bet anything Alves would have asked to leave and also had they done that and he played like this in last few months they would have been ridiculed for telling Alves his time was up a year ago.

Imagine Alves playing knowing 100% that the club did not think he was good enough and he couldnt change that.


6racies Xavi

I completely agree with you there. Out of those two options you mentioned , getting a suitable replacement would have been the best option. Alves just came from a very inconsistent season and a really awful WC. No one in the right mind would have extended his contract at the start of the season. What I do blame the board though is getting a guy from Brazil whom no one heard of. Is douglas an inspiration that you could join Barca one day yourself ? Yes. Is he a suitabe replacement for Alves ? No. All the board had to do was get a good RB and Barca wouldnt be in this situation where Alves holds all the cards.
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New member
If they had done that I bet anything Alves would have asked to leave and also had they done that and he played like this in last few months they would have been ridiculed for telling Alves his time was up a year ago.

Guess what... when you are HONEST and TRANSPARENT to people, you have way more chances to step back and retreat yourself than when you just try to make people plain dumb.

First situation you hurt someone. Second situation you offend someone.

Just think a little bit about what's easier to cure.

Imagine Alves playing knowing 100% that the club did not think he was good enough and he couldnt change that.

Who said anything about "he couldn't change that"?

Only a stupid businessman could imply something like that to a employee.

If you are a bare competent businessman, you are able to discuss your plan with a" disposable" employee and still give him hope to his last sprint.

And look how professional Dani has been even while pissed.


Senior Member
Guess what... when you are HONEST and TRANSPARENT to people, you have way more chances to step back and retreat yourself than when you just try to make people plain dumb.

First situation you hurt someone. Second situation you offend someone.

Just think a little bit about what's easier to cure.

Who said anything about "he couldn't change that"?

Only a stupid businessman could imply something like that to a employee.

If you are a bare competent businessman, you are able to discuss your plan with a" disposable" employee and still give him hope to his last sprint.

And look how professional Dani has been even while pissed.

You dont think Alves would be more upset being told he is defnitely not needed and will be let go at end of contract rather than just being told no contract offer was being made at the time?

You keep going on about the club being honest with Alves as if you knew their intentions was to never offer him a new contract.


New member
You dont think Alves would be more upset being told he is defnitely not needed and will be let go at end of contract rather than just being told no contract offer was being made at the time?

Again buddy... Who is talking about "definitely not needed"?

I never said that. And I never would use these words on this situation.

I keep repeating that a competent businessman can be honest, pass the right message and still have employee's trust by using the correct words.

You keep going on about the club being honest with Alves as if you knew their intentions was to never offer him a new contract.

You don't let a player, by your own wish, come to his last contract year if you still think he is valuable.

You see? Your thinking line underrate players intelligence, exactly how the board did to offend Alves.

Most players are not dumb. Specifically Alves, who is in fact a very smart guy (hot headed, but still smart).
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Senior Member
Part of UEFA's Best XI in La LIGA 2014/15, along with Bravo, Pique and Messi. Neymar deserved to be there as well.


Senior Member
Again buddy... Who is talking about "definitely not needed"?

I never said that. And I never would use these words on this situation.

I keep repeating that a competent businessman can be honest, pass the right message and still have employee's trust by using the correct words.

You don't let a player, by your own wish, come to his last contract year if you still think he is valuable.

You see? Your thinking line underrate players intelligence, exactly how the board did to offend Alves.

Most players are not dumb. Specifically Alves, who is in fact a very smart guy (hot headed, but still smart).

What you are saying makes no sense.

Why would they tell Alves last summer there was 'no chance of a renewal' if it was not the case?

That would be being dishonest with him.

They have not been dishonest or 'unethical' with him in any way.


Danger Ahead

Ok Dani now it's your turn, take it or leave it, there is third option ofc - make a presser and complain about the offer:mou:

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