David Luiz


Wild Man of Borneo
This is a gamble signing, one that we don't have the luxury to rely on. The pace, height, and technical ability are all A+ qualities to have but there are fundamentals that he lacks or ignores. His positioning can be ghastly as he turns off defensively time and time again, even going AWOL in a deep sitting defense like Chelsea. Imagine that indiscipline in a free roaming high line. If we keep Alves-Pique-Luiz-Alba, we'll have 2 defenders who often don't even go back to defend (Luiz and Alves) and 2 who struggle when they are exposed (Pique and Alba). It's a high risk to get someone like him.

Of course, if we were to be looking at positives it's the potential that he has. Talent is there, undoubtedly. We need to nurture that and bash some discipline into that maniac brain of his. Lucho would have to force him to stay responsible in defense, he'd need an authoritative figure next to him to make sure he doesn't wander, and he'd have to learn a lot from our defensive staff (Puyol especially if he were to stay as a coach). IF we can align everything correctly to make Luiz into a level-headed defender and improve his glaring flaws, then he could be a success. The thing is, why are we buying a player to serve him and improve him for our own survival rather than a player who can come in and improve us?


New member
Seriously, though, all joking aside... can someone who's been watching both of them closely tell me - would Luiz be worse than Mascherano?

Nope. I actually rate Luiz despite his flaws. Most of those flaws are all down to the fact that he can't really concentrate anyway. His reading of the game is very good and he's got all the physical tools needed to become a top class defender.

He's an excellent defender in a high-line when he's allowed to aggressively rush out and intercept passes. He's a bit too aggressive for Mourinho's low-block defense and perhaps just not quite disciplined enough but I don't think that's too much of a problem. Most of the defending at Barca is done high up the pitch anyway and unlike Mascherona, Luiz actually can defend whilst sitting deep. If he's concentrated.
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New member
So the deal is 90% done? Welcome and good luck, David. :wave:
The deal isn't done at all. We have a personal agreement with the player (like we probably have with a lot of other CBs too), but no negotiations with Chelsea yet as far as I know.


New member
The deal isn't done at all. We have a personal agreement with the player (like we probably have with a lot of other CBs too), but no negotiations with Chelsea yet as far as I know.
Cool. I only checked twitter, so my bad.


Active member
here comes another failure. BUT our board won't admit their incompetence and he will be forcefully played most of the season, despite being a weak link and a defensive liability, he won't be sold as soon as we discover that he just doesn't fix anything and he will still continue to play, because our board will never admit that they made a 30 mil $ mistake. i feel sorry for bartra..

Haruko The Goon

here comes another failure. BUT our board won't admit their incompetence and he will be forcefully played most of the season, despite being a weak link and a defensive liability, he won't be sold as soon as we discover that he just doesn't fix anything and he will still continue to play, because our board will never admit that they made a 30 mil $ mistake. i feel sorry for bartra..

This guy knows his stuff.

Forget the technical defenders, and just get a tall/fast/powerful CB. I know you're Barca, and it's what your accustomed too, but first and FOREMOST, a defender should be just that; a good defender.

It's why D.Luiz should be about 5th on the list of targets, not 1st.

Subotic/Hummels/T.Silva/Benatia/Laporte. A handful are out there and all gettable.


How many agreements have we had with Thiago Silva? Luiz isnt coming, at least not for now.


New member
First of all, why do we need a defender who is good with the ball when we already have Pique? Puyol was never the best technically but was superb defensively, a monster in the air, fast and also a leader. I think that's what we need most.

Secondly, David Luiz might be fast but I feel he is better when playing with a deep line (or at least medium line) and two compact banks of four, because his team mates are able to compensate for his errors. He was exposed pretty often under Villas Boas when Chelsea played a high defensive line - of course not only his fault, but he still never looked comfortable - and played in midfield under Benitez and Mourinho, who are defence first type of managers.

He only plays well for Brazil because his CB partner is Thiago Silva.


Senior Member
First of all, why do we need a defender who is good with the ball when we already have Pique? Puyol was never the best technically but was superb defensively, a monster in the air, fast and also a leader. I think that's what we need most.

Secondly, David Luiz might be fast but I feel he is better when playing with a deep line (or at least medium line) and two compact banks of four, because his team mates are able to compensate for his errors. He was exposed pretty often under Villas Boas when Chelsea played a high defensive line - of course not only his fault, but he still never looked comfortable - and played in midfield under Benitez and Mourinho, who are defence first type of managers.

He only plays well for Brazil because his CB partner is Thiago Silva.

Puyol was always good with the ball and he can dribble pretty well too, that's what makes him one of the best.
Agree that we need a CB that's really solid defensively, but saying David Luiz only plays well with Brazil because of Thiago Silva is kind of laughable, nor does it make any sense at all.


The Culest
Luiz played a few good matches with Brazil and suddenly he's a God? International level is nowhere near club football. I wonder why some ppl keep comparing them. Plus during a whole season one's consistency is checked. How many matches he played with Brazil? Not a whole season which masked his biggest weakness- consistency.

And yeah just like Puyol masked Pique's deficiencies, Thiago Silva will mask any defenders deficiencies who plays beside him....

So why does Scolari chooses him constantly? Others also can be good because they play next to Silva, why not Dante or other CB?

Scolari chose Maxwell over fillipe luiz. He's not coach who selects players on merit....

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