David Villa


We should have accepted the Anderlecht deal , I don't think there's someone who could offer more . 8M for Villa is a joke . I would rather keep him than sell him for anything lower than 14-15 mil .

Seems like they (Anderlecht) will offer more, at least that's in the Belgian press. By the looks of it they really want him. But I agree about Villa, everything below 10M is just unacceptable.


New member
He should rake 15M at the very least from PL teams. Tottenham and Arsenal can both see the bargain they have at that price.


New member
Tottenham are close to a deal with forward David Villa (31) and will now try to find a deal with Barcelona, who want at least 10M. [sport]


Cruijff's Heir
Please just sell Villa ASAP. Gets us more budget for a new CB, gets him his desired playing time as a striker. Win-win. It's taking way too long...


New member
Would be weird seeing Villa at Tottenham... I can't see it for some reason.

But Higuain is now going to Arsenal so it's not likely Villa goes there now unless he takes a major it in wages and Arsenal finds a way to work him into the system .

Atleti have the money and Villa may end up wanting to stay in Spain. Maybe that's possible.


Cruijff's Heir
Would actually love to see him at Atleti, good for La Liga too. But I guess he prefers England, maybe also because there the wages can be higher?


New member
wages may be a reason for the move to PL but may be he just want to experience new style of play and new experience and this will be the last chance to do that.


Hi, its me..
im hoping theyll go with him for the final.. seems unlikely. Would have been nice to see him at some point tonight..

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