David Villa


New member
From Barca's official website:


Turning to David Villa, the coach said “he is a top class player who wants to play every game, but we can’t use everybody all of the time”.

També ha parlat de David Villa. “És un jugador de nivell que vol disputar tots els partits però no sempre els puc posar a tots”.

También ha hablado de David Villa. "Es un jugador de nivel que quiere disputar todos los partidos pero no siempre los puedo poner a todos".


Now go ahead and translate the shit out of it.
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New member
Never Believe something unless you have all the facts and sources to prove it otherwise...esp something coming from a newspaper.


Well-known member
Regardless of all of that I hope Villa gets more playing time, especially with cesc out I would like him to be a consecutive starter, he isnt tello or alexis and deserves more time.
I expect thiago to play more rather than Villa though.
I trust tito knows what he is doing just hope for more playing time cause I like Villa and rate him highly.


The Messiah
Tito Vilanova (Today) "There's times, no matter how much you move the system, Villa doesn't fit in."

The biggest bullshit Tito could have said. Yeah, there's no room for Villa, a player that can play as a 9, as a left winger, and even as a right winger, and is the second goalscorer this season playing half the minutes than everyone else.

But of course, there's obviously room for Mr Cesc, where Tito is forced to make a midfielder play in the wing aka Iniesta where he never played before. You had to make a "new system" to make Cesc fit in, but you can't replace Pedro, or Cesc to make Villa fit in, a 4-3-3, having the best midfielder trio aka Xavi - Iniesta & Busquets, and having the MVP that gave us the last champions, and not an Iniesta that can't score, a Pedro that can't score, and having to rely on Messi every single time.

Leave in January Villa, my tip.

OMFG DAFUQ did I just read?


The Messiah
well you shouldnt give any attention to this idiot,he always writes,bb villa,Villa should leave,villa good luck to your new team....From the moment i see all that i dont read anything he says,just a troller...

jtmx12 has taken his fanboyism for Villa to a whole new level. Stop it man! you're making a fool out of yourself.

Wait, he's a Villa fanboy and he wants him to leave? Is he even a Barca fan?

Here's my tip dude, stop posting BS on the forum misleading everyone.


Active member
Wait, he's a Villa fanboy and he wants him to leave? Is he even a Barca fan?

Here's my tip dude, stop posting BS on the forum misleading everyone.
he says villa should leave for other team to play cause he doesnt deserve be benched -.-,or because he doesnt play sometimes that he will leave..




he wants him to leave? Is he even a Barca fan?.

Barca is paying Villa as much as Iniesta/Xavi and he is on the bench every single time. Barca is wasting money, so Villa leaving is also good for Barca.


Cruijff's Heir
I believe this is really a hard case, since there are enough reasons to let him go but also enough reasons to let him stay.

1. He might be past his prime, we should give playing time for those who really have a long future at our club.
2. Now we can still get some cash for him, rather have that than have him on the bench till the end of his contract and get nothing.
3. If we can't give him the playing time he wants, it would be better for him if he would go to a club that can give him wat he wants.

1. Proven this year that he is on the way back, has definitely won us points this season.
2. Everybody loves him! He has always been very good for our squad, on and off the pitch.
3. I'd rather have Villa in the starting XI than Cuenca or Tello...

I hate to say it, but stopping at your peak is hard to judge. I would hate it if option nr 2 happens to Villa the next couple of years. To keep a good memory of him, as well as being an economically sound decision, I would let him go after the end of the season. Then either get Neymar, Reus or Gotze(maybe James Rodriguez) and promote Deulofeu to the first team to fill the gap. But on the other hand, I indeed love this player very much and would want nothing for him but to end his career on a peak with us...


Active member
You could write the same nonsense reply to any other guy here in barcaforum as well. Come up with something better next time.
Dude,why the hell you care so much?everytime you say the same things,so as you said all that s...t apparently you are THE BIGGEST FAN of Villa and you say he is wasted in barcelona...And also you are posting lies,Tito could never say that.I dont know if you are trolling or not,but with all that you write you seem a kind of a lunatic person...


New member
He's either the greatest troll of all time or ....the kind of person I'd get banned for describing.

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