David Villa


Senior Member
Pedro is irreplaceable. He offers much more than villa or any other wide forward.. Speed, stamina, finishing. Villa is below par right now.. Even 10-11 pedro was much more vital than villa. Since 09 pedro is essential, and we suffer when he is out of form


Wild Man of Borneo
I'm confused by this talk of Villa at RW. Has he ever played that position for Barca?

No but I don't see why trying him there would hurt. He is 2 footed and an Iniesta-Messi-Villa lineup would be deadly. Although Pedro is recovering his scoring boots now so it's not a huge issue.


To be fair, if Villa goes anywhere, Man City would disappoint me perhaps the least! They have quality players, and a good environment in which Villa could thrive I think. I'd go as far as saying I'd LOVE to see him destroying Man United in the next derby. If he goes on loan for the rest of the season (quite unlikely considering Barça's recent comments on the matter), then I'm not going to be distraught. It could even be a boost for him, if he comes back to play semi-regularly for Barça next year!

Oh yeah, and Man City are no competition to Barça for the rest of the season, since they've already exited the CL.


New member
I'm confused why this idea is such a shock to a lot of people. Why is it okay to have Alexis play as RW? He's right footed, too. And he can't score anyway. How is trying Villa as RW any worse than this? Surely, one could argue that Alexis' function at RW is not the same as Villa's at LW, but considering Villa's great playmaking abilities in the final-third and his ability to shoot almost equally well with either foot, I don't see why the idea needs such justification.


New member
Besides, the entire notion of inverted wingers is only a recent trend. I can't understand how the idea of a right-footed player playing on the right wing is so frowned upon, when it's basically been the standard system throughout football history.


I'm confused why this idea is such a shock to a lot of people. Why is it okay to have Alexis play as RW? He's right footed, too. And he can't score anyway. How is trying Villa as RW any worse than this? Surely, one could argue that Alexis' function at RW is not the same as Villa's at LW, but considering Villa's great playmaking abilities in the final-third and his ability to shoot almost equally well with either foot, I don't see why the idea needs such justification.

I've said about the RW idea months ago... Tito rathers have Alexis, a guy that can't assist as a right winger, and can't shoot with his left foot, over Villa, a guy that is a beast with his left foot (scored 50% of his goals with it this season) and can assist, play well with the ball, make great runs, and as shown last game, easily connect with Messi as he did back in 2010 with a lot success. Add the recovered Dani Alves to the list, and our attack from the left will be as good as our attack from the right. Last game Villa alone in the left wing without Alba or Iniesta managed to be a key player in 3 goals from Messi...1 assist, 1 run that forced a mistake from the goalkeeper, and another great pass to Adriano that then gave it to Messi... Imagine Villa doing the same thing from the right wing with Dani Alves, and sometimes Messi...

The fact is that Villa doesn't play because Tito doesn't want to, and that's it. There's a million of ways to play Villa, as a 9, as a right winger, as a left winger, and do that do you need to take out either Pedro, Iniesta, Cesc (not always ofc, but rotate Villa with them, since you can't play them all at the same time in all the matches), and Villa would still get a lot minutes. However, when Cesc/Iniesta doesn't play, Thiago or someone else does, when Pedro doesn't play, Alexis or Tello does... and Villa is always the last in the list, but the fact is that he been playing as good as Pedro/Cesc/Iniesta, assisting and scoring, and lately defending. His stats don't lie, he has done nothing wrong so far but he remains in the bench, and since I love Barca, I'm forced to see Alexis fail all the opportunities he gets over and over... while Villa is in the bench... wasted.
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New member
OK. Lets say Arsenal or Man City sign Villa in the next 24 hours and God forbid Messi is injured and out for an extended time. Who would you put as the central striker for the rest of the season?

It is an extremely scary proposition without Villa IMHO?


New member
Here we go again. :lol:

The reason he's not playing is because he's off-form, not fit, constantly being plagued by injuries, and arguably getting a bit old for the winger's spot.

When the LW spot is available and Villa is fit enough to compete with Tello/Alexis, he gets his time. No mystery there. The only thing I mind is that he's never been tried on the right wing, which would additionally be another opportunity to get playing time.


New member
And he has not been playing anywhere near as "decent" as Iniesta or Cesc for the better part of the season. I hate to say it, but it's true. He hasn't made a decent shot at goal in ages. He did other things well, but that's what's most important, considering the fact that his scoring is really the primary reason why anyone would support the idea of playing him instead of Alexis/Pedro/whoever.


plagued by injuries? one injury that lasted 3 days... and another one that lasted 7 days? that's plagged? lawl to be on-form, you need regular playing time, something Tito never gave him. Last game he was defending and running everywhere over and over and didn't look tired after 90 minutes... and he didn't magically got on form in a week...he's been ready and waiting his chance for a while, what he needed was playing time to finally get fit at 100%, but his recovery was delayed over and over because Tito for some reason decided that it's best to bet on Alexis... and keep Villa in the bench always using his "big injury" as an excuse, untill he couldn't use it anymore...

Villa 10+4 = 14
Pedro 7+7 = 14
Cesc 8+10 = 18
Iniesta 4+15 = 19

His goals + assists are close to those player that have played nearly every single match and Villa has played like half the minutes if you compare against them, and usually the crappy minutes, getting subbed ASAP every single time, or getting in the last 10 mins...

Don't expect Villa to suddendly become awesome as those players you mention without playing time.. At the start of the season Cesc didn't magically got better, he was playing really bad at the start of the season, but Tito played him like 10 matches in a row playing like 90 minutes untill he finally started playing great... unlike Villa, who the max consecutive matches as a starter if I recall correctly was 3 , and playing like 60 mins each... yet his stats are great... and he's doing great with the poor amount of chances.
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New member
I'm confused why this idea is such a shock to a lot of people. Why is it okay to have Alexis play as RW? He's right footed, too. And he can't score anyway. How is trying Villa as RW any worse than this? Surely, one could argue that Alexis' function at RW is not the same as Villa's at LW, but considering Villa's great playmaking abilities in the final-third and his ability to shoot almost equally well with either foot, I don't see why the idea needs such justification.
Besides, the entire notion of inverted wingers is only a recent trend. I can't understand how the idea of a right-footed player playing on the right wing is so frowned upon, when it's basically been the standard system throughout football history.
Right on man. Plus I've seen videos of him playing from the right in Valencia and he killed it! It would be great if they at least try it out for sure.



Wild Man of Borneo
Here we go again. :lol:

The reason he's not playing is because he's off-form, not fit, constantly being plagued by injuries, and arguably getting a bit old for the winger's spot.

When the LW spot is available and Villa is fit enough to compete with Tello/Alexis, he gets his time. No mystery there. The only thing I mind is that he's never been tried on the right wing, which would additionally be another opportunity to get playing time.

I guess one factor as to why he doesn't try the right is reluctance from him or Tito. Playing Villa on the right would change the system (Which is working really well) and force Villa to adapt even though he's in the twilight of his career. It's too much of a hassle on a player who could possibly leave in the summer and is too old to be making changes in his playing style. Villa on the right would work in theory, but I'm sure it hasn't happened for a reason.

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