

Well-known member
Of course if the name Deco is dropped here, then only about what he did wrong. No one mentions the good things he implemented like rebuilding the physical staff of the club. One reason Deco didn't love Xavi is, because Xavi didn't want to make any changes to his staff. While Flick only brought his 3 assistants with him and Deco built the physical staff from scratch with absolute cracks:

Julio Tous Barça’s main physical coach, worked for over 10 years under Conte: “I’ve worked for Chelsea, Juve, PSG, and all those teams I’ve worked for, I’ve won the league title and I’ve been able to compete for all the titles simply because I make players horses who don’t get tired of running.”

Pepe Conde new fitness coach, whom Julio Tous wanted, worked at Sevilla and the spanish NT

Rafa Maldonado worked at Sociedad, who were also known for a top physical level

Raul Martinez worked for the national team as well as head of physiotherapy and is the guy, to whom Iniesta, Puyol, Pique went to treatment.

Deco brought all 4 into the club and even after a short Euro summer, we could see the team has improved massively in the physical aspect which allowed Flick to keep playing offensively in the first 2 games after leading with one goal and not being pressed into the own penalty area as it was often with Xavi. Such achievements are not mentioned here of course, but taken for granted.
And I didn't even start to talk about how the club reduced it's wage bill from 750m to around 400m now and has in the moment the youngest squad since ages with only 3 player being over 30 years old and half the team coming from La-Masia. But for some it's still not enough, they keep insulting and insisting for these 3 "grandpas" to be sold, so we can play with the kindergarden for titles. Maybe these people can also give examples about one top team, that plays without over 30 year olds and win titles.
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Professor Balthazar
Who ok'd Deco going to Porta celebrating his fucking birthday with 4 days to go of the transfer window and with our most promising new player just injured for the entire season and us not having a fucking midfield anymore?! This is a scandal!!! I


Senior Member
Who ok'd Deco going to Porta celebrating his fucking birthday with 4 days to go of the transfer window and with our most promising new player just injured for the entire season and us not having a fucking midfield anymore?! This is a scandal!!! I

The celebration thing is just journalist connecting the dots.
And even if true, he arrived in afternoon and might be back in Barcelona in the morning.
He can enjoy half a day mate. It isn't like anything will stop due to that.


Professor Balthazar
The celebration thing is just journalist connecting the dots.
And even if true, he arrived in afternoon and might be back in Barcelona in the morning.
He can enjoy half a day mate. It isn't like anything will stop due to that.
Sends the wrong signals anyway mate. We hardly have any fucking midfield left after Bernal's injury. Deco et all should be sitting in an emergency meeting how to fix our problems. They also had all fucking summer trying to offload some players and didn't do a great job tbh. Because of these reasons Deco could at least fucking ACT professional even if he obviously isn't and sit his fat ass down until the window closes for fucks sake mate.
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Senior Member
There's no way he is there for a birthday party in the final days of the transfer market, the day after a [current] 11 player went down with a 6/12 month injury.

That's a sackable offense.

Cracking story though.


NTC with a Positive attitude

I just want to know how laporta saw Deco's birthday on his CV, knowing he's Brazilian and has a bit of a history, and not think this guy will be partying on his birthday every mercato end?
Is Fatporta this dunce.


Staff member
We were having a laugh about his vacations in last 3 days of transfer window but alas.. SEEMS LIKE LITTLE GIPSY IS BINGING FOR REAL


This club is a joke


Senior Member
We were having a laugh about his vacations in last 3 days of transfer window but alas.. SEEMS LIKE LITTLE GIPSY IS BINGING FOR REAL


This club is a joke

What are you expecting him to do, his hands are tied.

Doing some solid late business for BA though it seems.


Professor Balthazar
We were having a laugh about his vacations in last 3 days of transfer window but alas.. SEEMS LIKE LITTLE GIPSY IS BINGING FOR REAL


This club is a joke
Let's give him a pass, he was actually finalizing Angel Alarcon's move to Porto...

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