Dmytro Chygrynskiy


Senior Member
Do u follow me around this forum or what?

Why shouldn't a Culé fan favorize Barcelona products? It's quite obvious that alot of us dig Busquets, JDS, Thiago, Pedro, Bojan, Messi, Iniesta, Valdes, Xavi, Puyol, Piqué, Muniesa etc etc a little bit more because they are our products.

I never said anything about not favouring our canteranos. Don't know where u got that from.

You're not the best member to talk about other persons favorite players, since it's way to obvious for you aswell. Players you dig: Thiago, Deulo, Touré, Abidal(or is that Mina?) etc. Players you don't dig: Zlatan, Chygrinskij.

Everyone have their favs and i 've mine as well and where am i denying it?
Please go check if i've needlessly criticised Chyg or Zlatan. Infact, i was patient with Chyg while others were busy slating him in the past. This is probably the first time i've criticised him. And, i certainly wasn't the one comparing our canterano to a flop after his first competitive game this season...

And, i think, it 'd be better if my bud Meta addresses my post. Thank You


There has been a lot of talk about him and I haven't had a chance to see much of him. I was excited to see that he was starting (I hope Gai plays soon as well in LW).

I skimmed through a few posts and people are complaining about Thiago?! LOL The kid is 18 and played very well, imo. He did what an attacking midfielder should do, what exactly did he do wrong? Too flashy you say? Jesus Christ what exactly do you think Iniesta did the entire game. Iniesta did a ton of moves which played a big part in him having one of the best performances for Barca. Thiago did a few flashy moves but they worked most of the time...what is there to complain about hahaha He made the defender look stupid twice and I loved it.

His passes were overall really good and he ran to space a lot to accept passes. He didn't get the ball as much as he should have b/c he is young and the other Barca players don't have as much confidence in giving him the ball. This isn't bad about our players, it makes sense. The fact is when he DID get the ball, he did very well. He showed confidence on the ball and barely lost possession- those are very good things.



Improvin' Perfection!!
I wonder why Thiago was chosen to do the Xavi thing when in reality he's more of an attackig mid fielder or trequerista!! Pep should have probably chosen Xavi-Thiago combo and let Thiago do his usual thingy:shrug:


Senior Member
I totally agree with u, Estel. Even a JDS-Thiago combo would've been better. But, ofcourse pep wasn't gonna let 2 young inexperienced midfielders play against a tough opponent.


Improvin' Perfection!!
I totally agree with u, Estel. Even a JDS-Thiago combo would've been better. But, ofcourse pep wasn't gonna let 2 young inexperienced midfielders play against a tough opponent.

Iniesta should have played more of a central role instead of Thiago even for that combo... Iniesta is a very good play-maker indeed!!

Pep might have got it wrong when he opted for a Xavi-JDS combination against Villareal. There's a reason Cesc-Xavi didn't work very good for Spain. Of course off-late, since Cesc started excelling in his new AM role, Del Bosque can now freely try this not-so-successful combination :D


Do u follow me around this forum or what?

I never said anything about not favouring our canteranos. Don't know where u got that from.

Everyone have their favs and i 've mine as well and where am i denying it?
Please go check if i've needlessly criticised Chyg or Zlatan. Infact, i was patient with Chyg while others were busy slating him in the past. This is probably the first time i've criticised him. And, i certainly wasn't the one comparing our canterano to a flop after his first competitive game this season...

And, i think, it 'd be better if my bud Meta addresses my post. Thank You

Haha I like debating that's why but if u would like Meta's answer go on. I'll even edit mine.
Thing is, Miss Zanela, I don't really post that much which you can see on my post numbers. I only post when I see something that I think is controversial debate and you have controversial views on some things imo and that's why I quote you alot.
I could quote you a page if not two.
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Senior Member
The problem with the Spanish national team is that the coach is slightly delusional. Cesc is no longer a "creative" midfielder. After a lot of hard work and developing his other strengths, he is now a creative "attacking" midfielder. He has great vision, creativity but isn't afraid to use his speed to run at defenders when there is space, even if it is up the middle. This is something you never, ever see Iniesta or Xavi do. Xavi is strictly a creative genius who is masterful as holding onto the ball. Iniesta prefers to penetrate through players slowly along the wings.

If the coach played a 2, then 1 (Iniesta on left, Cesc on right, Xavi in middle slightly behind them) it would work brilliantly. Cesc should be more attacking minding, being creative when the opportunity presents itself, Iniesta doing the same. Xavi can just do his thing. They are all world-class and you know there will be plenty of movement. They have a great defense, so they can get away with playing that midfield unless it is against a strong attacking team i.e. Holland and Brasil (although as of late Dunga has been playing anything BUT an attacking team).

P.S.- Thiago and JDS would be a terrible idea especially against Sevilla, at least not at this age/time of development.

-I totally agree, Thiago would play much better with Xavi over Iniesta. Iniesta had a brilliant game however, much to his own personal effort however.


Senior Member
criticising someone is not the same as writing them off.

I'd criticise chysus, but why bother? everyone on here is doing such a sterling job I don't need to say anything, and in fact I find it more pertinent to call for patience from the mob that are writing him off. after six months. fucking batshit.

regarding money, the fee should not be an issue. he was the player pep wanted. and shakhtar didn't want to sell. we were always going to have to pay over the odds. get over it.

as for thiago, I criticise him (not write him off, there is no doubts he will improve, his talent is enormous) for what appears to be a negative, selfish trait. not for any lack of skill, but for a wrongness in his attitude.

skill for me is rarely an issue at barca. it comes down to mentality. chysus, in RCB, was confident and assured. in LCB he was shaky and uncertain. mentality. piqué, when he first arrived, was shaky and uncertain, after time, games and faith, he was imperious. mentality. thiago is obviously skilled to the sky, but right now his mentality is a very CR-esque "LOOKATME!" one. and I don't like that.

he reminds me of quaresma. almost waiting for an opponent to come near so he can dribble him. more focused on doing that than providing a pass or keeping the ball moving. people say he can be like deco or iniesta but both of those players know that it's pass first. keep the ball moving. even at 18 iniesta had this intelligence.

it just annoys me how everyone, yourself included, is going gaga over this kid and running poor jonny down, when really jonny is exemplary of the barcelona system. his play is crisp and concise, he knows the value of moving the ball, and he can be expansive if he has to be. frankly I don't care if thiago is "more talented" - he's not showing that talent except in do-nothing dribbles. until he improves his application I doubt he'll see as much gametime as jonny. at least I'd hope not.

and the main reason I criticise him is he has no reason to still carry this trait being a barcelona canterano and having grown up in the system. he should know better.

and I really like chysus' defending, he just needs more confidence in himself. he made some great tackles and jabs in that first half. the difference between him at RCB and LCB is miles wide. hopefully he gets more games on the right from now on.

Na, Thiago is better than JDS, JDS Keeps it simple because that's what he does best, if you like that then fine, but Thiago knows he has the talent to beat his man and play those passes that he tries to do, that's just the type of player he is.

Besides i didn't see Thiago doing anything out of the ordinary if a man was their to be beat he did it and passed the ball.

JDS is type to put in a system and he will do well, Thiago is the type to win you a game, sure in that game he might lose a few balls, because he tries a few low percentage passes, but the fact that he has the talent and self belief to try them shouldn't be help against him.

Thiago has way more up side to him than JDS.

"he difference between him at RCB and LCB is miles wide"

The difference between a Born Attacking Midfield and CM is miles wide, you should be appreciating the deference. We can have all little Xavi's coming through.

As i said on another forum
Xavi and Thiago
Iniesta and JDS

They complete each other much better.


Na, Thiago is better than JDS, JDS Keeps it simple because that's what he does best, if you like that then fine, but Thiago knows he has the talent to beat his man and play those passes that he tries to do, that's just the type of player he is.

Besides i didn't see Thiago doing anything out of the ordinary if a man was their to be beat he did it and passed the ball.

JDS is type to put in a system and he will do well, Thiago is the type to win you a game, sure in that game he might lose a few balls, because he tries a few low percentage passes, but the fact that he has the talent and self belief to try them shouldn't be help against him.

Thiago has way more up side to him than JDS.

"he difference between him at RCB and LCB is miles wide"

The difference between a Born Attacking Midfield and CM is miles wide, you should be appreciating the deference. We can have all little Xavi's coming through.

As i said on another forum
Xavi and Thiago
Iniesta and JDS

They complete each other much better.
He hasen't so far.. :/
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immaculately conceived
His first half:

I know, it was a weakened Sevilla and it was mostly versus Koné, but this ain't bad? Definitely not comparable with the reactions (which probably only camebecause he was whistled an incorrect penalty). The second half was worse but I didn't say it was good so no need for a vid.

His so called sloppy passing to Pinto is actually each time at more or less same place: next to the goal. Which is where a ball to the keeper has to come.


Bomb Dropper
As i said on another forum
Xavi and Thiago
Iniesta and JDS

They complete each other much better.

this is basically the jist of your post, and I don't disagree at all.

and I don't doubt thiago is the greater talent, and will indeed go on to own the world. my criticism was of his performance in this one game, because he seemed to be out to make an impression rather than focus to help us win the game.

now, I'm not writing him off, never even came close to doing that, I have merely expressed my disappointment at his performance. I expected more, a more mature display maybe. especially following jonny's excellent performance at the weekend.

jonny played like he was already a first teamer and his playing was nothing special. thiago played like he had something to prove. and that was why I was disappointed.

as I said (or intended to say, if I didn't) thiago may have more potential, but right now jonny is a better player.

and that's all.

I never wrote him off or anything in that vein. it wouldn't bother me if he started the next game, because I know the boy's talented and soon enough he will be kicking ass and taking names, but right now jonny is first backup, for sure.

His first half:

I know, it was a weakened Sevilla and it was mostly versus Koné, but this ain't bad? Definitely not comparable with the reactions (which probably only camebecause he was whistled an incorrect penalty). The second half was worse but I didn't say it was good so no need for a vid.

His so called sloppy passing to Pinto is actually each time at more or less same place: next to the goal. Which is where a ball to the keeper has to come.

mate, forget about it.

these people need a boogie man to blame for us not winning and chyggy is it.

I remember even Messi doing fancy stuff in his early years. It's not unusual for players of his age choose the wrong option to impress the audience. And, it's ONE competitive game where he did a bit of dribbling and u criticise him for his attitude while comparing him to Quaresma. Didn't expect it from u, tbh.
Like Iced said, Iniesta was more selfish than the Kid, so dunno why ur criticising an 18 y.o boy for the same.

iniesta dribbled more, but he was not more selfish. he was constantly trying to open space up and create chances. maybe thiago was trying to do the same, but I didn't see it. he seemed far more intent on making an impression.

U know if there was one negative, it was Chysus. Can't believe ur shooting down a kid in his first competitive game for his attitude when the prob was elsewhere. May be ur just trying to distract everyone's attention from Chysus by blaming Thiago. :p

I couldn't distract people's attention away from chysus with pictures of naked women, so why would I try to do so by criticising thiago?

I criticise the kid because his attitude was wrong in this game.

that's okay, it happens.

it was just the only real negative for me. otherwise nothing happened that surprised me. I knew once chysus went to LCB his performance would plummet. I knew that after a lively first half, a not-fully-sharp messi would have a quieter second period. I knew once rafa went into CB we would be in danger. etc. etc. etc. thiago's egoism surprised and disappointed me. that's all. it's really not a big deal.

So, u 've faith in Pep's judgement of players, but at the same time too critical about Thiago and not Chyg.

I'm not being "too critical."

thiago disappointed me, mainly because his performance was incongruous to my expectations. having seen him vs. kazma and in the gamper, and having seen jonny impress so thoroughly at the weekend, I was expecting good things from thiago and he failed to live up to that billing. he looked and played like a staggeringly talented 18 year old prospect. jonny played like a first-teamer. that's the difference.

chysus impressed me first half (where his performance exceeded my expectations). but once he moved to LCB, I knew he'd drop off. I knew it would happen so it didn't bother me when it did.

plus as the entire forum is railing on chysus, I don't really feel the need to join in.

do you see the difference?

I would hope so.

Here is why...(something i've noticed for a long time...)
You 've ur favs just like Pep does...
Busquets, Keita, Chyg and now JDS...when it comes to these players, i've seen ur always very leneint and focus on their positives while generally ignoring their flaws.

with busquets and jonny, you're right. but that courtesy extends to all of la masia, as nolan has often lamented. I am more lenient with players from our cantera because they will always try harder for the club, and generally they have a higher chance of success with us due to our system which is practised at all levels. I will point out if they disappoint me (such as thiago, explained above) but it's very rare that they do.

as for keita and chysus, I simply call it as I see it. apart from his lack of barca-ness, keita is brilliant. and his lack of barca-ness often works to our advantage as it provides a different option defenders aren't ready for. we'd have beaten villarreal if he was playing, that's for sure.

and with chygrynskiy... I know he has his flaws, but people criticising him are so utterly idiotic. only nolan has provided anything like a reasoned and fair criticism of the guy. everyone else is just bleating like a bunch of fucking retarded sheep.

no one takes his circumstance into account, no one realises WHY we paid all that money, no one trusts the manager's judgement, no one even has the decency to admit that, hey, this guy played well at RCB last night. so yeah, I defend more than criticise, but that's only to provide some balance to the place.

Now, ur least fav - Toure and Abidal
Always exaggeration, harsh criticism, OTT reaction to their mistakes, focusing on their flaws too much and downplaying their good work. And, i suppose, i need to add Thiago to that list now. Hes JDS's competitor with majority here rating him more than ur fav. No wonder, ur talking so negative about him.

I know u'll deny it. But i've seen u do it everytime and way too much with the concerned players to ignore it.

Please don't let bias interfere in ur opinion about players 'coz otherwise we all know ur awesome personified.

utter bollocks.

I've been full of praise for bilal this season, he was really proving me wrong in the leadup to december. but over the course of december and january the mistakes have cropped up again. I'm not gonna ignore them (as everyone else seems happy to do). it's probably a complacency issue. he feels comfortable having seen off the threat of maxwell so is back to taking it easy. maxy needs to play a few more games, methinks.

as for yaya, again, it's an issue of balance. this forum is so rabid in its fandom for the guy you'd think his dick ejaculated money. his flaws go unnoticed, and thus people (sadly) side with him ahead of the club and the manager.

that is unforgiveable in my eyes. especially as yaya has not been wronged at all. he has never displayed the performance levels necessary (this season) to oust busquets, who continues to improve and mature. there are always reasons for poor performance, but I can't quite figure out what yaya's is. people say he doesn't play well with keita, but that impacts TEAM performance in an offensive capacity, not yaya's ability to dominate as a DM, which has been sadly lacking. if anything, with keita playing, he has more help defensively so should be even more dominant.

plus he HAS displayed a mercenary attitude (likely at the behest of his agent) and become something of a disruptive influence at the club. if he wasn't such a great footballer he'd be gone in january. as it is I think we'll sell in the summer. AND AS I HAVE REPEATEDLY SAID that will be a shame, because I love yaya, always have. but his situation at the club is becoming untenable.

see that? I can like a player and still criticise him.

awesomeness personified, I'd say.


New member
I really would have hated to see Chrgy last night up against Luis Fabiano and Kanoute. He is a complete disaster area, and is the first (hopefully only one of 2) black mark on Peps resume (the seond is Maxwell).

He was beyond awful last night. Totally out of his depth. Benefit of the doubt has been afforded him so far, that ran out last night after another astonishingly poor performance. He is slow, terrible positional sense, poor passing, bereft of self belief as well by the looks. €25m. Christ almighty.

I might add, I am not looking for a scapegoat. I just do not take the kool aid either.


Senior Member
U know Meta, i 've visited every possible barca blog and other forums to read the reviews with regards to Thiago's performance and the gen. consensus has been positive including this forum. I didn't read one post criticising him for his 'selfish' attitude. Ur the only soul with that opinion.
U say u favour all Canteranos, but don't show consistency. I've never seen u criticise Bus (even after his repeated blunders throughout the season and constantly assisting the opposing teams) in the same vein as u did with Thiago and that after his first competitive game.

I've also never seen u utter a bad word or criticise the Ukranian, ever. It's always excuses. (adaptation process, balacing the debate etc etc). Had Abidal made the same mistake last night u'd be calling him a "f*ckin' mug" and go on to write an entire thesis on how bad a defender he is. Ur sadly running out of excuses for ur fav ukaranian and i'm interested to know what new ones u'll come up with in the future 'coz things don't look too bright for him atm.
You don't love Yaya and don't pretend u do. Ur posts are suggestive of ur dislike for the player.
U don't rate him as a DM and i'm sure when "badger" comes in, u'd be raving about the latter regardless of his performances. And, that's the thing with u, overrate ur favs and downplay everyone else.

Keita is brilliant, u say...May be. But, i wouldn't be too sure if we'd 've won the Villareal game with him. We still drew Valencia, Inter and Athletic games, the ones he played in and tend to struggle against the big sides when he starts in Midfield.

awesomeness personified, I'd say.

Thanks for the correction. (although, ur losing it lately...i mean ur awesomeness :p)
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