El Clasico 10/11: FC Barcelona - Real Madrid 5-0 Manita!


The Observer

what you said is what most of you would be saying if they take off the mask

What a crock of shit, how can you something so baseless and presumptuous without feeling just a little bit embarrassed? I'll actually be really upset with Barca if I have to sit and watch them cheat their way to a victory on Monday, and there's no reason to think there aren't plenty of fans here who agree. .

Fooling? Imposter? What are you talking about, I haven't been dishonest about anything, have I? So..

Refer to above w/r/t trolls. I'm not sure either of you quite understand what they are. o_O

So i think you do owe me an apology here mate ;) ... don't u think ?


So i think you do owe me an apology here mate ;) ... don't u think ?

Why does he owe you an apology? Because he's a troll? You know he might just be some sortof morally righteous Mad priest figure, he seems to be treating it as if Barca are on the path to enlightenment or something, like "YOU WILL REPENT BEFORE YOU WIN TROPHIES" or some crazy shit. First enlightenment, then trophies......then the dark side! :p


New member
Considering I spend a shitload of time trolling the internet myself :lol: :lol: I think I do know. And you are one.

Why am I a troll? Because I can admit that I thoroughly appreciate a moment of footballing genius as well as the team that lost as a result? I have to spend the rest of my life feeling the sadness and pains of that defeat so intensely that nothing else is even noticeable every time I reconsider that match or I'm not a fan of Barca? Really?

So i think you do owe me an apology here mate ;) ... don't u think ?

Wait, why's that? What are those posts supposed to mean o_O? Are you saying that I was a bit rude or something, or do think your statement has been proven valid, that 5-6 people speak for the entire set of active users for the site?


barça amor d mi alma





They are evil. They must repent, therefore they didnt win the CL last year. The special one asserted his dominance over them because he is a genius. Not my words..........


New member
They are evil. They must repent, therefore they didnt win the CL last year. The special one asserted his dominance over them because he is a genius. Not my words..........

What the hell? None of those are my words ~.~
Mourinho never dominated considering Barca would have won without the refereeing error in which he wrongly disallowed Bojan's winner. That's why I never said he dominated Barca that game. I did refer to a tactical change and mention that it impressed me quite a bit. Of course, I'm probably sitting here chatting with someone who doesn't even know off hand what I'm referring to :/
I also rambled on to mention some tangential notion that perhaps had Barca won the shameful playacting of Busi would become even more prominent in their games, and used that as some basis to say that some small good could be said to have come of the loss, taking into account my attitude toward that kind of egregious behavior. So far you haven't been able to paraphrase to that without gross mischaracterization.
Anyhow, I've never pretended to be a fan of Barca, not using your understanding of fan, or anything close. I like watching them a lot, my three favorite players play for them, and I have grown fairly attached, although to nowhere near the extent that would see me following them religiously in years when they suck and actually allowing myself to be disappointed every week. I'm not sure I'm the type who could ever go that far, even if I'd been born in Barca and raised there by such.


:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: I'm so glad we didnt get through last year, it displayed how special the special one is and that is the most important thing. Also, we cheated. How scummy we are. I'm glad we were punished.


What the hell? None of those are my words ~.~
Mourinho never dominated considering Barca would have won without the refereeing error in which he wrongly disallowed Bojan's winner. That's why I never said he dominated Barca that game. I did refer to a tactical change and mention that it impressed me quite a bit. Of course, I'm probably sitting here chatting with someone who doesn't even know off hand what I'm referring to :/
I also rambled on to mention some tangential notion that perhaps had Barca won the shameful playacting of Busi would become even more prominent in their games, and used that as some basis to say that some small good could be said to have come of the loss, taking into account my attitude toward that kind of egregious behavior. So far you haven't been able to paraphrase to that without gross mischaracterization.
Anyhow, I've never pretended to be a fan of Barca, not using your understanding of fan, or anything close. I like watching them a lot, my three favorite players play for them, and I have grown fairly attached, although to nowhere near the extent that would see me following them religiously in years when they suck and actually allowing myself to be disappointed every week. I'm not sure I'm the type who could ever go that far, even if I'd been born in Barca and raised there by such.

It's not a yellow card if the ref doesn't think it warrants one, it's always up to the ref's discretion. Regardless, that was not a red card offense and it is fair to say that what we saw from Busi was some disgraceful playacting which did seem to impact the decision, and as much as I am indeed a fan of Barca, part of me is glad that they didn't get through based on shameful cheating because I don't wish to see that practice continued at Barca, and as a football fan I am incredibly impressed by Mourinho, and looking back it seems he was particularly special that day. Nothing wrong with that.


How did we cheat ?

Busquets dived, despite the rule being if you put your hand up to another players face it's at least a yellow. Therefore I'm glad we didnt get through.


New member

Busquets dived, despite the rule being if you put your hand up to another players face it's at least a yellow. Therefore I'm glad we didnt get through.

Read the part after what you initially bolded.

Anyhow, I've never pretended to be a fan of Barca, not using your understanding of fan,

Essentially, I would consider myself a fan of Barca, you wouldn't. When I called myself a fan, obviously I was using the word fan in a manner that corresponds with what I consider to be a fan. Also obvious is that this is nothing like what you understand a fan to be. Think about for a few minutes and with any luck it might make sense to you.


I'm pretty sure the use of the word fan is a one way system. Your a fan of a team or your not. Your neither, because your a troll :p


New member
I'm pretty sure the use of the word fan is a one way system. Your a fan of a team or your not. Your neither, because your a troll :p

You're wrong. When you hear someone say they're a Barca fan, your brain actually has an exceptionally complicated understanding of what exactly that means, composed of thousands of little thoughts and presumptions and judgements, etc. You assume, for instance, that this person knows who Messi is, which country Barcelona is in, that he likes watching them play. Even that one thing, enjoying watching them, is something complicated. You might assume that I get mildly annoyed when my stream freezes, or maybe you'd assume absolute fury, or something else. Clearly, an understanding of what it means to be a fan is a very complicated thing composed of many other complicated things and so forth, and clearly what you'd define as a fan is not consistent with what I mean by fan when I call myself a Barca fan.


You're wrong. When you hear someone say they're a Barca fan, your brain actually has an exceptionally complicated understanding of what exactly that means, composed of thousands of little thoughts and presumptions and judgements, etc. You assume, for instance, that this person knows who Messi is, which country Barcelona is in, that he likes watching them play. Even that one thing, enjoying watching them, is something complicated. You might assume that I get mildly annoyed when my stream freezes, or maybe you'd assume absolute fury, or something else. Clearly, an understanding of what it means to be a fan is a very complicated thing composed of many other complicated things and so forth, and clearly what you'd define as a fan is not consistent with what I mean by fan when I call myself a Barca fan.

Or-I'm a Barca fan I support Barcelona I dont support anyone else as is the common definition of fan.

*Pokes with stick* Get back in your cage Troll, it's not feeding time yet

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