Erling Haaland


Senior Member
Don't find Zlatan funny at all. Rather cringe.

The Zlatan jokes were funny about 12 years back. Now they're stale and repetitive.

The beauty of humans lies in evolution with age. Zlatan is still sticking to his decade old schtick.

At 40, it's just embarrassing. Gotta evolve with the times. That battle with Lukaku was such a massive self inflicted L. Came off as an utter idiot. Imagine letting Lukaku of all people do that to you on a Football pitch.

The people who find him amusing are the ones giggling at the same joke a 100 times. Pass.

Offtopic, but:
Give me a few example of humor for 40 year olds.

Examples, please, not saying: something like this or that.
Some movies, sitcoms, stand up comedians etc.


Well-known member
Pep hated a true no9 for his whole coaching career.
Only lately, after not winning Cls for who knows how many years in a row, he gave up and moved away from his ideas with Haaland.

As Porque said, in 2010, probably even Van Basten, Cr7 and Lewa would have been benched by Pep.
I mean, even a few Months ago, Pep's main pick was playing with 6 attacking midfielders as 6 false nines before he bought Haaland.

Zlatan and Barca 2010:


Pep easily accommodated and succeeded in working with Villa, Lewandowski, Aguero and now Haaland.

Zlatan wasn't flexible or complete enough to fit in and enhance the team's game.


Well-known member
Offtopic, but:
Give me a few example of humor for 40 year olds.

Examples, please, not saying: something like this or that.
Some movies, sitcoms, stand up comedians etc.

Well the example certainly isn't saying "I'm a Lion" at 40. That's for sure! :lol::lol:


Senior Member
Statistics are easy to manipulate against those not familiar with/trained in them.

For instance, BBZ exclusively packages descriptive statistics (raw numbers, tabulations, cross-tabulations) in inferential form (i.e., draws conclusions or associations or "causal" relationships from them).

But doing so in rigorous practice requires sampling/sampling distributions and computation of sampling error (i.e., uncertainty in how a particular sample matches to the population for which we're drawing inferences).

But since only people with engineering/biomedical/medical/social science background would know this stuff, BBZ has been running train on these forums.

Used to call him out on this since day 1 :lol: :lol:

The whole world is manipulation, some sort of stats twisting, propaganda etc.
Wars, western/eastern political propaganda, religion, money/banks/crypto.

You can make Usa/Russia/China as the best or the worst political/moral wise, based only on how you twist stats for your papers/people.
The whole world, politics and money are a lie/propaganda/twisting of facts or stats, so of course that people will use similar things on Messi, Lewa, Cr7, Arthur, Barca/Real.

The whole world is one huge stat-twisting playground.


Senior Member
The current crop of trolls is pretty lackluster. Going from BBZ (in football topics) to the lot of Rassvet and Fati and co. is like going from prime Messi to Martin Braithwaite.


Senior Member
Curb your enthusiasm? Seinfeld? George Carlin?

I get your point.
Seinfeld and similar shows are way more mature in some sort of intellectual humor.

But, Seinfeld's vibe is really: I am an asshole, I am better than anyone, I am smarter than anyone, let's mock out of everyone, let's mock people who are dumber than us (which is everyone).
That show, even though funny, is really bitter and negative at the end of the day.

And since I am 40, and you know that I am bitter and negative ;)
And then that show is really NOT making me happy.
Just 2 dudes hating on everyone.

This is why I wanted some examples from Temptation, I knew that he'll give some vague answer like: certainly not this.

Humor is subjective.
For me, I can't find too many movies/shows which make me laugh anymore.
Jokes are either childish, full of farts/dicks/overly sexual jokes.
Or a granny humor for 70 years.
Or some specific intellectual sorts of humor which are quite niche and you either love it or hate it.

So, I have way more fun with classical, not too intellectual humor like Friends or Big Bang before I go to sleep.
You know, I am tired and I want something simple/fun/optimistic before sleep.
And if I watch Seinfeld, I just feel bad/negative due to their bitterness.
On the other hand, Friends/Big Bang: everyone are nice, no one is an asshole (except Sheldon), they are all friends, there are some love stories, and the shows are in general nice/optimistic/feel good. (The same as how people on Barcaforum need hope with young players).
Seinfeld is like me, going around and telling everyone: xx sucks. yy also sucks. That kid is not gonna make it. They will all fail. We will sink like Titanic, there is no hope :lol:

So, I personally still always laugh to Zlatan's jokes. It is subjective taste.
And we are really going offtopic, but for example, this song is really funny.
You know that I love gays, Lgbt and everything, but still, I like good trolling and this is GOAT level of trolling:


You're welcome

I guess in picking recommendations I simply boiled it down to material that does not rely on toilet humor and profanity and excessive sex jokes. Which might have been a bit shallow on my part. Prolly plenty of 40 year olds that are still into that?

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