Ernesto Valverde - V1


President of FC Barcelona
Team was looking more fluid in the first half. The pitch was a disaster.

The guy really should stop trying to defend leads like this though, especially so early as in the 70th minute. You'd rather have that pace and those attacking players there to threaten the opposition instead of trying to grind out the win which history have shown isn't too kind to this current team.


Senior Member
please just fucking leave already. midtable, boring manager with zero charisma. leaves Suarez on for a full 90, takes Dembele off for Vidal to play ON THIS PITCH after his knee problems. then he takes Coutinho off for Malcom so he can play him at LW. WTF is wrong with this guy? hes lucky that offside was given, again he escapes.

we aren't winning a CL under Ernesto, no way in hell. he hasn't learned atall since Rome. you could say 'well the pitch was terrible' but can you really tell me the outcome would of been much different on a pristine pitch? huge problem is it won't matter who we bring in, under this manager were not moving forwards.


Senior Member
The sooner he gets sacked the sooner we get back to playing the type of football we should be playing. Pray we don't draw a top class team in last 16 in CL or we won't even make the quarters this time.


Senior Member
It seems with Valverde that all his subs are predetermined before the game no matter how the match is going. I can't recall a time he's made one single effective substitution since he's been here.


New member
Tactical mastermind, when he subbed off Dembele for Vidal, I knew that he is on that another level of thinking, hope he puts a signature on that 2 year extension contract.


Senior Member
So instead of stabilizing the Midfield and bring some sort of Control back he instead decides to go defensive and go with a Flat-4-4-2 with Vidal as a RM a position that he wasn't comfortable with along with Malcom who is a Winger.

Pitch was bad but fuck me man this guy is a coward. To afraid to bench dudes like Suarez and go defensive while having static dudes like Suarez on the field.


Senior Member
This guy! :facepalm: I have no words! We can buy whoever we want, but with him on the bench we’ll never be a great team again. He has no knowledge and no balls, the worst possible combination there is.
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