Ernesto Valverde - V1


6racies Xavi
Ahahahahaha "but but we have a shit team". Please follow Valgreen to his retirement home in Bilbao cos he''ll need someone to "take care" of him now.

You got to give the Valverde cult credit. Atleast they have more excuses/plans than Valverde (Which is pray for Messi magic.


Senior Member
I hope to wake up tomorrow to sweet sounds of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEErnie being sacked. Nothing else can at least get my mood back to normal.


Senior Member
first year 3-0, second year 4-0.

If he stays next season I'm putting money on a 5-0 loss. might as well make some money.


New member
Sure, a goal with how this game went, wasn't going to change much.

I think you are missing my point though: Dembele, both in how he has been managed and how his overall time has gone here, is emblematic of why this club is failing. This just isn't who we are and we have to suffer because this board wants THEM to be the stars of the show, not the players, or the club or the football themselves. A formula like that just flat out shouldn't win anything because this game is not about making money and selling newspapers with shiny new toy transfers that get 5 minutes a game (Malcom).

But again, a club with a different mentality and identity that is strong, not thin like ours, is what wins out. We have to go back to our identity, its the only success we've had and its the only chance we've got of getting the best out of Messi.

Another waste of a season for him, hate to say it. We've pissed so many years away with him. I can't help but think any other club with him would have been way more dominant than we have been.


Look at how Sterling's radically improved under the tutelage of Pep, and he's nowhere near as talented as Dembele.

Went from being deemed an overrated winger with no ball control/vision/shooting, to England's most important player in the WC, to being the best player in EPL aside from Van Dijk.

Under Pep, Dembele would be the best player in the world. Which is probably the only promising thing about this performance tonight, as it means that this worthless fuck will probably be sacked and Barca will finally have the chance to get a decent coach for him and the rest of their young players.


Senior Member
Ok, I was his defender, and he can leave after this.

But still, if you guys think that this is only on him, imo, you are wrong.
Our players are a team of complacent pussies.
We won 1 CL in the last 8 years, even though we have Messi in a team. We had 5 different coaches in these 8 years, and we had Messi, old Xavi, prime Iniesta, prime Busi.

Our team is perfectly good for La Liga.
If Liverpool played in La Liga, we would won a title each season with 10 points advantage.
And we would probably win head to head ties against them in La Liga.
But if we'll face them in a CL quarters or semis, we will get knocked out 90% of times.

Remember Atletico in 2014 and 2016.
We were beating them for fun in La Liga matches.
But when we play in sudden-death matches, all of our matches always look the same: opponents are running and fighting like lions and we are lost and scared on a field.
But then, we'll face Atletico 2 weeks after that in La Liga or in a CDR, and we'll win 3:1 and people will say: their win in a CL was a pure luck.

Look at this Liverpool.
In the last 4 years, we reached only 1 CL semis.
Yet, this Liverpool will play in 2 CL finals in a row.
They are not a team for league championships. Pep's teams and Barca are teams who will win league title in 90% of cases.
But again, pair us with Liverpool in a CL, and both Barca and Pep and their mentally light teams filled with choir boys are screwed.

Again, ok fine, people will say that this is all about Valverde, but remember:
2014: Atletico: our team chocked and pissed their pants
2016: Atletico: the same
2017: Psg 4:0 and a lucky 2nd match. But then again, we lost to Juve 3:0 two weeks later.
2018: Roma 3:0
2019: Liverpool 4:0

Again, no problem, I am with you now, we can fire EV, sell Raki, Vidal, sell everyone whom you don't like.
But remember:
2014: Atletico 0:1, we played with: Xavi, Iniesta, Busi, Fabregas. We were eaten alive by a mentally stronger team than us.
2016: Atletico 0:2, we played with: Iniesta, Busi, Rakitic. Eaten alive again.
2017: Psg 0:4: Iniesta, Busi, Gomes
2017: Juve 0:3: Rakitic, Iniesta, Roberto, Gomes
2018: Roma 0:3: Iniesta, Busi, Rakitic, Roberto
2019: Liverpool 0:4: Vidal, Rakitic, Busi

My point is, people will now say that we lost because of workhorses.
But we lost against ANY decent fighting team in the last 5-6 years. Even with Xavi-Iniesta-Busi in 2014 and with Iniesta-Busi in 14, 16, 17, 18.

Ev is here (and guilty) for only the last 2 years.
But who is here ALL the time, in our all defeats/sulking and pissing our pants?
= Iniesta
= Busi
= Pique
= Alba
= Messi

This year at least we tried with Vidal. It still didn't work.
League titles are won with a pure technical quality. This is why Barca and City are winning it all the time.
In a CL, I would still say that a combination of technique and muscles, and especially: MENTAL STRENGTH and bravery, momentum are winning titles.

I was mad at Dembele for missing a sitter for 4:0, but honestly, today while watching a match, I had a feeling that even if we would have 7:0 in the first match, that we would lose 0:8 today.
No matter which score we had in the first match, we were ghosts and scared at Anfield.
NOT only because of EV (who is guilty), but because of team of pussies.

Alba: an idiot and a pussy when matches like this one come.
Roberto: a nice schoolboy and scared in matches like this one.
Semedo: useless in attack, scared in La Liga and especially scared in a CL.
Pique: mostly a nice guy.
Busquets: too nice guy and a pussy in some moments.
Messi: a nice guy, sulking in bad times.

Suarez, Vidal and Rakitic are 50:50, they could offer some fight sometimes.
What is left? Dembele, another nice guy and scared of everything. Will he lead us to glory in the future?
Coutinho, a nice guy and scared in matches like this one.
Arthur, no idea about him, but he seems like another nice guy.
Puig one day: extremely nice guy.

Again, fine, I am with you: sell all players whom you want and get a new coach and play with Frenkie-Arthur, but I have a feeling that until our core of a team will be changed, that we will be able to lose every single CL tie with 0:5 in the 2nd leg.
Atletico are fighters, at least bigger fighters than us.
Roma are bigger fighters than us.
Liverpool are bigger fighters.

We might be technically the best team in the world, but mentally our players are weak in moments like this.
They just seem like unprepared to fight, to bullying, to pressure, to 50 000 fans booing at them etc.

But as I have said a few times in the post, our team will win in La Liga the next weekend, and we will win against Atletico in the next match and people will think that everything is fine.
It is not fine.
Our guys can ONLY win matches when the pressure is off.
When the stakes are high, we are sulking and go MIA. Regardless if we play EV's tactics of Xavi-Iniesta-Busi in 2014'.
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New member
Cruyff would have hated this Barcelona side. The negative football, lack of youth players, lack of bravery (everyone's so scared and conservative), commercialism, nothing about this team is something to glorify about.

All we witness is Messi's and few players individual brilliances every week. EV singlehandledly destroyed his and Cruyff's legacy.

The board and manager has to go. We need something fresh and inspiring. Not this stale era of football. I'm not even sure why I'm supporting this Barca.


Senior Member
First sack the clown, then rebuild a new team to attack Europe with.
what will happen is we will reward him with more money with players.

And he will still not use them or develop them properly. He will instead just go back to using his favorites. Guy has no patience in him to even properly develop players.


Active member
Liverpool should thank Barto really for their success. The 160m did fund building a very strong team. While we got a player who has been a liability for us.

Give 160m to a WC manager like Klopp and he can build a winning team.

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