FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member
Eusebio did nothing to get credit for Deulofeu's development. Everything Deulofeu improved on was individual and that's pretty obvious considering that he still doesn't connect with the rest of the team very well. Eusebio did nothing to make Deulofeu a more team oriented player and definitely had nothing to do with his growth.

Grimaldo was poor defensively but good in attack, once again learned nothing from Eusebio.

Rafinha improved in a sense that he became mature and took a sense of responsibility within the team, something I doubt Eusebio taught.

Alberto was obviously not a Eusebio product either.

My point being, Eusebio did not develop any of these players. His system didn't teach them how to play within a team, their development was individual in spite of Eusebio, not because he helped.

That is all guess work and your opinion.

The only fact is that these players improved this season with him in charge.

How much improvement was down to the manager we know no more or less than any other b team player.


Wild Man of Borneo
That is all guess work and your opinion.

The only fact is that these players improved this season with him in charge.

How much improvement was down to the manager we know no more or less than any other b team player.

You should be able to read the signs to tell where the improvement came from. Just because Eusebio was there and some players happened to improve doesn't mean that the credit goes to him.

You can tell that a coach improves a player when the player helps and gets help from the system and players around him, working well with the team to reach a higher level individually as well. However with Deulofeu, that's hardly the case. All the time his play looks completely disjointed from the team and working for himself and only turning on when he's going at an attack in an individual style with the ball at his feet.

Rafinha visibly did mature and stopped being such a sloppy player, making better decisions in attack.

Alberto's only improvement was becoming more accumulated with his teammates.

It's not all "guesswork" and "opinion" if you actually observe the nature of these improvements and whether it's Eusebio adjusting the system to get the best out of the players or the team just barely staying afloat due to individual brilliance and progression from them. I don't know what more to say if you can't tell the difference between self improvement and team based improvement.


Senior Member
You should be able to read the signs to tell where the improvement came from. Just because Eusebio was there and some players happened to improve doesn't mean that the credit goes to him.

You can tell that a coach improves a player when the player helps and gets help from the system and players around him, working well with the team to reach a higher level individually as well. However with Deulofeu, that's hardly the case. All the time his play looks completely disjointed from the team and working for himself and only turning on when he's going at an attack in an individual style with the ball at his feet.

Rafinha visibly did mature and stopped being such a sloppy player, making better decisions in attack.

Alberto's only improvement was becoming more accumulated with his teammates.

It's not all "guesswork" and "opinion" if you actually observe the nature of these improvements and whether it's Eusebio adjusting the system to get the best out of the players or the team just barely staying afloat due to individual brilliance and progression from them. I don't know what more to say if you can't tell the difference between self improvement and team based improvement.

Where on earth am I giving him all the credit?

I am saying that while he was in charge they have improved. How much down to him neither of us know but you seem to claim to.

In the last two seasons - Montoya, Dos Santos, Cuenca, Tello, Cuenca, Rafinha, Delofeu, Roberto have all been promoted to the first team while he has been in charge.

Eusebio himself has said he changed things in the game of Deulofeu but you seem to know better.
I don't know that much about the B team, but Deulofeu's carrying them right now, right? And next season, it looks like he'll either be promoted or go out on loan (the latter seems more likely). Perhaps with Deulofeu no longer there to carry Eusebio's ass, management will see how shitty he is? One can hope...
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Wild Man of Borneo
Where on earth am I giving him all the credit?

I am saying that while he was in charge they have improved. How much down to him neither of us know but you seem to claim to.

In the last two seasons - Montoya, Dos Santos, Cuenca, Tello, Cuenca, Rafinha, Delofeu, Roberto have all been promoted to the first team while he has been in charge.

Eusebio himself has said he changed things in the game of Deulofeu but you seem to know better.

I'm not claiming to know everything that goes on in the club internally but from watching the games and seeing how the team performs, it's pretty obvious Eusebio isn't handling the team or individual players well. His reign has not been a success and it's not like the development of some players gives him any merit whatsoever because he isn't the reason for their talent/growth.


Senior Member
I'm not claiming to know everything that goes on in the club internally but from watching the games and seeing how the team performs, it's pretty obvious Eusebio isn't handling the team or individual players well. His reign has not been a success and it's not like the success of some players gives him any merit whatsoever because he isn't the reason for their success.

Of course he is not the only reason for their success but he has played his part and whether you accept it or not all those players have improved playing under him.

He has said he has changed things in their games etc and the club are happy with what he is doing and they have far more insight than you or I.


Wild Man of Borneo
Of course he is not the only reason for their success but he has played his part and whether you accept it or not all those players have improved playing under him.

He has said he has changed things in their games etc and the club are happy with what he is doing and they have far more insight than you or I.

It's not like they improved because they played under him. At that age and in that developmental phase, they were likely going to improve anyway, regardless of Eusebio.

Is it really a smart decision from the club though? I mean the team had an abysmal defensive record under him and they were carried by 3 players.


Senior Member
It's not like they improved because they played under him. At that age and in that developmental phase, they were likely going to improve anyway, regardless of Eusebio.

Is it really a smart decision from the club though? I mean the team had an abysmal defensive record under him and they were carried by 3 players.

Ok at 'that age and developmental stage' they would improve anyway.

So does it even matter who is in charge of the team if they will improve anyway? By that argument he is no better worse than Luis Enrique at developing players.


Wild Man of Borneo
Ok at 'that age and developmental stage' they would improve anyway.

So does it even matter who is in charge of the team if they will improve anyway? By that argument he is no better worse than Luis Enrique at developing players.

Poor choice of words on my part. At that stage they would improve at that rate anyway. With a better coach they would be better team oriented players, more technically sound, and more ready for first team football.


Senior Member
Poor choice of words on my part. At that stage they would improve at that rate anyway. With a better coach they would be better team oriented players, more technically sound, and more ready for first team football.

Or they may have lost some of the individual ability that makes them stand out in the first place. Players can be over coached and lose part of what makes them different.

Eusebio seems to give the players more freedom on the pitch than previously, which is not bad for development judging by the number of players being promoted these last couple of years.

Compare his teams to the Enrique team of a few years ago and they dont play nearly as good football - but are they producing better individuals for the first team to mould? Possibly.

Another point is that Enrique team was provided a far higher standard of player across the team than now. It is not all down to the coach.


New member
The only goal a B team should have is develop young prospects and turn them into better players. To achieve that we of course have to stay in the Segunda. But why Eusebio insisted on playing Lombán and the likes when it was clear that we wouldn't be relegated is beyond me. There were players desperately in need of playing time like Ié and yet he played Lombán all the time (a 25-year-old) up until recently when he played Ié once and apparently saw he was good; after that he played every match. This mere fact shows that Eusebio is not capable of running the team, either because he's not a good manager or because he just wants to have as many points as possible so the Liga teams offer him a job. Whatever it is, he's just not the right guy to manage Barça B and I can't see how some of you could possibly support him.


New member
I am saying they progressed playing under him which they did.

No, they didn't..tactically they all are even worse than they were before arriving at the B team.

Who did not develop that you expected would?
Deulofoeu, Rafinha, Grimaldo, Alberto for me all did.

Grimaldo hasn't learned one thing about defending since he is with the B team, Deulofeu is the same selfish brat that he was 2 years ago, Rafinha didn't got any better but thank God that he didn't get any worse and Luis Alberto was good from the beginning, so I doubt that Eusebio had anything to do with his development. And I'm not even mentioning Espinosa, Ie, Ca, Dongou. The only players about whom I can objectively say that they developed under Eusebio are Lobato and Montoya. And I'm not even going to speak about the football that the team plays, because I think it's pretty obvious it's awfull and not very Barcelona-like. To tell you the truth I would rather watch any other team from our cantera than to watch Eusebio's team.
Also, if you want to see a coach that has trully improved a B team and its players, you should watch RM Castilla(and especially Jese who 2 years ago was a worse player than Deulofeu and didn't even knew how to pass a ball and under Toril has learned how to be a true team player). Ironically, Jese will next season be with RM's first team, while Deulofeu has to look for a team where he can get playing time because he knows that between Eusebio and Tito, he is doomed.

It seems to be fashionable on here to have an agenda against Eusebio, Rossell and Tito.

Right..those that criticize them using facts and putting legitimate questions about our future have an agenda, but Rosell refusing to put a good coach at Barca B just because he is a friend of Cruyff doesn't. And if you think that only we have a problem with Eusebio, you should read more what the journalists that have been following the B team have to say about him. Unless you think that they also have an agenda.

Haha the old 'I have watched Barca longer' card.
Well, what do you expect people to do when you say that someone that has played 6 times under Eusebio is an example of him being a good coach? Or someone that has clearly regressed in the last 2 years. It seems that we're not the only ones that have an agenda..
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Senior Member
That toril part says it all for me, castila look like a damn team and that jese bit is so spot on, since toril has been coaching him he has become a different player.

I will not even address the loaning out gerard, while Madrid are trying to keep jese, have done so else where, but its says everything about what different the club is going
That toril part says it all for me, castila look like a damn team and that jese bit is so spot on, since toril has been coaching him he has become a different player.

I will not even address the loaning out gerard, while Madrid are trying to keep jese, have done so else where, but its says everything about what different the club is going

I think we should loan Deulofeu out for his development, especially considering that Tito's the coach of the first team...

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