Fernando Torres


Torres lost something, that's the only explanation there could possibly be. He lost that fire he had inside him when he wore red and was worshipped as a hero in Anfield. Whatever he had then he doesn't have now.

I used to fear the thought of Arsenal having to face him. Now I feel sorry for what he has become. All that Russian oil money can't be worth what he left behind I guess.

Tbh I always found him inconsistent. Even when at Atletico I always wondered how people rate this so inconsistent player so highly. Even at Liverpool he was just great in his first season or so. Chelsea was really out of their mind paying that much for him.

He is great when he's on form tho.


New member
Torres was hugely overrated at Liverpool anyway, wouldn't have paid £30m for him nevermind £50m.

After his first year, his total goals for each season were:

2008-2009, 17
2009-2010, 22
2010-2011, 9

Of course he moved to Chelsea in January of that last season, where he scored a whopping 1 goal in 18 appearances.

Compared to Villa who scored:

08-09, 30
09-10, 28
10-11, 23
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New member
Stats don't tell you the real story... I mean, look at Xavi's assist stats -- yet he's one of the best midfielders of all time. The vast majority of Torres' goals for Liverpool were either matchwinners or against big clubs in big games. He was their hero for a reason


Definitely, calling Torres overrated at Liverpool really is a stupid thing to say. He was their star player and showed up in most of their big games.


I am Leg End
Stats don't tell you the real story... I mean, look at Xavi's assist stats -- yet he's one of the best midfielders of all time. The vast majority of Torres' goals for Liverpool were either matchwinners or against big clubs in big games. He was their hero for a reason

Is Right.

Definitely, calling Torres overrated at Liverpool really is a stupid thing to say. He was their star player and showed up in most of their big games.

Is right.

But he chose his path so fuck him. He will never receive the worship he had at Liverpool at Chelsea or any other club. Sure he may score goals again and may even win 1 trophy, however the connection he had with us, is something you cannot just buy and torres is finding that out now. At chelsea he is just a commodity, with us he was the heir to the king.

Still it all worked out well in the end :D Should be good to see him in a couple of weeks time where Agger will again own his ass.


New member
Stats don't tell you the real story... I mean, look at Xavi's assist stats -- yet he's one of the best midfielders of all time. The vast majority of Torres' goals for Liverpool were either matchwinners or against big clubs in big games. He was their hero for a reason

Yeah, that's true actually - I guess I didn't watch quite enough full Liverpool matches to make a really fair judgement however I still do think that he was overrated in the fact that in England he was hyped up by commentators / the media as if he was the best striker (/one of the best) in the whole world. And I don't think he ever did enough to justify that.

Definitely, calling Torres overrated at Liverpool really is a stupid thing to say. He was their star player and showed up in most of their big games.

No, I think that's a stupid thing to say. I never said he wasn't their star player or didn't show up in their big games, I said I think he was overrated. And as I explained above, this was based on the fact that he was talked of as if he was the best striker in the world in England, and in my opinion he wasn't anywhere near that.


New member
Stats don't tell you the real story... I mean, look at Xavi's assist stats -- yet he's one of the best midfielders of all time.

Stats do tell the real story when you compare two players from the same position. Especially when Torres was there lone striker and had less goals than Villa. Bringing up a midfielder to prove this point is just silly.


Is it just me who would give Torres a try at Barca ??
I reckon we could get him on loan or do a part ex deal with Chelsea ... we get Torres and they get villa plus cash .

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