Frenkie de Jong

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El Barcelona

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It has nothing to do with Barca not being able to afford him.

I had a huge rant about this after Roma, but the problem with Barca boards and management is that they are all to risk adverse when it comes to the old guard. That is there is basically a zero risk policy when it comes to replacing these starting players at a new season. Barcelona would rather just keep extending their contracts, offering them salary increases and EVENTUALLY phase them out when they are not at the required level anymore. Either that or the player has to take the decision to leave themselves.

If you look at Real Madrid (DISGUSTING club btw but they have THE GOAT president) they had no problem selling off Ozil, Khedira, Alonso, Di Maria, Pepe and so on...these were starting players for their clubs for years before they sold them and a lot of this was during their 4 CL in 5 years run. Flo is willing to take on more risk for the sake of having better and willing to kick key players out of the club for the sake of upgrading.

If we had a president like that or a manager like Pep. Rakitic would be told to get out in the summer and we would have used to wages freed up by him to offer FDJ a more competetive salary and also a starting position on the squad.

I only speak truth, no lies.
True. The whole management part in this club is a joke but that's something we already knew before.


Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="nl" dir="ltr">Barça feel betrayed by Frenkie de Jong. [marca] <a href=""></a></p>— Barça Centre (@barcacentre) <a href="">January 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Maybe the most funniest tweet:lol: Grizemann 2:0


New member
Understandable move by De Jong. Don't take PSG for granted, in several years we will be competing hard with them in the CL.

Move on.

Chelsea has won 1 CL title in 16 years. Man City has won 0 CL titles in 10 years. Their best result is a semifinal back in 2016. QSG has won zero CL titles (suffice to say) in 7 years. They have never reached even a CL-semifinal.

Ligue 1 has always been and always will be a secondary league in Europe. It has no history. Marseille is the only French club to win a European title and that was a corrupt victory in the early 1990's (1993) against AC Milan.

CL will not last forever either and when it will be transformed to a European super league (league format) there is no way that QSG or Man City will dominate.

As for Man City, that club lies in Manchester. None of the superstars or best talents in the world would ever want to move to that city when you have alternatives such as Barcelona, Madrid etc. Not to mention that those two clubs have no history that is even remotely comparable to the giants of Europe or any allure other than money and recent domestic success. Man City is away ahead of QSG here.

Qatar and UAE are tiny states where 90% of the population is composed of slave labor and 2% of Europeans who control and make the society go around. They have nothing to offer other than gas and oil which won't last forever. Once that is gone, it is back to irrelevancy. Either that or KSA will swallow them up or they will turn into extensions of India or Pakistan.

That's if those dictatorial "royal" Bedouin and terrorist supporting ruling families of Qatar and UAE will even last that long. They are only in power as long as it suits the West and they are buying our weapons, products and doing everything we tell them foreign policy wise. The second the line is crossed, they can be removed within a blink of an eye.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Chelsea has won 1 CL title in 16 years. Man City has won 0 CL titles in 10 years. Their best result is a semifinal back in 2016. QSG has won zero CL titles (suffice to say) in 7 years. They have never reached even a CL-semifinal.

Ligue 1 has always been and always will be a secondary league in Europe. It has no history. Marseille is the only French club to win a European title and that was a corrupt victory in the early 1990's (1993) against AC Milan.

CL will not last forever either and when it will be transformed to a European super league (league format) there is no way that QSG or Man City will dominate.

As for Man City, that club lies in Manchester. None of the superstars or best talents in the world would ever want to move to that city when you have alternatives such as Barcelona, Madrid etc. Not to mention that those two clubs have no history that is even remotely comparable to the giants of Europe or any allure other than money and recent domestic success. Man City is away ahead of QSG here.

Qatar and UAE are tiny states where 90% of the population is composed of slave labor and 2% of Europeans who control and make the society go around. They have nothing to offer other than gas and oil which won't last forever. Once that is gone, it is back to irrelevancy. Either that or KSA will swallow them up or they will turn into extensions of India or Pakistan.

That's if those dictatorial "royal" Bedouin and terrorist supporting ruling families of Qatar and UAE will even last that long. They are only in power as long as it suits the West and they are buying our weapons, products and doing everything we tell them foreign policy wise. The second the line is crossed, they can be removed within a blink of an eye.

I wouldn't underestimate those clubs like you have. In several years we will be without Messi and all of these clubs will be growing even stronger and more attractive to players. Real Madrid and us are losing the allure a bit already and will be even more so down the road, relatively.


Active member
lol PSG have spent roughly 1.1 Billion Euros on transfers since the takeover and never got past a CL Quarter Final. I'm struggling to see how adding 75million euro FDJ means PSG will "dominate Europe".

Yes, but where were City and PSG a decade ago? And where are they now? Changes won't happen overnight as I said in a few years from now they will dominate Europe. Can we afford to spend 160m again? And on wrong players? That money came from the sale of Neymar to PSG. That money came from PSG. We will never be able to spend that much again, while PSG and City can sustain such spending with their budget.

We will enjoy domestic success but once Messi retires, our odds to compete in a bigger stage is very slim.


New member
I wouldn't underestimate those clubs like you have. In several years we will be without Messi and all of these clubs will be growing even stronger and more attractive to players. Real Madrid and us are losing the allure a bit already and will be even more so down the road, relatively.

Never going to happen. I heard the same thing about Chelsea 10 years ago and about QSG and Man City for years. Sergio Agüero who was bought from Spain (ironically) 7.5 years ago remains Man City's greatest player ever. QSG only became really relevant last year when they bought Neymar and Mbappe yet that did not prevent them from choking horribly against a mediocre RM. They will not be dominating anything like RM and us have been dominating club football for decades alongside a few other select European giants (AC Milan, Juventus, Bayern, Liverpool, Man Utd etc).

Almost every boy in Latin America (where the best footballers are born alongside Southern Europe historically and to this very day) dream about playing in Spain and Italy. Not in freaking QSG or Man City. If anything Man City have a much bigger chance of succeeding on the European scene due to actually playing in a league worth something (EPL). QSG is a joke.

Don't forget the political part that I mentioned as well. The second the Al-Thani family becomes useless for us (West) or they begin to turn hostile, their "special" relationship with France will end very quickly and they will turn out like Gaddafi did. Their assets will be confiscated in France as well and QSG will no longer exist in its current form (a propaganda tool and "good" PR for the Qatari terrorsist supporting dictators). Same story with the UAE who did not choose to buy an British club without reason as well.

The tide is turning against them and their plots will not be tolerated for much longer by the football world. Money can only help you so much. After the corrupt farce that was/is FIFA and Qatar getting the world cup (what a freaking joke to this day), we won't see such absurdity ever again.
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New member
Never going to happen. I heard the same thing about Chelsea 10 years ago and about QSG and Man City for years. Sergio Agüero who was bought from Spain (ironically) 7.5 years ago remains Man City's greatest player ever. QSG only became really relevant last year when they bought Neymar and Mbappe yet that did not prevent them from choking horribly against a mediocre RM. They will not be dominating anything like RM and us have been dominating club football for decades alongside a few other select European giants (AC Milan, Juventus, Bayern, Liverpool, Man Utd etc).

Almost every boy in Latin America (where the best footballers are born alongside Southern Europe historically and to this very day) dream about playing in Spain and Italy. Not in freaking QSG or Man City. If anything Man City have a much bigger chance of succeeding on the European scene due to actually playing in a league worth something (EPL). QSG is a joke.

Mediocre RM ?

They went on to win the damn thing for the third consecutive time.

I know you are a bit mad right now but let's not be carried away. RM is very poor in La Liga this Last decade compared to Barcelona but they are a different beast in CL.


New member
Mediocre RM ?

They went on to win the damn thing for the third consecutive time.

I know you are a bit mad right now but let's not be carried away. RM is very poor in La Liga this Last decade compared to Barcelona but they are a different beast in CL.

RM was incredibly mediocre last year. A lucky CL-win won't change that fact even remotely. This is RM we are talking about. They have won CL's while ending fifth in the Spanish league. It's their favorite tournament after all and as with every knockout tournament luck is a huge factor. Not so much in a league format over 38 games where you are playing every opponent home and away.

Why should I be mad for hating the fact that a bunch of backward terrorist supporting dictatorial Bedouins have been polluting European club football while having nothing to show for it other than limited domestic success that was bought with blood money? Fans of genuine European footballing giants look at you guys and laugh. At your history, at your owners, their conduct and your results in Europe.

So when somebody here is writing utter nonsense "of Man City and QSG going to dominate European football from now on and the real giants magically disappearing", I have to bring such delusions to a quick end.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Never going to happen. I heard the same thing about Chelsea 10 years ago and about QSG and Man City for years. Sergio Agüero who was bought from Spain (ironically) 7.5 years ago remains Man City's greatest player ever. QSG only became really relevant last year when they bought Neymar and Mbappe yet that did not prevent them from choking horribly against a mediocre RM. They will not be dominating anything like RM and us have been dominating club football for decades alongside a few other select European giants (AC Milan, Juventus, Bayern, Liverpool, Man Utd etc).

Almost every boy in Latin America (where the best footballers are born alongside Southern Europe historically and to this very day) dream about playing in Spain and Italy. Not in freaking QSG or Man City. If anything Man City have a much bigger chance of succeeding on the European scene due to actually playing in a league worth something (EPL). QSG is a joke.

Don't forget the political part that I mentioned as well. The second the Al-Thani family becomes useless for us (West) or they begin to turn hostile, their "special" relationship with France will end very quickly and they will turn out like Gaddafi did. Their assets will be confiscated in France as well and QSG will no longer exist in its current form (a propaganda tool and "good" PR for the Qatari terrorsist supporting dictators). Same story with the UAE who did not choose to buy an British club without reason as well.

The tide is turning against them and their plots will not be tolerated for much longer by the football world. Money can only help you so much. After the corrupt farce that was/is FIFA and Qatar getting the world cup (what a freaking joke to this day), we won't see such absurdity ever again.

They don't need to be dominant, they will just be good enough to regularly compete with the likes of us, Real Madrid and Bayern etc. in the CL. They will become more of an equal opponent compared to today, something that you laugh at.

Don't underestimate the power of money. De Jong is going to PSG isn't he? You can have those South American kids wanting to playing for Spanish and Italian clubs but if City and PSG offer more money, most of them will choose more money. These clubs simply will have bigger purchasing power than the traditional elite clubs. If we don't keep up financially we will be left behind.

Last time I checked Qatar and UAE are still allies of the west, especially the US'. They will not be forsaken easily and their oil and gas are not running out any time soon.


Active member
Mediocre RM ?

They went on to win the damn thing for the third consecutive time.

I know you are a bit mad right now but let's not be carried away. RM is very poor in La Liga this Last decade compared to Barcelona but they are a different beast in CL.

They don't need to be dominant, they will just be good enough to regularly compete with the likes of us, Real Madrid and Bayern etc. in the CL. They will become more of an equal opponent compared to today, something that you laugh at.

Don't underestimate the power of money. De Jong is going to PSG isn't he? You can have those South American kids wanting to playing for Spanish and Italian clubs but if City and PSG offer more money, most of them will choose more money. These clubs simply will have bigger purchasing power than the traditional elite clubs. If we don't keep up financially we will be left behind.

Last time I checked Qatar and UAE are still allies of the west, especially the US'. They will not be forsaken easily and their oil and gas are not running out any time soon.

Just ignore him, the guy is not only idiot about football, but he is also so ignorant about politics. I have never read so much nonsense in one post in my whole life!

Not sure what he is posting in FDJ thread. He should be celebrating we are closer in getting a workhorse named Rabiot.


New member
Well, you sound mad cuz you need to say anything you don't like about a club, just because your club is missing out.

Nobody will be talking about the times of corruption, taxe evading etc. of Barça when they get a new player. You sound bitter.

Anyway, Oriol Domenech is saying it is not de Jong that ignored Barca but Barca that made no effort to sign him. Also, PSG showed him real interest. Seems normal to me he would prefer the team more committed to his signing.
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New member
They don't need to be dominant, they will just be good enough to regularly compete with the likes of us, Real Madrid and Bayern etc. in the CL.

Don't underestimate the power of money. De Jong is going to PSG isn't he? You can have those South American kids wanting to playing for Spanish and Italian clubs but if City and PSG offer more money, most of them will choose more money. These clubs simply will have bigger purchasing power than the traditional elite clubs. If we don't keep up financially we will be left behind.

Last time I checked Qatar and UAE are still allies of the west, especially the US'. They will not be forsaken easily and their oil and gas are not running out any time soon.

Someone very stupid (the resident troll) was talking about dominance. I reacted to that absurd claim. They might win a CL 1 or 2 in the next 15 years, much like Chelsea has won it once in 16 years. This won't change anything in the wider picture. The greatest talents and players in the world would still prefer to play for the real European giants. Chelsea's, QSG's, Man City's and others money did never change that. Mbappe is no doubt dreaming about taking the next step in his career already now. Hazard has been prostituting himself to RM and us for years. Says everything.

That is not happening though. Most are playing where they have always been playing.

None of them are the richest clubs and likely won't ever be.

Yes, but only as long as they do everything we (West) tell them to do and they are useful cash cows. This can change very quickly. Remember Saddam and Gaddafi? Not only that, even though FIFA and UEFA remains corrupt (although less than before), FFP and other inventions were created to target such oil clubs and albeit not fully effective, they have made it impossible for them to spend billions upon billions of euros (each season), which they in theory could unlike us, RM and the traditional European footballing giants.

UAE and Qater are tiny oil/gas states where 90% of the population are foreigners (most of them poor South Asian or Horner slave labor with an European elite that dominates most crucial sectors and earn many times more than non-Europeans/non-White even though the non-Whites/non-Europeans are doing the same work:lol:). They are practically sand castles waiting to be swept aside by the ocean. Stop Western weapons exports for 1 year and their entire "armies" collapse. Joke countries whose borders were drawn by Westerners moreover. Anyway no need to hide my dislike for those terrorist supporting and backward regimes.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Someone very stupid (the resident troll) was talking about dominance. I reacted to that absurd claim. They might win a CL 1 or 2 in the next 15 years, much like Chelsea has won it once in 16 years. This won't change anything in the wider picture. The greatest talents and players in the world would still prefer to play for the real European giants. Chelsea's, QSG's, Man City's and others money did never change that. Mbappe is no doubt dreaming about taking the next step in his career already now. Hazard has been prostituting himself to RM and us for years. Says everything.

That is not happening though. Most are playing where they have always been playing.

None of them are the richest clubs and likely won't ever be.

Yes, but only as long as they do everything we (West) tell them to do and they are useful cash cows. This can change very quickly. Remember Saddam and Gaddafi? Not only that, even though FIFA and UEFA remains corrupt (although less than before), FFP and other inventions were created to target such oil clubs and albeit not fully effective, they have made it impossible for them to spend billions upon billions of euros (each season), which they in theory could unlike us, RM and the traditional European footballing giants.

UAE and Qater are tiny oil/gas states where 90% of the population are foreigners (most of them poor South Asian or Horner slave labor with an European elite that dominates most crucial sectors and earn many times more than non-Europeans/non-White even though the non-Whites/non-Europeans are doing the same work:lol:). They are practically sand castles waiting to be swept aside by the ocean. Stop Western weapons exports for 1 year and their entire "armies" collapse. Joke countries whose borders were drawn by Westerners moreover. Anyway no need to hide my dislike for those terrorist supporting and backward regimes.

Let's see in the next 5 to 10 years how things pan out.

One thing I know for sure is that we (Barca) can't afford to be complacent and we have absolutely no reason to be complacent and we must think of ways to keep up with these cash cows financially. In this regard I am in total agreement with Victor Font.
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