Frenkie de Jong

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Jair Ventura

New member
I will never understand why he would chose PSG. If you don't fancy your chances at Barca or Real, Surely the next clubs you look at are Juventus and City.

I guess Money talks. When are they ever going to do something about this money they are spending

How many people, if afforded a competitive salary from rival institutions, would choose to live in Turin or Manchester over Paris? Not many.

The notion that top players are only choosing to play in Paris for economic reasons, as if Europe's traditional elite can't offer competitive contracts is silly and juvenile.

QSG offers nothing but money and playing against useless teams 80% of the time and competing in the "mighty" Ligue 1 and the even more useless two French domestic cup competitions (Coupe de France and Coupe de la Ligue). It's a massive stepback compared to what Spain and in particular the two giants can offer. It shows incredible lack of ambition from his part.

Spoken like someone who's never played football professionally, competitively, or otherwise.

Fact is Ligue 1 has been weak post Bosman ruling because it made it impossible for French clubs to compete financially with clubs from England, Italy, and Spain. See Ronaldinho's transfer from PSG to Barca, the spark that lit the fire that became FC Barcelona's current dynasty. But now that investors(QSI) are pouring money into the league to change this dynamic people like yourself are unhappy, because you no longer get the pick of litter when it comes to stars and or developing talents.

My advice would be to get over yourself. Players have to obligation to choose to play for FC Barcelona simply because it's FC Barcelona. The world doesn't revolve around you or your club, so if you want top players to wear your colors over the colors of rival institutions then you have to do the work. In this instance, you did not, and you lost out. That is no one's fault but your own.

So the big news so far. Is that Frenkie is going to choose PSG. Most of the people in The Netherlands are not happy with that pick. They want him to play in a big competition or stay at Ajax.The last one is unlikely to happen. Playing with Messi is his dream. So i won't understand if he picks PSG over Barcelona. If he picks PSG then it's about the Money.( I hate to admit it) Rabiot to Barcelona will be more likely to happen. The whole squad of Ajax are Messi fanboys. So they should have influence on him. He got only one chance.... Barcelona will not come back for him.(If he goes to PSG)

From what I've read on r/soccer Ajax fans prefer him choosing PSG over Barca because of the arrogance of the latter supporters throughout this transfer saga.


Senior Member
really ? he chosed psg ? wasn't expecting this lol

turns out it's true most of the youngsters are money hungry

he'll end up like Veratti , not being able to voice his opinion and rot there for the rest of his career but I guess he won't care if he gets loads of money

oh well

Jair Ventura

New member
Think it is done deal now.

Meunier hinted it on his tweets.

He is used to do that (sometimes with the official account CM) with every big transfer to PSG.

It's been a done deal since the telegraaf report in November. Spanish media were lying all along, per usual. People fall for it every time.


President of FC Barcelona
It's been a done deal since the telegraaf report in November. Spanish media were lying all along, per usual. People fall for it every time.

Oriol Domenech is saying Barca never pursued him properly because they've had their eyes set on Rabiot all the time.

Jair Ventura

New member
Oriol Domenech is saying Barca never pursued him properly because they've had their eyes set on Rabiot all the time.

That's exactly what Dutch media has been reporting for months. That City and PSG had fervently pursued his signature while Barca only showed a passing interest.


Bartomeu is PSG's bitch it seems. Only himself to blame, we don't have a good sporting plan and we are overpaying some of the players.


Senior Member
If you believe what's been said in the press, De Jong is basically asking us to win an auction with PSG's sheiks for him. Sorry, but we should pass. We need players who want the most to succeed at Barcelona. Not someone who seems he doesn't know the difference between FC Barcelona and PSG.

I personally think he's afraid he's not gonna succeed at Barcelona and he's choosing the better contract and the much easier league.

If he was sure about making it at Barcelona he must know we pay our legends buckets of money even after they're well past their prime.
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President of FC Barcelona
If you believe what's been said in the press, De Jong is basically asking us to win an auction with PSG's sheiks for him. Sorry, but we should pass. We need players who want the most to succeed at Barcelona. Not someone who seems he doesn't know the difference between FC Barcelona and PSG.

The only press report worth it's salt is from the one in Amsterdam that said Barca have barely shown an interest in signing him. You'll soon find out from de Jong himself too.

The guy basically offered himself to Barca repeatedly, but for some reason we're saving up money. I bet it's for a wild goose chase for Neymar upcoming summer. Even a couple of Barcelona related journalists are speculating the club was feeding them crap about de Jong and are saving up all this money for Neymar, hence the Rabiot and Tobido signings and why they want to sign Luka Jovic or Maxi Gomez for max 40m too.
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Senior Member
If you believe what's been said in the press, De Jong is basically asking us to win an auction with PSG's sheiks for him. Sorry, but we should pass.

Not sure about that.

I think he was hoping that Barca would at least try to go to Ajax with a competitive offer. But we didn't even do that.

Barca simply had a verbal agreement with him, but ultimately it means nothing if the club didn't even bother to talk to Ajax.

I'd assume this is because our sporting department see Rakitic as a suitable player for a few more years. FFS.

Centauri B

New member
If you believe what's been said in the press, De Jong is basically asking us to win an auction with PSG's sheiks for him. Sorry, but we should pass. We need players who want the most to succeed at Barcelona. Not someone who seems he doesn't know the difference between FC Barcelona and PSG.

What you say makes a lot of sense, but if we lose Frenkie to PSG, who do we then go for?


Well-known member
The only press report worth it's salt is from the one in Amsterdam that said Barca have barely shown an interest in signing him. You'll soon find out from de Jong himself too.

The guy basically offered himself to Barca repeatedly, but for some reason we're saving up money. I bet it's for a wild goose chase for Neymar upcoming summer. Even a couple of Barcelona related journalists are speculating the club was feeding them crap about de Jong and are saving up all this money for Neymar, hence the Rabiot and Tobido signings and why they want to sign Luka Jovic or Maxi Gomez for max 40m too.

Sounds like an awful idea. Exactly what you would expect from Barca management...


Senior Member
The funny thing is, Robert apparently had a good relationship with De Jong and his agent or so and did a lot of work behind the scenes to try and make it possible.

His contract wasn't renewed and he left and Abidal didn't seem to rate De Jong that highly compared to someone like Rabiot by the looks of it.
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