Sir Alupp Heynrguson
He was having a good game until Ronaldo came on, at which point he completely fell apart.
This guy can't be our starting CB... Horrible rash tackles and totally forgot how to defend a corner kick...
Let's blame it on Shakira shall we?
i cant understand it he is so tall 1.92 and can be beaten by someone who is 9 cms shorter than him....
well yeah but this situation cant continue anymore...Varane's goal in the first leg of copa was his fault,Again Varane's in the second leg his fault and now against Ramos..dont know what to say he has the height but he cant jump...He wasn't beaten, he was absolutely OWNED... Ramos was easily 30 cm higher than him on that jump... What drives me mad is how he always makes the same mistake: stands still, then focuses only on the ball instead of the whole picture and the players surrounding him, then he notices he's too late and makes a half-assed attempt at heading...
EDIT: This is nothing new, it was already discussed earlier in the season...
Pique just... can't jump. He's tall, sure, but Ramos is one of the best headers of the game while Pique... Maybe it's just defensively, he seems pretty good on our corners, but he always reacts too slowly on theirs. I hope the management notices this, maybe Pique just doesn't know how to defend corners properly? Either that or he loses concentration; either way we need to do something about this.
He is a pussy, a GQ cover boy, a celebrity or whatever you want to call it. Has a lot to do with attitude. Even short players can dominate in the air but they are mostly badass players (Puyol, Ramos, Falcao ...). Pique is the opposite of a badass.