Gerard Piqué


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Fixed it for you. :lol:

Hahahaha, yeah, sorry man, I checked and you're cool with Pedro, so please receive my apologies...

About Piqué performances, I don't know, he seems like a rookie sometimes, seems a little nervous and doesn't seem sure about what he should do defending or with the ball at his feet... He had some good clearing header at the end of the match, so I'll give him that...


New member
Did ok but was easily beaten for pace on at least one occasion. Mascherano is the better defender nowadays.

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New member
I thought he was very good last night. Had to cover some spaces and help Busi in midfield to apply early pressure on Costa and Villa.


The Pale One
All pique troubles come from being too reserved, he defends like a pussy basically. Needs to start eating some nails for breakfast or something. He is very classy on the ball, even can boast having some skills, but when it comes to defending he tries to be just as classy, trying always to majestically rob the attacker of possession, not going in too hard, taking the tackle intelligently, which is great it has its benefits but... Fuck that you must also be harsh, rude, a pest, like mascherano. Otherwise they will not respect you. Abidal said it best. This isn't the exact quote but it's something like this: I want to make the opposing player feel so uncomfortable, he's not gonna want to attack down my flank. There's nothing uncomfortable or intimidating about Pique, or the way he plays. He needs to learn somethings from Pepe, may god forgive me for saying that.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Mascherano is the better defender nowadays.
This is so troubling to read because it's true and so far from where we used to be defensively with a strong and healthy Puyol, an ice cold King Eric, an on form Alves, and a lights out Pique. Even going so far as to say Yaya Toure and Keita could provide that muscle defensively when needed.

Now we just look sad defensively. We need to get this shit sorted out. Badly.


Professor Balthazar
This is so troubling to read because it's true and so far from where we used to be defensively with a strong and healthy Puyol, an ice cold King Eric, an on form Alves, and a lights out Pique. Even going so far as to say Yaya Toure and Keita could provide that muscle defensively when needed.

Now we just look sad defensively. We need to get this shit sorted out. Badly.

We will always look bad when defending, at least 80% of the time - it's because the way we play. If you want to dominate your opponent you have to push up the team and attack with almost everybody - and on the counter (because there will always be 2, 3 or 5 counters in a match) poor little Alba will get caught high up the pitch or pushed away like nothing and there will be 3 players against Pique and Masch. Before we played with King Eric like you said, and that was what sorted things out - and I (and many many others) have been saying this since Abi left, we will get destroyed with 2 attacking fullbacks. And that is what happened against any decent team since Abi left. I know many thought that Mathieu would be a bad purchase, but imo he would be the perfect LB for us + he could cover the CB spot - he wouldn't do Abi justice, but not far from.
Anyway, you guys really think that Thiago + Pique or Thiago + on form Puyol will do much better against 3 skilled players on the counter? Barcelona players are only human, some of you seem to forget that the teams we face are also professional and skilled players that could hurt us. We've been spoiled with the Pep era and now we need to start building our team from the defense and up, some of you still think that only a new CB will change things - but I insist that we need to play with at least 1 defensive fullback. Alba is great going forward but dear oh dear he is useless when defending like 50% of the time.
And btw, Pique has imo done very good in the pre-season and the other matches this season - healthy Puyol or TS or any other CB you might imagine would not have done that much better. The tactic is wrong...
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The Culest
We will always look bad when defending, at least 80% of the time - it's because the way we play. If you want to dominate your opponent you have to push up the team and attack with almost everybody - and on the counter (because there will always be 2, 3 or 5 counters in a match) poor little Alba will get caught high up the pitch or pushed away like nothing and there will be 3 players against Pique and Masch. Before we played with King Eric like you said, and that was what sorted things out - and I (and many many others) have been saying this since Abi left, we will get destroyed with 2 attacking fullbacks. And that is what happened against any decent team since Abi left. I know many thought that Mathieu would be a bad purchase, but imo he would be the perfect LB for us + he could cover the CB spot - he wouldn't do Abi justice, but not far from.
Anyway, you guys really think that Thiago + Pique or Thiago + on form Puyol will do much better against 3 skilled players on the counter? Barcelona players are only human, some of you seem to forget that the teams we face are also professional and skilled players that could hurt us. We've been spoiled with the Pep era and now we need to start building our team from the defense and up, some of you still think that only a new CB will change things - but I insist that we need to play with at least 1 defensive fullback. Alba is great going forward but dear oh dear he is useless when defending like 50% of the time.
And btw, Pique has imo done very good in the pre-season and the other matches this season - healthy Puyol or TS or any other CB you might imagine would not have done that much better. The tactic is wrong...

You are both right and wrong. While the way we play seriously tests our defence, a club of the stature of Barcelona certainly deserves better than Gerard "cement shoes" pique. With better pacy and physical defenders and pressing we can rival the pep era team. And Masch may be a head worker but he is not a natural CB and.mistake prone.and useless at setpieces since he,s a.midgetin CB terms. A pairing like kurt zouma+ vertonghen can go a long way in solving our defensive problem.


Senior Member
You are both right and wrong. While the way we play seriously tests our defence, a club of the stature of Barcelona certainly deserves better than Gerard "cement shoes" pique. With better pacy and physical defenders and pressing we can rival the pep era team. And Masch may be a head worker but he is not a natural CB and.mistake prone.and useless at setpieces since he,s a.midgetin CB terms. A pairing like kurt zouma+ vertonghen can go a long way in solving our defensive problem.

I still prefer Luiz above all defender by miles and yesterday's match just confirmed my favorite choice!

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