Gerard Piqué


Barçapocalypse NOW!
They'll smarten up and stop if Lucho keeps playing him. Plus we can't afford to get rid of him right now.

Why not? He's a huge liability, and I rather have a youngster screwing up but learning and giving his best, than a lazy veteran screwing up and thinking everything is alright because he's famous...


Senior Member
I read somewhere that he stated he was pleased with his own form for Barcelona this season, dont know if it was before or after this match, but still. Says it all really.


I read somewhere that he stated he was pleased with his own form for Barcelona this season, dont know if it was before or after this match, but still. Says it all really.

@ Pique



New member
If I was him I would honestly say to Lucho don't play me for the teams sake. He's so bad and has been for 1/2 years. Mathieu has been great at CB so far this season and he plays him LB to make way for Pique? What a joke.


DF Gerard Pique, 3 -- Beatable and unable to transmit much confidence to the back line he was meant to be leading. The lack of focus that resulted in him giving away a penalty for handball is a clear example of his decline. Coping with Carles Puyol's absence was always going to be difficult, but nobody thought it would be this traumatic.

from Espn. He got the worse rate.


It's true. Pique hasn't got an ounce of fighting spirit in him. He ought to be benched for Bartra, who, despite his flaws, still gives a damn when he plays.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
DF Gerard Pique, 3 -- Beatable and unable to transmit much confidence to the back line he was meant to be leading. The lack of focus that resulted in him giving away a penalty for handball is a clear example of his decline. Coping with Carles Puyol's absence was always going to be difficult, but nobody thought it would be this traumatic.

from Espn. He got the worse rate.

Somebody please email him that... But I wonder, will it really matter? His nonchalance is nothing new and despite the multiple warnings he just doesn't improve, it's really starting to look like a lost case...

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