Gerard Piqué


New member
The fact that he is for Catalunya's independence, that he wears Catalunya's flag everytime he wins a title and the fact that we made the treble makes it really hard to swallow for Spanish fans, particularly the one's who live in Castilla, Andalusia etc.

But tonight there was a lot of Madridistas at the stadium. We heard many times songs in favor of Madrid players "Iiiiisco" and "Sergio Ramos".

Actually, Pique isn't infavour of Catalunya's independence. I mean, while he hasn't said it out loud, he has implied it when he said that separating Catalunya and Spain would hurt both of them.


Estonian Culé
Pique: "What hurt us the most was the goal from the corner because last year we dealt with these situations well."


Active member
bet your ass it hurt, it was complete bullshit, Adriano looked like he was pushed by the Hulk, (foul could have been called) and that ball hit Rooney in the head.

Reminded me of less fortunate days, back when we missed clear chances and the opposition took a bullshit lead, after a messed up corner or free kick. But either way, an irrelevant friendly and should drive our boys into focus.


Senior Member

Saw this on twitter.

A Marvel comics artist imagined Piqué as a superhero.

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