Gerardo "Tata" Martino

IMO, Tata's a good coach (though he fucked up big time against Sociedad, and not just on the motivation part), but he may not be what we need. He doesn't seem to be that good when it comes to motivation, which is probably what the team need most.

We either need to overhaul the squad with hungrier players or get a coach who can motivate our current players. At least that's what it feels like to me right now.

And getting a coach who can motivate our current players would be difficult considering even Pep requested a clearout of the squad...
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Senior Member
his celta team play some good football and are safe from relegation. the roma episode is debatable. you think that pep would have had the same success if his career started at that roma side?

i'm am not expecting enrique to be the "next pep". i'm expecting an evolution. the only similarity between them would have been the knowledge about the club and system.


Senior Member
IMO, Tata's a good coach (though he fucked up big time against Sociedad, and not just on the motivation part), but he may not be what we need. He doesn't seem to be that good when it comes to motivation, which is probably what the team need most.

We either need to overhaul the squad with hungrier players or get a coach who can motivate our current players. At least that's what it feels like to me right now.

And getting a coach who can motivate our current players would be difficult considering even Pep requested a clearout of the squad...

This motivation thing is a little overrated. This side has long lost its motivation-there is nothing Tata can say or do to kick start them. The motivation for great athletes and teams comes from WITHIN. It is an end of a cycle for this team. Ahuge clear out beckons.

If you get another coach we will make an unstable situation even worse.

I think Tata will resign at the end of the season come what may. He's not enjoying the constant criticism and negativity. He is an intelligent and proud man.

Any manager worth his salt would know that Barca need a plan B and a few tweaks here and there. To play one way all the time against ALL opponents is madness.

Sadly the club, the players and the fans are still stuck in the past.

Time to look forward. There is no Pep like saviour out there. We have to be more rational.


Senior Member
I think our fitness level is more of a problem than motivation.
We don't have as near high pressing as before, intensity has dropped, some of our players don't run enough (yes Messi also no matter God status), also they look very soft. Example Pique, there was that video in which he overtook CR in sprint, that's not that important even, he doesn't need to be that fast, but he has become little princess on skates, he gets outmuscled by everyone.


New member
I hope this isn't the end of the rotation policy.
I would make what I call "depleted groups" at the start of a season. A group of players that often are together when Barca come up against the weakest third of teams. My aim is to keep the best players as fresh as possible and making the best use out of my less important squad members. Predictable yes however at least the section of players would have good team Chemistry. My example I would am using today is a midfield trio of Roberto~Song~Dos Santos. Laugh if you like but remember Football is a team sport and keeping that group of players together is highly beneficial for the trios Team Chemistry that we must not underestimate the power of.
I think we need to remember also > For an individual to make the Barcelona squad he must have some very high quality to him . . . .that quality simply needs to be used properly.


New member
Someone might say what about injuries for example to a Montoya~ Puyol~Batra~Adriano combo? having to change the Combos because of Puyol unavailability?
That dampers plans unfortunately. Too risky to shove one of the Youth members straight into the starting line up. Even against Almeria. My only solution is to gently introduce him game time when possible.
The reality of my idea of keeping a "depleted combo" is not possible all season long because of squad Injuries. However this plan happening at any stage of the season at least even for a short time I believe would help the squad.


Senior Member
The greatest team ever is already broken... They are living in the past, which is dangerous.
I don't think a drastic overhaul is needed, yet. Just someone bold enough to make a few changes. Starting with a #9, and playing messi behind him or as rw. False 9 can still be used, but the team needs versatility. Barça don't have that anymore.
A great cm/dm to cover for Xavi/Busi is needed too. And a top cb, to give pique competiton or bench him. 2 cbs would be the ideal. But none of that will work without a brave coach.

I agree.

And i would add: RB or LB: Alves or Alba should be sold. I choose Alba over Alves, because he is younger and at the moment better than Alves, Alves best days are gone. We need a RB like Abidal, tall and physically strong: one of our greatest weakness is our lack of height.
Concerning the striker, Mario Mandzukic would be a very good for us.
But as you said, none of that will work without a brave coach.


New member
I watch them every week, and yes they are very good atm. The question is if you watch them?

Actually I live in Paris :) So yes I watch them, and I can't tell you that they are over-rated. Ligue 1 is a joke and in C1 they haven't face any serious opponent for the moment. They couldn't win twice against Monaco . I think that you're the one who's not watching them.


New member
Alves's best days didn't look gone on Tuesday night!

How often does he have a match like that though? He has a really high top-level, but we so rarely get to see it anymore because he is a part of the group of unmotivated players who has lost their hunger, so these performances where he's sharp, focused and hungry are getting few and far between. We shouldn't forget how often he's been absolutely abysmal this season just because of one performance where he played at the level he always played at years ago.
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Senior Member
It's not only about the players though... The directives, fans and especially the press are still living the past too...

I really can't believe how much stick has Tata received from the press from day one, mistakes aside, everything he's tried to improve the team has met strong resistance from everyone... So it's not only about being brave, because I think Tata has been, it's also about having the right conditions to do your job... Needless to say, that doesn't mean that he should be left off the hook when he screws up...

So whoever comes next, or if he continues next season, should have a proper environment, one that doesn't have every single detail questioned, and in order to do that people need to understand that the golden generation can't last forever, that La Masia can't keep producing world class talent every single season, that possession does not mean everything, that an alternative direct approach isn't a spawn from hell and so on... The club, fans and press need to look forward instead of backwards and move on, which doesn't mean disregarding values and ideas, but transforming them to fit the needs of the present...

Spot on.

And considering the squad, well this isn't the squad Tata wanted. Just like it wasn't the squad that Tito wanted, nor the squad that Pep wanted. The team hasn't been balanced for years now and some hard decisions will come our way.
And everyone, before criticizing Tata, even when it's justified, should always take into consideration that this squad is flawed on a fundamental level and that tactical decisions are therefore limited. Subsequently, some negative outcomes are to be expected.
On another note, people have no idea how hard it is to stay on top for years, week in week out, playing against teams who want to make their day kicking Barca in the nuts (metaphorically speaking :D ), not to mention the senseless agression and all other other crap that was always bound to wear the players down over time.
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Senior Member
They need someone that is not scared to make big decisions.

The squad is becoming stale and the same players are playing week in week out and look to be coasting along.

Might be time to overhaul the squad and promote some of the younger hungrier players but it wont happen as any manager and any board are scared stiff og being seen to be the ones who broke up the 'greatest team ever'.

I agree. We should be ready to enter new era. 2014 should be 2009. We just need to find either a) an accomplished, world class manager (Klopp might do) or b) a former Barca glory with obvious managerial skills (this is a bet though, one that could go sour). Cycles usually last 5 years. The Ronaldinho, Giuly, Eto'o, Deco era lasted from 2004 to 2008-9. Then, in 2008, Pep came and built a new team. It's time to do the same.
This motivation thing is a little overrated. This side has long lost its motivation-there is nothing Tata can say or do to kick start them. The motivation for great athletes and teams comes from WITHIN. It is an end of a cycle for this team. Ahuge clear out beckons.

If you get another coach we will make an unstable situation even worse.

I think Tata will resign at the end of the season come what may. He's not enjoying the constant criticism and negativity. He is an intelligent and proud man.

Any manager worth his salt would know that Barca need a plan B and a few tweaks here and there. To play one way all the time against ALL opponents is madness.

Sadly the club, the players and the fans are still stuck in the past.

Time to look forward. There is no Pep like saviour out there. We have to be more rational.

Yeah, I'm also leaning towards overhauling the squad rather than getting a new coach. Tata seems to be good tactically so far (though he's fucked up massively a couple of times), so I think he should do well with a hungry and motivated squad. I just hope he has the balls to do what must be done if we keep him (and that the board give him the freedom to do so).
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