Gerardo "Tata" Martino


San Claudio Bravo
Gotta hand it to Poor_Sunyol. Where is him, btw?
He called this from the start.

I think it's possible the board sack him. It's a move to try and save face.

What do you mean save face? On what?

Firing Martino now would be about as monumentally stupid and just beyond irrational a decision as you could ever fathom. It's not like this team is in danger of relegation or even missing UCL next season. What could possibly possess the board to fire him now?


Culé de Celestial Empire
No need to become all nostalgic :D

What vids like these fail to tell is that Barca drew 6 games and lost 5 in the treble winning season. And unlike the current squad, that team actually was hungry, balanced and still had a trophy room to fill and a point to prove. And while we're at it, the treble winning team didn't tiki taka; they were a lot more direct than many people seem to remember.
Don't get me wrong, it was no fluke to win that treble; but a Real Madrid that sucked ass that season and a bit of luck in the CL surely helped.
It took Pep years of work, numerous changes in formation and tactics, experiments with transfers, slaughtering the odd holy cow / getting rid of deadwood and integrating fresh players into the squad to finally come to his ultimate Barca, that of the 10/11 season. His success justified everything he did in the end; but would the board have backed him if the team didn't win anything in between; in other words, would they have given him time to make overdue changes ? I think we know the answer. But the changes themselves would have been correct, no matter the decision.

At this point, as others have pointed out, many things are in disorder and Barca is in transition; hence the coach, whoever it is, will need time. A lot of it.
The board needs to decide whether they actually have balls and support the coach, give him a reasonable budget and a free hand to regroup the roster in the summer. Or they could cop out and haul the next coach in which, I can guarentee you, will lead to even worse results.

Bravo. Couldn't have said it better. :worthy:

It is crazy that the board might consider sacking Tata. I know many cules are angry and frustrated, so am I, but you have to give the guy time and adequate resources to do his job. Are we going to sack every coach who can't deliver the La Liga trophy in his very first season with us? If that's the case, we are going to have a new coach every season which will do much more harm to our club than anything else. There won't be anything coherent left. It will be a mess.

Have a little bit more patience and confidence, will you, my fellow cules and the board?


What do you mean save face? On what?

Firing Martino now would be about as monumentally stupid and just beyond irrational a decision as you could ever fathom. It's not like this team is in danger of relegation or even missing UCL next season. What could possibly possess the board to fire him now?

Save face on the blame of why this is happening. Losing a liga after being 5 points clear, playing so badly lately, etc. But maybe they'll wait until city's game.


San Claudio Bravo
Save face on the blame of why this is happening. Losing a liga after being 5 points clear, playing so badly lately, etc. But maybe they'll wait until city's game.

Well that's not saving face then. That's just blaming Martino outright. And that's also throwing the towel. Barcelona are one Madrid slip away from back to controlling their own destiny. What kind of message a bullshit move like this would send to everyone.

Barcelona are very much still in every single competition. Firing Martino now would quickly catapult that decision into the top of the all time stupid moves made by the club.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Well that's not saving face then. That's just blaming Martino outright. And that's also throwing the towel. Barcelona are one Madrid slip away from back to controlling their own destiny. What kind of message a bullshit move like this would send to everyone.

Barcelona are very much still in every single competition. Firing Martino now would quickly catapult that decision into the top of the all time stupid moves made by the club.

Exactly. We might have lost the league, but we are very much still in the CdR and the CL. Firing Tata now will guarantee that we will come away with nothing.


Well that's not saving face then. That's just blaming Martino outright. And that's also throwing the towel. Barcelona are one Madrid slip away from back to controlling their own destiny. What kind of message a bullshit move like this would send to everyone.

Barcelona are very much still in every single competition. Firing Martino now would quickly catapult that decision into the top of the all time stupid moves made by the club.

Saving their faces means blaming it all on Tata, yes. That's why I wouldn't put past them. We can't also forget the possibility Tata resigns. In his last press conference he looked tired of all the bs that comes with the job.


San Claudio Bravo
Saving their faces means blaming it all on Tata, yes. That's why I wouldn't put past them. We can't also forget the possibility Tata resigns. In his last press conference he looked tired of all the bs that comes with the job.

That'll be really sad, Flavia. That kind of move would pretty much headshot kill, lock in a casket and bury any minimal hope we fans had that these people would get their shit together next season and make the right moves for this team.

Furthermore this would be a really shitty thing to do to someone like Martino who has by all accounts been an exemplary person. It would be yet another nearsighted and dimwitted decision on what is turning out to be a long and growing list.


San Claudio Bravo
I really do hope this does not happen. This would be yet another thing that would tarnish the reputation of this club.


New member
But if we lose on Wed and then the Clasico then what? Where does it end ? It's like a deep cut that won't stop bleeding. It's disappointing it's gotten this bad.

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