Gerardo "Tata" Martino


Senior Member
In the worst season of Pep(who according to you only put players on the pitch and didn't had any tactical variations) we had as many points after 27 rounds as we have right I don't know why would you give him as an example if he was only someone who had the players do all the job for him. Also with Tito we won a league because we made 100 points..and we made those points even if we had a draw and a loss in the league against RM.

So according to you we won so many points in the first half of season because Tata is a genius, but now we're so poor because the players don't want to win anymore.

Pep is gone. Stop bringing up the past. I am only mentioning Pep because even he couldn't motivate them in his last season.

How come we started the season so sharp?? We were back pressing and looking sharp. Tata even managed to get the best out of players like Alexis, Pedro and Cesc. Alexis and Pedro were pitiful last season. If Messi hadn't been in God like form last season we wouldn't have won La Liga. Witness how crap we were against Bayern and Real last season. What tactics did Tito use against RM and Bayern?? Nothing. So far we have beaten the bigger teams in the big games this season. That WAS NOT happening under Tito.


Pep is gone. Stop bringing up the past. I am only mentioning Pep because even he couldn't motivate them in his last season.

How come we started the season so sharp?? We were back pressing and looking sharp. Tata even managed to get the best out of players like Alexis, Pedro and Cesc. Alexis and Pedro were pitiful last season. If Messi hadn't been in God like form last season we wouldn't have won La Liga. Witness how crap we were against Bayern and Real last season. What tactics did Tito use against RM and Bayern?? Nothing. So far we have beaten the bigger teams in the big games this season. That WAS NOT happening under Tito.

Beaten bigger teams? We havent beaten atletico once and have scored only one goal in the meetings, real madrid? We should be thankful that madrid was still not well gelled and carlo made a tactical mistake, even then, they almost waged a comeback, ac milan? The first match was a draw, the second match busi was offside and the peno shouldnt have been given, it was a dive by neymar, Man city? Well we will see on wednesday! If man city score the first goal probably from a set piece,they will go for the jugular,and we have given them a tactical guide with how valladolid match went


New member
How about something constructive? I suppose we should sack Tata and bring someone like AVB in?
Please feel free to sound out your ideas

Where have I said this? My idea is that all you have said until now is that Tata is a genius, so he's the one who should be having ideas instead of going from being at +6pts from RM in round 14 at -3pts(possibliy -6) in round 27.

All you bring to the table is "Pep is a God, sack Tata"

No, all I bring to the table is what you have said until now. And please show me where have I said that Pep is a god and that Tata should be sacked.


Senior Member
Where have I said this? My idea is that all you have said until now is that Tata is a genius, so he's the one who should be having ideas instead of going from being at +6pts from RM in round 14 at -3pts(possibliy -6) in round 27.

No, all I bring to the table is what you have said until now. And please show me where have I said that Pep is a god and that Tata should be sacked.

He is not a genius but he's brought something different to the table. Too bad we didn't get Lucho. A million passes sideways and back would have warmed your heart. I said Martino had actually brought some positive output from Alexis, Cesc and Pedro. He handled Neymar well too.

I cant put a finger on it but in the New Year things have gone downhill-FAST. Tata has to shoulder some of the blame because he is the boss but the players have showed no fight or passion whatsoever.


Danger Ahead
Just finished watching the game, and I see we already have the poll on who will replace Tata, that was fast :lol: It was totally embarrassing I must say, but I still have faith in Tata, let's just concentrate on CL for now.


Still faith in tata? Well, theres only two tounaments left, copa, where real is the favorite, and cl, where we need enormous luck to reach the finals. La liga was our main objective and our biggest possibility considering all the weak teams. Tata failed, and I dont think a victory in copa can save his ass, because not only are we losing, we are also playing bad. Painfully bad.


Active member
Tata has to be given the chance to bring in his own players. There has been a problem with the team for a few years now, and Tata can't fix them until he can buy players.

We need 2 new centre backs, a midfielder and a different type of forward. If Tata is given the opportunity to bring them in in the summer then I think he can be a huge success.

Pep was backed by Laporta, Ancelotti was backed by Perez and Mourinho was backed by Abramovic. Tata should be backed by the board otherwise why hire him?

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People want to sack him after half a year... Give him some time at least till the end of the summer transfer window


New member
Still faith in tata? Well, theres only two tounaments left, copa, where real is the favorite, and cl, where we need enormous luck to reach the finals. La liga was our main objective and our biggest possibility considering all the weak teams. Tata failed, and I dont think a victory in copa can save his ass, because not only are we losing, we are also playing bad. Painfully bad.

How has he failed? The league isn't even over yet. What if Madrid loses to Levante tonight? You're all going to be like "Oh yay, I knew this all the time! Now we can win the league again!"


How has he failed? The league isn't even over yet. What if Madrid loses to Levante tonight? You're all going to be like "Oh yay, I knew this all the time! Now we can win the league again!"

Losing is one thing! But the truth is we are playing horrible


New member
He is not a genius but he's brought something different to the table. Too bad we didn't get Lucho. A million passes sideways and back would have warmed your heart. I said Martino had actually brought some positive output from Alexis, Cesc and Pedro. He handled Neymar well too.

Again, how do you know that? How do you know what I think about AVB or Lucho when I haven't said anything about them?
And I'll tell you what warms my heart: a coach that has clear ideas and tries to implement them..and a team that plays good football, irrespective of the style. But I'm not seeing any of them right now.


Senior Member
people still insisting that its the players and not the coach I see

and before I go any further can we please stop dragging pep's name through he mud with shit like even he couldn't motivate the players in his last season,every single game under pep those players came out and player, every single game.

the only thing that happen under pep, is that in his last season, he tried to evolve the team too quickly and it failed in some of the smaller games, thats it.

as it relates to our current situation, yes their needs to be some new blood pumped in the team, A blind man could see this, but to say TATA is anything more than a average manager, who could at most win us a league title 6 years ago when you didn't need a 100 points to win the league.

is to say tito was great before the 7-0 embarrassment, which I suspect many who are saying its just the players, where saying about tito as well.

if it were just the players you wouldn't see the same failure in the system time and time again, the total lack of synergy in the midfield when iniesta is absent,, if it were just the players, we wouldn't have seen a huge dip inform since the return of the greatest player ever.

tata is a good tactician, but for barca to be barca, we have always needed more than this, his little tactics can let average players be greater than the some of their parts in Argentina and south america.

but its a totally different thing to bring together some of the best players in the world, for that you need more than tactics. you need them to be willing to jump of a bridge because they trust you and your system completely. and clearly this is not the case

the most we will ever achieve with Tata even if we get him the players he needs, his a League title. nothing more

we will never build a dynasty
we will never truly be hated or loved

we will basically become city under mancini. a good team, with great players, that you respect but that's it.

FC Barcelona is more than that.

but as I said, to be more starts from that top and with our current board, this will likely never happen,

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