Gerardo "Tata" Martino


President of FC Barcelona
I think the board will convince him to stay. He'll get another chance because the ''excuse'' for this bad season is that so many things happened outside the pitch. Barca is not that kind of player whick sacks a coach after one season and even if Tata wants to resign, the board will convince him to stay, I'm sure about that.

Doesn't seem like he wants to stay himself though. This board will probably throw him under the bus to "save" themselves. Hopefully they'll get ousted as well.


New member
Doesn't seem like he wants to stay himself though. This board will probably throw him under the bus to "save" themselves. Hopefully they'll get ousted as well.

If they do, they better have a World Class manager in place then. Valverde,Lucho, De Boer aren't going to cut it, IMO. Especially if the team go Trophyless (most likely). If the board stays, they must react.


Senior Member
Our problems are bigger than Tata. Yes he's made mistakes but for 2 seasons now, the club has failed miserably from a management perspective. Zubizuretta has been an utter failure and i dare say has been negligent in the performance of his duties. We failed to act appropriately in the transfer window for the past 2 seasons despite knowing fully well we needed to bolster the team, particularly in defense. The club should have anticipated that with Puyol aging, we needed to supplement our backline which now consists of Pique, a young Bartra and Masch. Instead, what has now become apparant is that the entire summer was devoted and budgeted around the signing of Neymar, meaning that we could not adequately reinforce the team then and in the january transfer window. This is a serious indictment on the board and raises flags about their ability to continue governing this club. The position we are in today is a result of poor planning, bad decision making and a lack of vision from management.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Klopp please.



New member
A new manager, any manager, would be of no use with the current board. Start with the board and then let's move on.
A new manager, any manager, would be of no use with the current board. Start with the board and then let's move on.

Actually, I agree. We need a new coach, but we need a new board more than anything. Whoever this board chooses as our coach will probably be a shitty choice anyway. Get a new board and let them decide who the new coach will be.
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New member
Tata needs to leave. We need someone with passion and charisma. We need a motivator, a tactician, a monster.

We need Klopp.


Yes, klopp!!! Please! But dortmund is better than us at the moment, so why move to Barcelona? Just fire tata, he isnt doing anyone a favour with staying. Give klopp everything he asks for, cars, hair transplantation:).....
Yes, klopp!!! Please! But dortmund is better than us at the moment, so why move to Barcelona? Just fire tata, he isnt doing anyone a favour with staying. Give klopp everything he asks for, cars, hair transplantation:).....

I think you're talking about last season. They've been shit this season. They had a shitload of injuries, but still.

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