Gerardo "Tata" Martino


New member
I said it a few days ago and I'll say it again, every player needs a coach who is able to tell them what to do, give them clear instructions, motivate them and implement a system where everyone has to fight for his spot and not the players with the biggest names, but the players who perform best play the important games. Those are all things I don't see. I don't know whether he's not a good enough coach or he just crumbles under pressure but to me, it's clear as day that he's not up to the task and it doesn't even seem that he has the club's let alone the players's support.


Danger Ahead
I said it a few days ago and I'll say it again, every player needs a coach who is able to tell them what to do, give them clear instructions, motivate them and implement a system where everyone has to fight for his spot and not the players with the biggest names, but the players who perform best play the important games. Those are all things I don't see. I don't know whether he's not a good enough coach or he just crumbles under pressure but to me, it's clear as day that he's not up to the task and it doesn't even seem that he has the club's let alone the players's support.

Spot on and I may add - the coach who has authority over players and not the other way around. If the players are teaching the coach how are things around here so it's obvious that he is not up to the task.
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New member

Jan Aage Fjortoft ‏@JanAageFjortoft 13m
Klopp to Barcelona -rumour!!!!

I have been told: He will stay in Dortmund!!!!

MD is also reporting that a person close to the club has denied they want Klopp to replace Martino. Never trust Sport.


Dortmund had 29% possession against Bayern and still won 3-0. Pep and Barca's style is being found out.

Wtf is with barca fans and "being found out," and "predictability." Every other team in Europe doesn't consider changing style when they get out played and lose one game, so why do our fans think it's the only option?

Dortmund beat bayern because bayern are already in party mode, they are still 17 pts clear after that loss right?..yeah it's obviously tiki taka failing against world football.

Tiki taka took 3 years to be "found out," I wonder why all other styles of football haven't been found out over 100 years?


Lemon curry?
Lol, I dislike him, I really do considering how arrogant he is and im saying that after having met him, but he is quite reliable regarding stuff from and to Germany.

Well. He mostly "breaks" news a few hours after they're out, most of the time. That was the case with Götze, Özil. The only "ITK" stuff he posted so far has been Draxler to Bayern, which was wrong (but he did well to talk his way out of it).

But Sport's Klopp story is bs of course. That they write that we're considering activating Reus' buy-out clause this summer says it all, as he doesn't have a clause this year. :lol:


New member
Well. He mostly "breaks" news a few hours after they're out, most of the time. That was the case with Götze, Özil. The only "ITK" stuff he posted so far has been Draxler to Bayern, which was wrong (but he did well to talk his way out of it).

But Sport's Klopp story is bs of course. That they write that we're considering activating Reus' buy-out clause this summer says it all, as he doesn't have a clause this year. :lol:

I'd think they mean we're going to offer the buyout amount a year early to match what they'd end up getting anyway. But i'm sure some other team will offer more anyway.


President of FC Barcelona
This is so retarded that im not gonna believe it one bit. You'd think he's under a slave contract.

The contract of Tata Martino expires in 2015. If Barcelona or Martino want to end the contract before, they have to pay the other 5M. [md]


Senior Member
Lol this board continues to hit new lows. The socis have to move NOW and force fresh elections. Otherwise we are going to struggle BIG TIME IN THE NEXT FEW SEASONS!
I hope we don't go for a no name coach again. These past 2 seasons, Bayern have had Heynckes and Pep, Real have had Mourinho and Ancelotti, Dortmund have had Klopp, and we've had... Tito and Tata. One with no prior experience whatsoever, and the other straight out of South America. I don't think Tata's been too bad for someone fresh out of South America, but he's not what we need, and he's just not as good as what the other top teams have.

Getting a no name coach worked with Pep, but that was the exception to the rule. It hasn't really worked with Tito and Tata.

Anyways, we need someone who:

-Plays players based on form rather than reputation. You play like shit and the guy on the bench outperforms you, you get benched until you get your form back.
-Will be fairly faithful to tiki-taka, but is flexible and not afraid to change things around tactically (4-3-3 not working? Change the formation. Tiki-taka not working? Try an alternative approach like crossing to a #9 or counter attacks (we'll need some new players for this though). Tbf, Tata hasn't been too bad about this).
-Can make changes through the course of a game to swing it in our favor.
-Will motivate our players and make them give their all, especially in big games.
-Won't take shit from the media.
-Won't take shit from the players.

And yes, I know the coach isn't the only problem. He's not even the biggest problem: the board is. The squad's needs reinforcing too. Some are aging/declining, some are just unmotivated, and there's not enough depth, so the spots of the starters aren't under any real danger, even if they play like shit. And then there's the whole CB issue.
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New member
I hope we don't go for a no name coach again. These past 2 seasons, Bayern have had Heynckes and Pep, Real have had Mourinho and Ancelotti, Dortmund have had Klopp, and we've had... Tito and Tata. One with no prior experience whatsoever, and the other straight out of South America. I don't think Tata's been too bad for someone fresh out of South America, but he's not what we need, and he's just not as good as what the other top teams have.
Getting a no name coach worked with Pep, but that was the exception to the rule. It hasn't really worked with Tito and Tata.
And yes, I know the coach isn't the only problem. He's not even the biggest problem: the board is.

Well, after Cruyff(Pep) we had Rexach(Tito) and Robson(Tata)..then came Van Gaal. I wonder who is going to be Bartomeu's Van Gaal.


Danger Ahead
Currently Van Gaal is out of job, it is rumored that he is waiting for Moyes to leave but it could be that he wants Barca to contact him.

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